- The IAU Office of Astronomy for Education
M. Pössel, C. Liefke, N. Deacon, N. Fischer, J. C. Munoz, M. Nielbock, S. Salimpour & G. Sanderson, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 367, 2020
- Training future astronomy teachers – modern teaching methods for a modern science
C. Liefke, O. Fischer, M. Nielbock & M. Pössel, astroEDU Conference 2019
- Astroteilchenphysik für die Schule
C. Liefke & D. Elsässer, Jahrestagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft 2013
- Parallaxenmessungen erdnaher Asteroiden
C. Liefke, L. Kurtze, M. Metzendorf & M. Penselin, Kleinplanetentagung 2013
- Asteroid search and follow-up observations at German schools
C. Liefke, L. Kurtze, M. Metzendorf & J. Schnepf, Global Hands-On Universe 2012
- Asteroid search and follow-up observations in German schools
L. Kurtze, C. Liefke, M. Metzendorf & J. Schnepf, P. Miller, P. Roche, National Astronomy Meeting 2012
- Quantifying the relation between UV and X-ray flux in nearby dM stars
A. Marino, B. Stelzer, C. Liefke, G. Micela, The X-ray Universe 2011
- Investigating different aspects of stellar activity - From elemental abundances in solar-like stars to giant flares on active M dwarfs
C. Liefke, PhD thesis, Hamburg, September 2011
- The CN Leo flare census (also as poster G9)
C. Liefke, B. Fuhrmeister & J.H.M.M. Schmitt, Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun 15
- Coronal Properties of active M dwarfs (only as poster A6)
C. Liefke, J.-U. Ness, J.H.M.M. Schmitt & A. Maggio, The X-ray Universe 2008
- Plasma diagnostics of a giant stellar flare (only as talk)
C. Liefke, B. Fuhrmeister, A. Reiners & J.H.M.M. Schmitt, X-ray Grating Spectroscopy Workshop
- Magnetic field variations and a giant flare (also as poster P07 or talk)
C. Liefke, A. Reiners & J.H.M.M. Schmitt, Proceedings of Coronae of Stars and Accretion Disks
- The many faces of a giant flare (only as poster 207)
C. Liefke & J.H.M.M. Schmitt, Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun 14
- Alpha Centauri and the abundance of neon in the local universe (only as poster)
J.H.M.M. Schmitt & C. Liefke, Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun 14
- Differential emission measures and abundances of stellar coronae
C. Liefke, diploma thesis, Hamburg, October 2005
- The NEXXUS database - X-ray properties of nearby stars (also as poster E.18)
C. Liefke & J.H.M.M. Schmitt, Proceedings of Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun 13