TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
chull.h File Reference
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


struct  tVertexStructure
struct  tEdgeStructure
struct  tFaceStructure


#define X   0
#define Y   1
#define Z   2
#define ONHULL   TRUE
#define REMOVED   TRUE
#define VISIBLE   TRUE
#define SAFE   1000000 /* Range of safe coord values. */


typedef struct tVertexStructure tsVertex
typedef tsVertextVertex
typedef struct tEdgeStructure tsEdge
typedef tsEdgetEdge
typedef struct tFaceStructure tsFace
typedef tsFacetFace


tVertex MakeNullVertex (void)
void ReadVertices (void)
void Print (void)
void SubVec (int a[3], int b[3], int c[3])
void DoubleTriangle (void)
void ConstructHull (void)
bool AddOne (tVertex p)
int VolumeSign (tFace f, tVertex p)
int Volumei (tFace f, tVertex p)
tFace MakeConeFace (tEdge e, tVertex p)
void MakeCcw (tFace f, tEdge e, tVertex p)
tEdge MakeNullEdge (void)
tFace MakeNullFace (void)
tFace MakeFace (tVertex v0, tVertex v1, tVertex v2, tFace f)
void CleanUp (tVertex *pvnext)
void CleanEdges (void)
void CleanFaces (void)
void CleanVertices (tVertex *pvnext)
bool Collinear (tVertex a, tVertex b, tVertex c)
void CheckEuler (int V, int E, int F)
void PrintPoint (tVertex p)
void Checks (void)
void Consistency (void)
void Convexity (void)
void PrintOut (tVertex v)
void PrintVertices (void)
void PrintEdges (void)
void PrintFaces (void)
void CheckEndpts (void)
void EdgeOrderOnFaces (void)


tVertex vertices
tEdge edges
tFace faces

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ONHULL   TRUE




#define REMOVED   TRUE


#define SAFE   1000000 /* Range of safe coord values. */


#define VISIBLE   TRUE

◆ X

#define X   0

◆ Y

#define Y   1

◆ Z

#define Z   2

Typedef Documentation

◆ tEdge

typedef tsEdge* tEdge

◆ tFace

typedef tsFace* tFace

◆ tsEdge

typedef struct tEdgeStructure tsEdge

◆ tsFace

typedef struct tFaceStructure tsFace

◆ tsVertex

typedef struct tVertexStructure tsVertex

◆ tVertex

typedef tsVertex* tVertex

Function Documentation

◆ AddOne()

bool AddOne ( tVertex  p)

◆ CheckEndpts()

void CheckEndpts ( void  )

◆ CheckEuler()

void CheckEuler ( int  V,
int  E,
int  F 

◆ Checks()

void Checks ( void  )

◆ CleanEdges()

void CleanEdges ( void  )

◆ CleanFaces()

void CleanFaces ( void  )

◆ CleanUp()

void CleanUp ( tVertex pvnext)

◆ CleanVertices()

void CleanVertices ( tVertex pvnext)

◆ Collinear()

bool Collinear ( tVertex  a,
tVertex  b,
tVertex  c 

◆ Consistency()

void Consistency ( void  )

◆ ConstructHull()

void ConstructHull ( void  )

◆ Convexity()

void Convexity ( void  )

◆ DoubleTriangle()

void DoubleTriangle ( void  )

◆ EdgeOrderOnFaces()

void EdgeOrderOnFaces ( void  )

◆ MakeCcw()

void MakeCcw ( tFace  f,
tEdge  e,
tVertex  p 

◆ MakeConeFace()

tFace MakeConeFace ( tEdge  e,
tVertex  p 

◆ MakeFace()

tFace MakeFace ( tVertex  v0,
tVertex  v1,
tVertex  v2,
tFace  f 

◆ MakeNullEdge()

tEdge MakeNullEdge ( void  )

◆ MakeNullFace()

tFace MakeNullFace ( void  )

◆ MakeNullVertex()

tVertex MakeNullVertex ( void  )

◆ Print()

void Print ( void  )

◆ PrintEdges()

void PrintEdges ( void  )

◆ PrintFaces()

void PrintFaces ( void  )

◆ PrintOut()

void PrintOut ( tVertex  v)

◆ PrintPoint()

void PrintPoint ( tVertex  p)

◆ PrintVertices()

void PrintVertices ( void  )

◆ ReadVertices()

void ReadVertices ( void  )

◆ SubVec()

void SubVec ( int  a[3],
int  b[3],
int  c[3] 

◆ Volumei()

int Volumei ( tFace  f,
tVertex  p 

◆ VolumeSign()

int VolumeSign ( tFace  f,
tVertex  p 

Variable Documentation

◆ edges

tEdge edges

◆ faces

tFace faces

◆ vertices

tVertex vertices