TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Types | List of all members
Laos::BcuData Class Reference

#include <BcuData.h>

Inheritance diagram for Laos::BcuData:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Laos::BcuData:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 BcuData ()
 BcuData (const Basda::ImageHeader &_header)
 BcuData (const Nice::Size &_size)
 BcuData ()
 BcuData (const Basda::ImageHeader &_header)
 BcuData (const Nice::Size &_size)
 BcuData ()
 BcuData (const Basda::ImageHeader &_header)
 BcuData (const Nice::Size &_size)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Basda::Image< Nice::U16 >
 Image ()
 Image (const ImageVar &_image)
 Image (const Basda::ImageHeader &_header)
 Image (const Nice::Size &_size)
 Image (const Nice::Size &_size, int _bin)
 Image (const Nice::Rect &_rect)
 Image (const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref)
 Image (const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref, int _bin)
 Image (const Nice::U16 *_data, const Basda::ImageHeader &_header)
 Image (const Nice::U16 *_data, const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref=Nice::Point(0, 0), int _bin=1)
 Image (const SeqType &_data, const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref=Nice::Point(0, 0), int _bin=1)
 Image ()
 Image (const ImageVar &_image)
 Image (const Basda::ImageHeader &_header)
 Image (const Nice::Size &_size)
 Image (const Nice::Size &_size, int _bin)
 Image (const Nice::Rect &_rect)
 Image (const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref)
 Image (const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref, int _bin)
 Image (const Nice::U16 *_data, const Basda::ImageHeader &_header)
 Image (const Nice::U16 *_data, const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref=Nice::Point(0, 0), int _bin=1)
 Image (const SeqType &_data, const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref=Nice::Point(0, 0), int _bin=1)
 Image ()
 Image (const ImageVar &_image)
 Image (const Basda::ImageHeader &_header)
 Image (const Nice::Size &_size)
 Image (const Nice::Size &_size, int _bin)
 Image (const Nice::Rect &_rect)
 Image (const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref)
 Image (const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref, int _bin)
 Image (const Nice::U16 *_data, const Basda::ImageHeader &_header)
 Image (const Nice::U16 *_data, const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref=Nice::Point(0, 0), int _bin=1)
 Image (const SeqType &_data, const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref=Nice::Point(0, 0), int _bin=1)
bool loadFits (const std::string &_filename, size_t _index=0)
bool loadFits (const std::string &_filename, size_t _index=0)
bool loadFits (const std::string &_filename, size_t _index=0)
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
Basda::ImageType type ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsType ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
int fitsDepth ()
virtual ~Image ()
virtual ~Image ()
virtual ~Image ()
void swap (Image< Nice::U16 > &)
void swap (Image< Nice::U16 > &)
void swap (Image< Nice::U16 > &)
SeqType getAllPixels ()
SeqType getAllPixels ()
SeqType getAllPixels ()
 operator ImageBase ()
 operator ImageBase ()
 operator ImageBase ()
ImageBase toImageBase ()
ImageBase toImageBase ()
ImageBase toImageBase ()
int pix_size () const
int pix_size () const
int pix_size () const
bool load (const char *, const char *=0, int=-1)
bool load (const char *, const char *=0, int=-1)
bool load (const char *, const char *=0, int=-1)
void save (const char *, const char *)
void save (const char *, const char *)
void save (const char *, const char *)
bool saveFits (const std::string &_filename)
 Write the data as an image into the primary HDU of a FITS file. More...
bool saveFits (const std::string &_filename)
bool saveFits (const std::string &_filename)
bool saveFits (const std::string &filename)
bool saveFits (const std::string &)
bool saveFits (const std::string &filename)
bool saveFits (const std::string &)
bool saveFits (const std::string &filename)
bool saveFitsWithCards (const std::string &_filename, Basda::VinoFitsCardBox *fcards=0)
 Write the data as an image into the primary HDU of a FITS file. More...
bool saveFitsWithCards (const std::string &_filename, Basda::VinoFitsCardBox *fcards=0)
bool saveFitsWithCards (const std::string &_filename, Basda::VinoFitsCardBox *fcards=0)
bool addFits (fitsfile *_fitshd)
bool addFits (fitsfile *_fitshd)
bool addFits (fitsfile *_fitshd)
const Nice::U16getPix (size_t colIndx, size_t rowIndx) const
const Nice::U16getPix (size_t colIndx, size_t rowIndx) const
const Nice::U16getPix (size_t colIndx, size_t rowIndx) const
void setPix (size_t colIndx, size_t rowIndx, const Nice::U16 &_pix)
void setPix (size_t colIndx, size_t rowIndx, const Nice::U16 &_pix)
void setPix (size_t colIndx, size_t rowIndx, const Nice::U16 &_pix)
Nice::U16data ()
const Nice::U16data () const
Nice::U16data ()
const Nice::U16data () const
Nice::U16data ()
const Nice::U16data () const
