EPoS Contribution

Intermediate- to high-mass star formation in the Rosette Molecular Cloud and in Isolation as observed by Herschel and the PdBI

Martin Hennemann
Service d'Astrophysique, CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
We introduce the first results of the HOBYS Herschel imaging survey of OB Young Stellar objects obtained for the Rosette molecular cloud. The underlying goal is to characterise the circumstances of intermediate- to high-mass star formation. The presumably early observable stage in the formation of high-mass stars and associated clusters are massive dense clumps. We show the properties of the most massive clumps that are found in Rosette and of more isolated massive clumps identified using the ISOSS 170 micron survey, also exploiting Herschel observations from the EPOS key programme. The target regions are within a distance of about 2kpc and thus Herschel provides information on scales below typical clump sizes (0.1-0.5pc). We analyse the clump morphologies and spectral energy distributions using additional observations in the infrared and (sub-)millimeter regime. Focusing on the compact sources, we build a protostar evolutionary diagramme. In addition, recently obtained PdBI observations resolve the embedded cores and their outflow activity which is a tracer of evolutionary status. By revealing the differences in the nature of the presumed progenitors of high-mass stars and/or clusters, we aim to constrain the conditions under which intermediate- to high-mass stars form.
F. Motte, CEA Saclay, France
S. Bontemps, Obs. Bordeaux, France
N. Schneider-Bontemps, CEA Saclay, France
and the HOBYS Consortium
O. Krause, MPIA, Germany
S.M. Birkmann, ESTEC, The Netherlands
Th. Henning, MPIA, Germany
and the EPOS Consortium
Key publication

Suggested Session: Herschel, Massive Stars, Molecular Clouds