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This webpage provides information for the 7th Heidelberg Summer School 2012 with the topic on | |
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IMPRS for Astronomy and
Cosmic Physics at the University of Heidelberg: Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Landessternwarte Koenigstuhl, and Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies. |
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Dominique Aubert, University of Strasbourg Walter Dehnen, University of Leicester Cornelis Dullemond, University of Heidelberg Daniel Price, Monash University Romain Teyssier, CEA Saclay and University of Zurich |
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When & where:
The 7th Heidelberg Summer School took place September 10-14, 2012
at the "Max Planck Haus" (Max Planck House) in Heidelberg, Germany |
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Scope of the School:
The goals of the IMPRS Summer Schools are to: - bring together research students of various fields for discussion and exchange of ideas; - encourage young researchers and advanced students to continue research in these fields; and - strengthen future interdisciplinary research in these areas; This school covers important topics in computational astrophysics, highlighting both the physical foundations and the numerical techniques for simulations of the formation and evolution of cosmic structures on a variety of scales. The primary lecture courses will cover N-body techniques for collisionless and collisional systems, numerical fluid dynamics with particle-based and mesh-based techniques, magnetohydrodynamics, radiative transfer, as well as modern trends in high performance computing techniques. The program is complemented with short lectures on topics such as chemical reaction networks, kinetic approaches or special matrix solvers. |
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