EPoS Contribution
The role of local environment in the formation of massive stars
Joseph Mottram MPIA, Heidelberg, DE | |
How do the composition and kinematics of massive star forming environments affect the properties of the high-mass protostars that are forming in them? How is the degree of fragmentation and mass on disk-like scales related to the larger reservoir of dust and gas that they reside in? Are the 10-4 Msol/yr and higher mass accretion rates and/or flattened envelope structures required by many current theories to form the most massive stars seen in real systems? Does feedback have more of an impact on large or small scales and what is the size (and shape) of the mass reservoir systems forming massive stars? These are all key questions to developing a full, comprehensive and prescriptive theory of how the most massive stars form. What is more, answering them requires multi-scale observations of both the continuum and molecular lines. I will present early results from the CORE NOEMA large program, which is designed to answer such questions by combining observations with multiple PdBI configurations and the IRAM 30m of 20 high-mass star forming regions with L> 104 Lsol. As such we have one of the largest datasets to date of high mass star forming regions with sensitivity to emission on spatial scales from ~0.4 pc to < 1000 AU, ideal for tackling these fundamental questions. | |
Collaborators: H. Beuther, MPIA, DE A. Ahmadi, MPIA, DE F. Bosco, MPIA, DE and the CORE team |
Key publication
Suggested Session: Massive Star Formation |