" Cold dark matter haloes in the Planck era: evolution of structural parameters for Einasto and NFW profiles"
Dark MaGICC: the effect of Dark Energy on galaxy formation. Cosmology does matter"
" 3D simulations of the early stages of AGN jets: geometry, thermodynamics and backflow"
" Galaxy Formation with local photoionisation feedback I. Methods"
Warm dark matter does not do better than cold dark matter in solving small-scale inconsistencies"
" MaGICC-WDM: The effects of Warm Dark Matter in hydrodynamical simulations of disc galaxy formation"
" The dependence of dark matter profiles on the stellar to halo mass ratio: a prediction for cusps vs cores"
" The MaGICC volume: reproducing statistical properties of high redshift galaxies"
" Numerical hydrodynamic simulations based on semi-analytic galaxy merger trees: method and Milky-Way like galaxies
" " The inner structure of haloes in Cold+Warm dark matter models" "
Making Galaxies in a Cosmological Context: The Need for Early Stellar Feedback" " The most luminous quasars do not live in the most massive dark matter haloes at any redshift"
" Universal IMF vs dark halo response in early-type galaxies: breaking the degeneracy with the fundamental planes" " Halo expansion in cosmological hydro simulations: towards a baryonic solution of the cusp/core problem in massive spirals" " Cores in warm dark matter haloes: a Catch 22 problem"
For a complete
list of my publications see the ADS
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