List of previous talks
Date | Slot | Who | What |
4th January | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Happy New Year |
C: | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Happy New Year |
11th January | 1 | Julia Bodensteiner (ESO) | Hunting for post-interaction binaries in young clusters with MUSE |
C: A. Pillepich | 2 | Maximilian Haeberle | Conclusive evidence for an intermediate-mass black hole in Omega Centauri by fast-moving stars |
18th January | 1 | Anna de Graaff | Uncovering early galaxy dynamics and assembly with JWST/NIRSpec |
C: S.Belladitta | 2 | Kathrin Lehle (ITA) | Cool-Core Demographics Unveiled: Insights From TNG-Cluster |
25th January | 1 | Eric Rohr (MPIA) | The case for the existence and detectability of the satellite circumgalactic media in TNG-Cluster |
C: T.Kalda | 2 | Irene Shivaei | Evolution of dust emission and dust mass with gas metallicity since cosmic noon |
1st February | 1 | Melanie Habouzit | JWST: First look at the puzzling population of high-redshift AGN |
C: L.Boogaard | 2 | Coryn Bailer-Jones | Using proper motions to help infer distances in Gaia |
8th February | 1 | Guillaume Guiglion | TBD |
C: M.Kuhlberg | 2 | Silvia Teresa Guida | Photometric Redshift with SED fitting and Random Forest |
15th February | 1 | Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA) | The SDSS-V Survey: up and running |
C: S. Ghosh | 2 | Pranav Kukreti (ARI/ZAH) | Gas and life-cycle of radio galaxies |
22nd February | 1 | Sophia Stuber | Diving into the dense gas in the Whirlpool (Galaxy) |
C: N.Pulatova | 2 | Annalisa Pillepich | From TNG-Cluster to XRISM: understanding the kinematics of the core of Perseus-like clusters |
29th February | 1 | Jake Bennett (Harvard) | The growth and impact of gargantuan black holes in the early Universe |
C: U.Chadayammuri | 2 | Annalisa Pillepich (MPIA) | Simulating populations of galaxies and their details from the end of the Reionization to the current epoch |
7th March | 1 | Tom Herbst | The SDSS-V Local Volume Mapper: An All-Galaxy Surveyor |
C: E.Schinnerer | 2 | Kathryn Kreckel (ARI/MPIA) | LVM: Real data, early science, and you! |
14th March | 1 | Marine Prunier (U Montreal) | X-ray cavities from AGN feedback: a comparative analysis between observations and TNG-Cluster |
C: J.Mueller-Horn | 2 | Harley Katz (Oxford) | Metallicity at high-redshift in the JWST era |
21st March | 1 | Stefano Rinaldi (ITA and U Padova) | Evidence of evolution of black hole mass function with redshift |
C: J.Davies | 2 | Michael Romano | Studying the impact of star-formation-driven outflows on the evolution of local dwarf galaxies |
28th March | 1 | Shy Genel (CCA) | Suppression of cosmic variance in zoom-in simulations allows a wide exploration of variations on the IllustrisTNG model |
C: M.S.Nitschai | 2 | Chris Byrohl (ITA) | scida: scalable analysis for scientific big data |
4th April | 1 | Frederick Davies | How clumpy was the intergalactic medium during reionization? |
C: E.Rohr | 2 | Laura Martínez | GC Retreat Organisation |
11th April | 1 | Tristan Cantat-Gaudin | Mapping the Milky Way disc with incomplete data |
C: A. Dimoff | 2 | Ravi Pratap Dubey | Role of Jet Dynamics in Particle Acceleration and Radiation |
18th April | 1 | Antti Rantala (MPA) | Hierarchical star cluster assembly boosts IMBH formation |
C: U.Dudzeviciute | 2 | Kirill Shiianov (Capgemini Engineering) | From Atoms to Galaxies - Introduction to quantum computing and how it can help advancing astrophysics |
25th April | 1 | Soumavo Ghosh | Closing the 'gap': secular evolution of bar-induced dark gaps in presence of thick disks |
C: A.Ravishankar | 2 | Laura Martínez, Jaime Villasenor | GC Retreat Organisation |
2nd May | 1 | Hans-Walter Rix | Where do the Milky Way’s most metal-rich stars live? |
C: L.R.Seeburger | 2 | J. Eduardo Méndez-Delgado (ARI/ZAH) | Dust, Metallicity, and Nucleosynthesis: Insights from Fe/O and Fe/N gas Abundances in Star-Forming Nebulae |
9th May | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | public holiday |
C: | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Ascension Day |
16th May | 1 | Kevin Harrington (ESO-Chile Fellow) | PASSAGES: An overview of lensed Planck selected starbursts and our multi-wavelength follow-up campaign |
C: A.Dumont | 2 | Akanksha Kapahtia | Semi-numerical simulations of the epoch of Helium Reionization |
23rd May | 1 | Heidi Korhonen | Introducing the technical department |
