The MPIA conference series at Ringberg Castle
EPoS 2012 Focus Groups
FG 1 - 4         Wednesday         4 July 2012         11:20 - 12:40
FG1 Connecting the Domains: From Galactic to Extragalactic Star Formation Laws
Convenor: Jens Kauffmann
FG2 Variable versus constant protostellar accretion. Theory and observations
Convenors: Eduard Vorobyov, Mike Dunham
FG3 The star formation rate (SFR) and efficiency (SFE) in molecular clouds (MCs)
Convenor: Paolo Padoan
FG 1 - 4         Wednesday         5 July 2012         17:10 - 18:30
FG4 Star formation in turbulent media: role of magnetic fields
Convenors: Alex Lazarian, Dick Crutcher
FG5 Linking high-mass star formation to the dominating filamentary structures of molecular clouds
Convenors: Martin Hennemann, Frederique Motte
The EPoS way: Large group, small room, remote location. Consider all aspects. Short talks, intense discussions.