EPoS Contribution
Contraction of a Magnetized Rotating Cloud

Kohji Tomisaka
National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan
We present recent progress of numerical simulations of contraction of magnetized rotating clouds. Adopting a barotropic equation of state, we calculated the evolution of the isothermal runaway collapse, the first core phase and the second collapse. This shows us that a simple asymptotic relation between magnetic field strength and rotation speed (B-omega relation) holds at the first core formation epoch. This is also valid for the case angular momentum and magnetic field is not necessarily parallel. As for the fragmentation it is shown the magnetic field stabilizes the first core. That is, a first core in strong magnetic field does not fragment (since the cloud reaches a magnetic-dominated branch of the B-omega relation and rotation is unimportant in this core). In this case, a single star is expected to form. In the case of weak magnetic field, the evolution of first core is well characterized by a spin parameter, which is defined as the ratio of specific angular momentum to the mass. A cloud with a small spin parameter begins a second runaway collapse after the central gas temperature exceeds the H2 dissociation temperature. A cloud with a large spin parameter, mass and angular momentum increase and thus a non-axisymmetric instability appears (T/|W|>0.273) below the dissociation density. When binary fragments are formed, each fragment continues to contract, which lead to binary formation. Since the non-axisymmetric pattern removes the angular momentum from the core, the core continues further contraction.