Nice::U16pix (size_t colIndx, size_t rowIndx)
const Nice::U16pix (size_t colIndx, size_t rowIndx) const
Nice::U16pix (size_t colIndx, size_t rowIndx)
const Nice::U16pix (size_t colIndx, size_t rowIndx) const
Nice::U16pix (size_t colIndx, size_t rowIndx)
const Nice::U16pix (size_t colIndx, size_t rowIndx) const
Imagecrop (const Image &_src, const Nice::Rect &_window, int _bin=1)
 Generate a new image by cropping this existing one. If the window parameter has the same size and origin as this image, the function effectively just re-bins the existing rectangle by co-adding values of the existing pixels. More...
Imagecrop (const Image &_src, const Nice::Rect &_window, int _bin=1)
Imagecrop (const Image &_src, const Nice::Rect &_window, int _bin=1)
Imagefill (Nice::U16 _val)
 Fill all pixels with a constant value. More...
Imagefill (Nice::U16 _val)
Imagefill (Nice::U16 _val)
Imagenoise (double _dist)
Imagenoise (double _dist)
Imagenoise (double _dist)
Imagestar (const Nice::Point &_p, double _radius, double _scale)
Imagestar (const Nice::Point &_p, double _radius, double _scale)
Imagestar (const Nice::Point &_p, double _radius, double _scale)
Imagecircle (const Nice::Point &_p, double _radius, Nice::U16 _val, bool _filled=false)
Imagecircle (const Nice::Point &_p, double _radius, Nice::U16 _val, bool _filled=false)
Imagecircle (const Nice::Point &_p, double _radius, Nice::U16 _val, bool _filled=false)
bool operator== (const Image &_image)
bool operator== (const Image &_image)
bool operator== (const Image &_image)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Basda::ImageBase
 ImageBase ()
virtual ~ImageBase ()
std::string getRawImageAsString ()
size_t bytes () const
ImageType typeId () const
void setCameraId (int _id)
int cameraId () const
void setChanId (int _id)
int chanId () const
void setSeqNum (int _seq)
int seqNum () const
void setExpoDate (const Nice::Date &_date)
Nice::Date expoDate () const
void setExpoMode (Basda::ExpoModeType _mode)
Basda::ExpoModeType expoMode () const
void setProgram (Nice::Int _prg)
Nice::Int program () const
void setGain (Nice::Int _gain)
Nice::Int gain () const
void setExpoTime (Nice::Time _time)
Nice::Time expoTime () const
void setWCS (Nice::WMatrix _wcs)
Nice::WMatrix wcs () const
bool isValid () const
int width () const
int height () const
int bin () const
Nice::Size size () const
Nice::Point crpix () const
void setBounding (const Nice::Size &_b)
Nice::Size bounding () const
int pixels () const
const Basda::ImageHeaderheader () const
const Basda::ImageDatarawdata () const
 ImageBase ()
virtual ~ImageBase ()
std::string getRawImageAsString ()
size_t bytes () const
ImageType typeId () const
void setCameraId (int _id)
int cameraId () const
void setChanId (int _id)
int chanId () const
void setSeqNum (int _seq)
int seqNum () const
void setExpoDate (const Nice::Date &_date)
Nice::Date expoDate () const
void setExpoMode (Basda::ExpoModeType _mode)
Basda::ExpoModeType expoMode () const
void setProgram (Nice::Int _prg)
Nice::Int program () const
void setGain (Nice::Int _gain)
Nice::Int gain () const
void setExpoTime (Nice::Time _time)
Nice::Time expoTime () const
void setWCS (Nice::WMatrix _wcs)
Nice::WMatrix wcs () const
bool isValid () const
int width () const
int height () const
int bin () const
Nice::Size size () const
Nice::Point crpix () const
void setBounding (const Nice::Size &_b)
Nice::Size bounding () const
int pixels () const
const Basda::ImageHeaderheader () const
const Basda::ImageDatarawdata () const
 ImageBase ()
virtual ~ImageBase ()
std::string getRawImageAsString ()
size_t bytes () const
ImageType typeId () const
void setCameraId (int _id)
int cameraId () const
void setChanId (int _id)
int chanId () const
void setSeqNum (int _seq)
int seqNum () const
void setExpoDate (const Nice::Date &_date)
Nice::Date expoDate () const
void setExpoMode (Basda::ExpoModeType _mode)
Basda::ExpoModeType expoMode () const
void setProgram (Nice::Int _prg)
Nice::Int program () const
void setGain (Nice::Int _gain)
Nice::Int gain () const
void setExpoTime (Nice::Time _time)
Nice::Time expoTime () const
void setWCS (Nice::WMatrix _wcs)
Nice::WMatrix wcs () const
bool isValid () const
int width () const
int height () const
int bin () const
Nice::Size size () const
Nice::Point crpix () const
void setBounding (const Nice::Size &_b)
Nice::Size bounding () const
int pixels () const
const Basda::ImageHeaderheader () const
const Basda::ImageDatarawdata () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Basda::ImageVar
bool operator== (const ImageVar &__rhs) const
bool operator< (const ImageVar &__rhs) const
bool operator!= (const ImageVar &__rhs) const
bool operator<= (const ImageVar &__rhs) const
bool operator> (const ImageVar &__rhs) const
bool operator>= (const ImageVar &__rhs) const
bool operator== (const ImageVar &__rhs) const
bool operator< (const ImageVar &__rhs) const
bool operator!= (const ImageVar &__rhs) const
bool operator<= (const ImageVar &__rhs) const
bool operator> (const ImageVar &__rhs) const
bool operator>= (const ImageVar &__rhs) const

Public Attributes

Nice::SeqBitSet mask
Nice::SeqFloat slopes
- Public Attributes inherited from Basda::ImageVar
::Basda::ImageHeaderVar header
::Nice::SeqByte bytedata

Private Types

typedef Basda::Image< Nice::U16BcuImageType
typedef Basda::Image< Nice::U16BcuImageType
typedef Basda::Image< Nice::U16BcuImageType

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Basda::Image< Nice::U16 >
static ImageType type ()
static ImageType type ()
static ImageType type ()
static int fitsType ()
static int fitsType ()
static int fitsType ()
static int fitsDepth ()
static int fitsDepth ()
static int fitsDepth ()
static int loadFitsVector (SeqImageType &, const std::string &_name)
static int loadFitsVector (SeqImageType &, const std::string &_name)
static int loadFitsVector (SeqImageType &, const std::string &_name)
static int saveFitsVector (const SeqImageType &, const std::string &_name)
static int saveFitsVector (const SeqImageType &, const std::string &_name)
static int saveFitsVector (const SeqImageType &, const std::string &_name)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Basda::Image< Nice::U16 >
int loadFits (fitsfile *_fitsptr, size_t _index=0)
 Read the image data of a HDU. More...
int loadFits (fitsfile *_fitsptr, size_t _index=0)
int loadFits (fitsfile *_fitsptr, size_t _index=0)
bool loadFits (const std::string &filename, size_t index)
bool loadFits (const std::string &, size_t)
bool loadFits (const std::string &filename, size_t index)
bool loadFits (const std::string &, size_t)
bool loadFits (const std::string &filename, size_t index)
Imagecopy (const Nice::U16 *_data)
 overwrite the image data with new data. More...
Imagecopy (const ImageVar &_image)
 Replace/Overload the image data with other data. More...
Imagecopy (const ImageData &_src)
Imagecopy (const Nice::U16 *_data)
Imagecopy (const ImageVar &_image)
Imagecopy (const ImageData &_src)
Imagecopy (const Nice::U16 *_data)
Imagecopy (const ImageVar &_image)
Imagecopy (const ImageData &_src)
Imagecreate (const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref=Nice::Point(0, 0), int _bin=1)
 Generate a new image (filled with random data). Old values stay as they are. More...
Imagecreate (const Basda::ImageHeader &_header)
 Create a new image with randomized data. Old values stay as they are. More...
Imagecreate (const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref=Nice::Point(0, 0), int _bin=1)
Imagecreate (const Basda::ImageHeader &_header)
Imagecreate (const Nice::Size &_size, const Nice::Point &_ref=Nice::Point(0, 0), int _bin=1)
Imagecreate (const Basda::ImageHeader &_header)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Basda::Image< Nice::U16 >
static fitsfile * openFits (const std::string &_filename)
static fitsfile * openFits (const std::string &_filename, size_t &numImages)
 open a FITS file with cfitsio. More...
static fitsfile * openFits (const std::string &_filename)
static fitsfile * openFits (const std::string &_filename, size_t &numImages)
static fitsfile * openFits (const std::string &_filename)
static fitsfile * openFits (const std::string &_filename, size_t &numImages)
static int closeFits (fitsfile *_fitsfd)
static int closeFits (fitsfile *_fitsfd)
static int closeFits (fitsfile *_fitsfd)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ BcuImageType [1/3]

◆ BcuImageType [2/3]

◆ BcuImageType [3/3]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BcuData() [1/9]

Laos::BcuData::BcuData ( )

◆ BcuData() [2/9]

Laos::BcuData::BcuData ( const Basda::ImageHeader _header)

◆ BcuData() [3/9]

Laos::BcuData::BcuData ( const Nice::Size _size)

◆ BcuData() [4/9]

Laos::BcuData::BcuData ( )

◆ BcuData() [5/9]

Laos::BcuData::BcuData ( const Basda::ImageHeader _header)

◆ BcuData() [6/9]

Laos::BcuData::BcuData ( const Nice::Size _size)

◆ BcuData() [7/9]

Laos::BcuData::BcuData ( )

◆ BcuData() [8/9]

Laos::BcuData::BcuData ( const Basda::ImageHeader _header)

◆ BcuData() [9/9]

Laos::BcuData::BcuData ( const Nice::Size _size)

Member Data Documentation

◆ mask

Nice::SeqBitSet Laos::BcuData::mask

◆ slopes

Nice::SeqFloat Laos::BcuData::slopes

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: