EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
Can we infer the dynamical history of pre-stellar cores with the chemical modelling?

Dmitri Wiebe
Institute of Astronomy of the RAS, Moscow, Russia
We analyse various parameters of chemical models that may severely affect our attempts to interpret molecular line observations of prestellar cores. We use the CB17 prestellar core as an example of an isolated prestellar core for which detailed spectral maps are available. It is demonstrated that, even when extensive observational datasets are present, their analysis is not straightforward, as some unknown factors can mimic other unknown factors. For example, the attempt to estimate the core age based on the central molecular depletion can be hampered by the unknown value of the effective sticking probability. Also, in some cases minor variations in the cosmic ray ionisation rate and the inclusion of surface chemistry in the model can act in the opposite directions. These and other ambiguities are discussed in the contribution. Some ways to relax the degeneracy of modelling results are also presented.