EPoS Contribution

Consistent Densities and Temperatures in Cores of Infrared Dark Clouds

Dmitry Wiebe
Institute of Astronomy of the RAS, Moscow, Russia
Infrared Dark Clouds are believed to be the most probable precursors of high-mass star formation. However, massive starless infall candidates have yet to be found in these regions. As is the case in the low-mass star formation, chemical models would be necessary to interpret molecular line observations. The temperature and density, which are necessary ingredients for such models, in low-mass prestellar and protostellar cores are mainly determined on the base of (sub)millimeter dust continuum observations. The interpretation of these observations is sometimes ambiguous: the same intensity distribution can be reproduced with different density and temperature distributions. We developed a technique to reconstruct the density and temperature distributions in infrared dark clouds based on the detailed simulations of radiative transfer both in millimeter and IR wavelengths taking into account both intrinsic cloud emission and absorption of background radiation. The best fit parameters of a cloud are obtained with the genetic algorithm. We apply the method to several Infrared Dark Cloud cores and find that combined observational data are better reproduced by a model with an embedded compact source even when (sub)millimeter data alone seemingly indicate that these cores are starless.
Ya. Pavlyuchenkov, INASAN, Russia
T. Vasyunina, MPIA, Germany
H. Linz, MPIA, Germany
Th. Henning, MPIA, Germany
Key publication

Suggested Session: Cores and Collapse, Molecular Clouds