2ES - "Second Earth project": Searching for rocky planets in the habitable zone around nearby solar-type stars with the RV method (currently in the preparation stage, anticipated start of observations 2027 or 28)
- L-band direct Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars
Feros-RVSPY - Radial Veolcity Survey for Planets around Young stars
LIStEN - LBT Imaging Survey for Exo-planets Planets in the North
Carmenes - Towards the detection of exoearths around M-dwarfs
ERA - Exoplanet search with Radio Astrometry
ESPRI - Exoplanet Seach with PRIMA (terminated)
SERAM - Search for Exoplanets with Radial-velocity At MPIA (finished)
EPoS - Early Phases of Star formation - Isolated star formation in Bok globules
DUNES - DUst around NEarby Stars
CID - Chemistry in protoplanetary disks