C: P. Gaikwad | 2 | Heidi Korhonen & colleagues | workshop tour |
30th May | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | public holiday |
C: | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Corpus Christi |
6th June | 1 | Vedant Chandra (Harvard) | The Milky Way’s Global Kinematic Response to the LMC |
C: Y.M. Sharma | 2 | Helena Faustino Vieira | Dust mapping methodology for the cold ISM in nearby galaxies and its application to HST imaging |
13th June | 1 | Michal Bilek | Why do some early-type galaxies rotate and others do not? |
C: M. Demianenko | 2 | Bhargav Vaidya (IIT Indore) | Unravelling the mystery behind “MysTail”, a unique radio jet in Abell 3266 |
20th June | 1 | Martin Fournier (Uni Hamburg) | The life and death of cold filaments in cool-core clusters |
C: T. Cantat | 2 | Giancarlo Mattia (INFN - Florence) | Magnetic dissipation in short gamma-ray burst jets: resistive relativistic MHD simulations |
27th June | 1 | Thavisha Dharmawardena | 3D dust cartography of the Milky Way - Zooming in on a newly discovered
nearby CO dark cloud |
C: N.Storm | 2 | Alex Dimoff | S-Process Nucleosynthesis in and from AGB Stars |
4th July | 1 | Emily Griffith (Colorado) | Stellar abundances in the Milky Way (and beyond) and their implications for nucleosynthesis |
C: M. Schirmer | 2 | Keith Hawkins | Azimuthal Structure in the metallicity distribution in the galactic disk. |
11th July | 1 | Ling Zhu (Shanghai) | The diverse origins of dynamical hot bulge |
C: G. Guiglion | 2 | Zhang-Liang Xie | Quasars on amplifier: Do radio-loud quasars grow faster? |
18th July | 1 | Jing Li | Discovery of ∼2200 new supernova remnants in 19 nearby star-forming galaxies with MUSE spectroscope |
C: Diego Sotillo Ramos | 2 | Maike Clausen | Size evolution of massive quiescent galaxies with HST and JWST |
25th July | 1 | Stefano Souza | Tracing the Galactic bulge history using globular clusters |
C: M. Green | 2 | Xiaoying Pang (Xi’an Jiaotong–Liverpool University) | Rotation of Star Clusters: From N-body Simulations to Observations. |
1st August | 1 | Nadiia Kallweit-Pulatova | Multi-component analysis of SDSS-V galaxy/AGN spectra using the Nbursts technique |
C: Nico Winkel | 2 | Benedetta Spina (ITP Heidelberg) | Damping wings in the Lyman-alpha forest: a model-independent measurement of the neutral fraction at 5.4<z<6.1 |
8th August | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | summer break |
C: TBD | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | summer break |
15th August | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | summer break |
C: TBD | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | summer break |
22nd August | 1 | Ting Li (University of Toronto) | "Probing the Nature of the Faintest and Smallest Milky Way Satellites: Dwarf Galaxies or Star Clusters?" |
C: Sara Jamal | 2 | Matthew Green | The hunt for short-period black hole companions to Sun-like stars |
29th August | 1 | special Galaxy Coffee | talks by MPIA summer students |
C: Stephen Hannon | 2 | special Galaxy Coffee | talks by MPIA summer students |
5th September | 1 | Bartosz Capecki (ITP) | Searching for analogs of the first quasars |
C: Zhang-Liang Xie | 2 | Jan-Torge Schindler | A galaxy overdensity anchored by a broad-line, low-luminosity AGN at z = 7.3 |
12th September | 1 | Jacob Isbell (Uni. Arizona) | NGC 4151: using the LBTI to test the unified model of AGN |
C: Antoine Dumont | 2 | Anna de Graaff | Early giants: the surprising discovery of massive quiescent galaxies out to z=7 |
19th September | 1 | Yanu Khusanova | The interstellar medium in the radio-loud quasar host galaxies at z>6 |
C: N.Neumayer | 2 | Jianwen Zhou (MPIfR) (online) | Hierarchical hub-filament structures and gas inflows on galaxy-cloud scales |
26th September | 1 | Rajsekhar Mohapatra | The importance of resolving type Ia supernovae in simulating massive ellipticals |
C: Ryan Keenan | 2 | Mahsa Kohandel | Dynamically Cold Disks in the Early Universe; Insights from Zoom-In Cosmological Simulations for JWST-ALMA Synergy Studies. |
3rd October | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | public holiday |
C: TBD | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | public holiday |
10th October | 1 | Ander Artola (ITP) | "Signatures of warm dark matter in the cosmological density fields extracted using Machine Learning" |
