The MPIA conference series at Ringberg Castle
EPoS 2006 Aphorisms

These quotes have been gathered during the conference and cited during the summary talks by Ian and Matthew.

We paint in black and white whereas reality is grey.
Aake Nordlund
How low can you go before you have to worry about the vermin?
Tyler Bourke
People who do chemistry are very brave.
Alyssa Goodman
It seems bonkers to ignore what we see locally when interpreting more distant objects.
Lee Hartmann
Sometimes I worry that we are not including the essential physics.
Matthew Bate
Can you please let the chairman chair the session!
Telemachos Mouschovias
PowerPoint science.
Thomas Megeath
It is always a temptation to over-interpret the results from numerical simulations.
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
Star Formation follows such a diversity of paths no simple model can expect to capture them all.
Dirk Froebrich
We had a frank exchange of views, but little communication.
Lee Hartmann, referring to an earlier communication with a colleague
Thank you for a very nice and depressing talk.
Joao Alves
I hope this scares you not too much.
Henrik Beuther
If you assume the wrong model, you are screwed.
Eric Keto
We send up a 150 Million Dollar satellite and all we get back is a flat image.
Jürgen Steinacker
No Bok globule is an island.
Tyler Bourke
I'll call your ambipolar diffusion and raise you a Bonnor Ebert Spear.
Doug Johnstone
There is more room to wiggle out when you include free parameters.
Dick Crutcher
Everyone can be simultaneously correct.
Alyssa Goodman
At most one model can be correct.
Aake Nordlund
We are willing to live with observational results once the uncertainties have been removed.
Telemachos Mouschovias
Most, if not all, of my models are wrong.
Shantanu Basu
When we see H2, we see Star Formation.
Lee Hartmann
Molecular clouds do not form stars. Dense cores form stars.
Philippe Andre
Why do clouds not form stars?
Doug Johnstone
Do stars leave clouds or clouds leave stars?
Alyssa Goodman
Do stareless cores turn into chickens or omlettes?
Jennifer Hatchell
Cores do not interact.
Philippe Andre
The EPoS way: Large group, small room, remote location. Consider all aspects. Short talks, intense discussions.
invented and organized by Jürgen Steinacker & Aurore Bacmann
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