EPoS Contribution
2.3 micron emission and absorption from young stars in M17
Rolf Chini Astronomisches Institut der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany | |
We present the results of an unbiased spectroscopic K-band survey comprising 212 stars toward the young cluster in M17. While there are 9 stars with the CO band head in emission we find 103 stars which show this feature in absorption. Many of the CO absorption sources are located in a region of ongoing star formation; additionally, more than half of them emit X-rays and/or have infrared excess. We therefore suggest that CO absorption is a common feature during early stellar evolution and a sign for heavily accreting protostars. Furthermore, sources with strong infrared excess are generally lacking any spectral features, indicating that veiling by circumstellar dust is a dominant process. Estimates of the intrinsic luminosity suggest that these sources are progenitors of intermediate and high-mass stars. |