EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
Forced turbulence in thermally bistable interstellar gas

Wolfram Schmidt
Institut für Astrophysik Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
Turbulent star-forming clouds originate from a multi-phase environment. Numerical simulations of the formation and the evolution of such clouds have focused on the colliding flow secenario for particular boundary and initial conditions. In contrast, I will present a study of forced hydrodynamic turbulence in thermally bistable gas for homogeneous initial conditions in a periodic box. It is found that the separation into a warm neutral phase and a cold phase and the resulting statistical properties of turbulence is quite sensitive on the forcing, which has potential implications for the IMF/CMF. Further aspects I will briefly discuss is the application of adaptive mesh refinement to enhance the resolution in the cold gas phase and the influence of magnetic fields.
Caption: Shown are probability density functions for thermally bistable turbulence generated by compressive forcing with different magnitudes.
P. Hennebelle, ENS Paris, France
E. Audit, Saclay/CEA, France
C. Federrath, ZAH, Germany
D. Seifried, ZAH, Germany
Key publication

Suggested Session: Cores and Collapse, Massive Stars