EPoS Contribution

Dust Radiative Transfer in Star-Forming Filaments

Roxana-Adela Chira
MPIA, Heidelberg, DE
Dust emission surveys at sub-mm and far-infrared wavelengths, e. g. by Herschel, provide new possibilities to study star formation in filamentary molecular clouds. The column density and temperature profiles that are derived with these observations have shown astronomers new details about the structure and star-formation potential of those objects, but also depend on many assumptions on both the observational and model side. How would those filaments look like if we observe them from another direction? Do observations in dust emission and extinction reflect the same properties of filaments? We apply our three-dimensional dust radiative transfer code on models of clumpy filaments, predict the distributions of observable quantities and discuss the results in context of observational routines.
R. Siebenmorgen, ESO, DE
T. Henning, MPIA, DE
J. Kainulainen, MPIA, DE
Suggested Session: Filaments