TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
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Laos::LaosSe Class Reference

This class represents the geometry of one the 8 (or 12) SE's. More...

#include <LaosSe.h>

Collaboration diagram for Laos::LaosSe:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 LaosSe (const enum Lics::Sid sdx, const enum Laos::AOType ghws, short no)
Nice::Point homeFum () const
 Construct the global coordinates of the home position (microns). More...
std::string toString () const
 the usual SExx string. More...
Nice::NicePolygon cntrFum (const Nice::Point &pt) const
 construct the contour of the arm. More...
 LaosSe (const enum Lics::Sid sdx, const enum Laos::AOType ghws, short no)
Nice::Point homeFum () const
std::string toString () const
Nice::NicePolygon cntrFum (const Nice::Point &pt) const

Public Attributes

Lics::LicsIIFSide s
 The flag that indicates sx or dx. More...
Laos::LaosSeAOType typ
 The flag that indicates gws or hws. More...
Nice::WMatrix wm
 The conversion matrix and offset that transfroms from the local (steps) to global F (Microns) coordinates. More...
Nice::WMatrix wi
 The inverse of the conversion tranformation. More...
Nice::Point tr_x
 The travel range of motor along x (steps) More...
Nice::Point tr_y
 The travel range of the motor along y (steps) More...
Nice::Point cfgPos
 The current position in the configuration file. More...
short idx
 The 0-based number of the individual SE in the range 0-7 (HWS) or 0-11 (GWS) More...
bool enabled
 The ENABLED flag of the configuration file. More...
Nice::NicePolygon contour
 The 2D contour relevant to collision detection. More...

Detailed Description

This class represents the geometry of one the 8 (or 12) SE's.

It serves to describe the reachable region in the focal plane of the GWS or MHWS.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LaosSe() [1/2]

Laos::LaosSe::LaosSe ( const enum Lics::Sid  sdx,
const enum Laos::AOType  ghws,
short  no 

Standard ctor.

sdxThe flag for DX or SX.
ghwsThe flag for HWS or GWS.
noThe integer in the standad 1-8 or 1-12 range.

◆ LaosSe() [2/2]

Laos::LaosSe::LaosSe ( const enum Lics::Sid  sdx,
const enum Laos::AOType  ghws,
short  no 

Member Function Documentation

◆ cntrFum() [1/2]

Nice::NicePolygon Laos::LaosSe::cntrFum ( const Nice::Point pt) const

construct the contour of the arm.

[in]ptThe position of the head in units of steps. This is relative to the x=y=0 position in the coordinate transform.
The polyline in units of F coordinates (microns)

◆ cntrFum() [2/2]

Nice::NicePolygon Laos::LaosSe::cntrFum ( const Nice::Point pt) const

◆ homeFum() [1/2]

Nice::Point Laos::LaosSe::homeFum ( ) const

◆ homeFum() [2/2]

Nice::Point Laos::LaosSe::homeFum ( ) const

Construct the global coordinates of the home position (microns).

The name indicates that the point is returned in F (focal plane) in microns.


◆ toString() [1/2]

std::string Laos::LaosSe::toString ( ) const

the usual SExx string.

a string in the format SE01 up to SE12.

◆ toString() [2/2]

std::string Laos::LaosSe::toString ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ cfgPos

Nice::Point Laos::LaosSe::cfgPos

The current position in the configuration file.

Useful information for collision detection if the motor is disabled.


◆ contour

Nice::NicePolygon Laos::LaosSe::contour

The 2D contour relevant to collision detection.

This represents the contour in a reference position when the arm is placed at x=y=0.

◆ enabled

bool Laos::LaosSe::enabled

The ENABLED flag of the configuration file.

◆ idx

short Laos::LaosSe::idx

The 0-based number of the individual SE in the range 0-7 (HWS) or 0-11 (GWS)

◆ s

Lics::LicsIIFSide Laos::LaosSe::s

The flag that indicates sx or dx.

◆ tr_x

Nice::Point Laos::LaosSe::tr_x

The travel range of motor along x (steps)

◆ tr_y

Nice::Point Laos::LaosSe::tr_y

The travel range of the motor along y (steps)

◆ typ

Laos::LaosSeAOType Laos::LaosSe::typ

The flag that indicates gws or hws.

◆ wi

Nice::WMatrix Laos::LaosSe::wi

The inverse of the conversion tranformation.

◆ wm

Nice::WMatrix Laos::LaosSe::wm

The conversion matrix and offset that transfroms from the local (steps) to global F (Microns) coordinates.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: