TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
GPS Class Reference

Class to provide general functionality of a GPS device. More...

#include <indigps.h>

Collaboration diagram for GPS:
Collaboration graph

Detailed Description

Class to provide general functionality of a GPS device.

The GPS provides a simple interface for GPS devices. It reports time in INDI standard property TIME_UTC. Location is reported in INDI standard property GEOGRAPHIC_COORD Only one function is called by the INDI framework to update GPS data (updateGPS()). If the data is valid, it is sent to the client. If GPS data is not ready yet, updateGPS will be called every second until the data becomes available and then INDI sends the data to the client.

updateGPS() is called upon successful connection and whenever the client requests a data refresh.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: