EPoS Contribution
Developing an Evolutionary Sequence for Low-mass Starless Cores

Yancy L. Shirley
The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Starless Cores (or Pre-protostellar cores) represent the earliest observable stage of low-mass (M < few M_sun) star-formation. There is a significant gap in our understanding of this initial phase of low-mass star formation. Competing theories of dense core formation predict different dynamical behaviors. The standard theory involving ambi-polar diffusion envisions a gentle, quasi-static formation of the starless cores, whereas the widely discussed scenario involving turbulent compression predicts a more violent formation on a shorter time scale. In order to understand the initial conditions of dense core and protostar formation, we must develop and characterize an evolutionary sequence for starless cores. This requires detailed knowledge of the physical structure (density, temperature, velocity, and chemical structure) of the core and how those properties vary with time. I shall summarize and evaluate current projects that are attempting to constrain core structure and the development of an evolutionary sequence for starless cores.