| AspenIo (CamModel::InterfaceType type, const std::string &deviceAddr) |
virtual | ~AspenIo () |
void | Program (const std::string &FilenameFpga, const std::string &FilenameFx2, const std::string &FilenameDescriptor, const std::string &FilenameWebPage, const std::string &FilenameWebServer, const std::string &FilenameWebCfg, bool Print2StdOut=false) |
uint16_t | GetId () |
uint16_t | GetIdFromStrDB () |
std::string | GetMacAddress () |
void | WriteStrDatabase (const CamInfo::StrDb &info) |
CamInfo::StrDb | ReadStrDatabase () |
void | WriteNetDatabase (const CamInfo::NetDb &input) |
CamInfo::NetDb | ReadNetDatabase () |
std::vector< uint8_t > | GetFlashBuffer (uint32_t StartAddr, uint32_t numBytes) |
| CameraIo (CamModel::InterfaceType type) |
virtual | ~CameraIo () |
CamModel::InterfaceType | GetInterfaceType () const |
void | ClearAllRegisters () |
uint16_t | ReadMirrorReg (uint16_t reg) const |
uint16_t | ReadReg (uint16_t reg) const |
void | WriteReg (uint16_t reg, uint16_t val) |
void | WriteReg (const std::vector< std::pair< uint16_t, uint16_t > > &RegAndVal) |
void | ReadOrWriteReg (uint16_t reg, uint16_t val2Or) |
void | ReadAndWriteReg (uint16_t reg, uint16_t val2And) |
void | ReadMirrorOrWriteReg (uint16_t reg, uint16_t val2Or) |
void | ReadMirrorAndWriteReg (uint16_t reg, uint16_t val2And) |
void | GetUsbVendorInfo (uint16_t &VendorId, uint16_t &ProductId, uint16_t &DeviceId) |
void | SetupImgXfer (uint16_t Rows, uint16_t Cols, uint16_t NumOfImages, bool IsBulkSeq) |
void | CancelImgXfer () |
void | GetImageData (std::vector< uint16_t > &data) |
void | GetStatus (CameraStatusRegs::BasicStatus &status) |
void | GetStatus (CameraStatusRegs::AdvStatus &status) |
uint16_t | GetFirmwareRev () |
void | LoadHorizontalPattern (const CamCfg::APN_HPATTERN_FILE &Pattern, const uint16_t MaskingBit, const uint16_t RamReg, const uint16_t Binning) |
void | LoadVerticalPattern (const CamCfg::APN_VPATTERN_FILE &Pattern) |
void | Reset (bool Flush) |
std::string | GetUsbFirmwareVersion () |
std::string | GetInfo () |
uint8_t | ReadBufConReg (uint16_t reg) const |
void | WriteBufConReg (uint16_t reg, uint8_t val) |
uint8_t | ReadFx2Reg (uint16_t reg) |
void | WriteFx2Reg (uint16_t reg, uint8_t val) |
std::string | GetDriverVersion () |
bool | IsError () |
std::string | GetFirmwareHdr () |
std::string | GetSerialNumber () |
void | SetSerialNumber (const std::string &num) |
io class for alta-g, aka aspen, aka ??, cameras
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Copyright(c) 2012 Apogee Imaging Systems, Inc.