| AltaUsbIo (const std::string &DeviceEnum) |
| ~AltaUsbIo () |
void | Program (const std::string &FilenameCamCon, const std::string &FilenameBufCon, const std::string &FilenameFx2, const std::string &FilenameGpifCamCon, const std::string &FilenameGpifBufCon, const std::string &FilenameGpifFifo, bool Print2StdOut=false) |
void | ReadHeader (Eeprom::Header &hdr) |
void | SetSerialNumber (const std::string &num) |
std::string | GetSerialNumber () |
void | SetSerialBaudRate (uint16_t PortId, uint32_t BaudRate) |
uint32_t | GetSerialBaudRate (uint16_t PortId) |
Apg::SerialFC | GetSerialFlowControl (uint16_t PortId) |
void | SetSerialFlowControl (uint16_t PortId, Apg::SerialFC FlowControl) |
Apg::SerialParity | GetSerialParity (uint16_t PortId) |
void | SetSerialParity (uint16_t PortId, Apg::SerialParity Parity) |
void | ReadSerial (uint16_t PortId, std::string &buffer) |
void | WriteSerial (uint16_t PortId, const std::string &buffer) |
virtual | ~CamUsbIo () |
uint16_t | ReadReg (uint16_t reg) const |
void | WriteReg (uint16_t reg, uint16_t val) |
void | WriteSRMD (uint16_t reg, const std::vector< uint16_t > &data) |
void | WriteMRMD (uint16_t reg, const std::vector< uint16_t > &data) |
void | GetUsbVendorInfo (uint16_t &VendorId, uint16_t &ProductId, uint16_t &DeviceId) |
std::string | GetUsbFirmwareVersion () |
void | SetupImgXfer (uint16_t Rows, uint16_t Cols, uint16_t NumOfImages, bool IsBulkSeq) |
void | CancelImgXfer () |
void | GetImageData (std::vector< uint16_t > &data) |
void | GetStatus (CameraStatusRegs::BasicStatus &status) |
void | GetStatus (CameraStatusRegs::AdvStatus &status) |
uint16_t | GetFirmwareRev () |
std::string | GetInfo () |
uint8_t | ReadBufConReg (uint16_t reg) |
void | WriteBufConReg (uint16_t reg, uint8_t val) |
uint8_t | ReadFx2Reg (uint16_t reg) |
void | WriteFx2Reg (uint16_t reg, uint8_t val) |
uint32_t | GetMaxXferBufSize () |
std::string | GetDriverVersion () |
bool | IsError () |
virtual | ~ICamIo () |
virtual | ~IAltaSerialPortIo ()=0 |
class for managing the AltaU series IO
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Copyright(c) 2012 Apogee Imaging Systems, Inc.