EPoS Contribution
Implications of the protostellar disk fragmentation
Eduard Vorobyov The Institute of Astronomy, The University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria | |
Gravitational instability and fragmentation in the early evolution of embedded protostellar disks is a common occurrence, which leads to a zoo of various effects depending on the fate of the fragments. I will demonstrate how disk fragmentation can trigger episodic accretion onto the star, an effect that can explain a wide spread in luminosities in young stellar objects. Formation of gas giants and brown dwarfs on wide orbits and ejection of brown dwarfs and very-low-mass stars into the intracluster medium can also be triggered by disk fragmentation. Finally, I will show how disk fragmentation can explain the flattening of the mass accretion -- stellar mass relation in T Tauri stars and account for the presence of crystalline silicates in the Solar System comets. | |
Collaborators: Shantanu Basu, UWO, Canada Mike Dunham, Yale Univ., USA Isabelle Baraffe, Exeter Univ., UK Gilles Chabrier, Leon Univ., France |
Key publication