C: Xiangyu Zhang | 2 | Gourab Giri (University of Pretoria) | Probing the Interconnection Between Extragalactic Jets and the (Hazardous) Large-scale Environment |
17th October | 1 | Samir Nepal (AIP, Potsdam) | Metal-poor to metal-rich: the thin disc of Milky Way is older |
C: Yanu Khusanova | 2 | Ritali Ghosh (IISc, Bangalore) | Ram pressure stripping in galaxies and multiphase turbulence |
24th October | 1 | Anirudh Ravishankar | Predicting the resolved CO emission of z = 1− 3 star-forming galaxies |
C: Nils Hoyer | 2 | Bipradeep Saha | Quantifying the impact of AGN feedback on the large-scale matter distribution using two- and three-point statistics |
31st October | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Betriebsausflug |
C: TBD | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Institute outing |
7th November | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Postdoc retreat |
C: TBD | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Postdoc retreat |
14th November | 1 | Simon May | Fuzzy dark matter meets galaxy formation with IllustrisTNG |
C: Taavet Kalda | 2 | Anton Afanasyev (Paris Observatory) | Confirming Hubble tension with Cepheids in nearby galaxies!! 2024 |
21st November | 1 | Francesco Ubertosi (University of Bologna) | The role of AGN-driven shock fronts in heating cool core clusters |
C: Fabian Walter | 2 | Sthabile Kolwa (University of Johannesburg) | A spectral study investigating the origin of radio emission in radio-faint AGN |
28th November | 1 | Rodrigo Flores-Freitas | Exploring hierarchical assembly in the low-mass regime with dwarf galaxy groups |
C: Timea Kovacs | 2 | Justus Neumann | Azimuthal Variations of Stellar Populations in Barred Galaxies |
5th December | 1 | Anna Lena Schaible | RUBIX: Fast GPU-powered forward modeling for mock-IFU cubes |
C: Eduardo Banados | 2 | Benedikt Schosser | Bayesian Model Selection in Cosmology (and beyond) |
12th December | 1 | Kathryn Kreckel (ARI/MPIA) | LVMvis: steps towards the panopticon |
C: S. Souza | 2 | Elena Lacchin (Uni Padova) | Type Ia SNe effects on multiple stellar populations in globular clusters |
19th December | 1 | Yu Fung Wong (MPIK) | Effects of Cosmic Rays on Gas Heating in the Cold Interstellar Medium |
C: N.Neumayer | 2 | Bin Ren (OCA) | Observing quasar surroundings with coronagraphs |
26th December | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | public holiday |
C: TBD | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | public holiday |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
5th January | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Happy New Year |
C: | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Happy New Year |
12th January | 1 | Nico Winkel | Tracing the onset of the AGN feeding-feedback cycle ( |
C: Yash Mohan Sharma | 2 | Maria Stone (University of Turku) | Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Companions of Type-I Quasars at Low Redshift |
19th January | 1 | Nils Hoyer | A combined HST and JWST analysis of the nuclear star cluster in NGC 628 - |
C: T.Cantat-Gaudin | 2 | Caroline Bertemes (ARI Heidelberg) | MASCOT: molecular gas depletion times and metallicity gradients - evidence for feedback in quenching active galaxies |
26th January | 1 | Mariia Demianenko | Neural Network Approximation of transients light curves with FULU python package |
C: N.Storm | 2 | Jasleen Kaur Matharu | Revealing how Star Formation and Quenching proceed in High Redshift Galaxies with Spatially Resolved Space-based Slitless Spectroscopy |
2nd February | 1 | Justus Neumann | Spatially-resolved stellar populations in the MaNGA survey: What drives stellar metallicity? |
C: A.De Graaff | 2 | Evgeny Polyachenko | Bars in disc galaxies with cusps |
9th February | 1 | Pablo Galan | The survival of stellar discs in Fornax-like environments, from TNG50 to real galaxies |
C: N.Winkel | 2 | Nanase Harada (NAOJ) | Multi-transition molecular studies towards the starburst galaxy NGC 253 from the ALCHEMI survey |
16th February | 1 | Wuji Wang (ARI) | Mapping intrinsic Ly-alpha nebulae of high-redshift radio-loud AGN with MUSE |
C: U.Dudzeviciute | 2 | David Martinez Delgado | Stellar tidal streams with the ARRAKIHS ESA mission |
23rd February | 1 | No galaxy coffee | |
C: | 2 | No galaxy coffee | |
2nd March | 1 | Anna de Graaff | The Fundamental Plane of massive galaxies: confronting observations with realistic simulations |
C: G.Green | 2 | Nhut Truong | Probing the effects of supermassive blackhole feedback on the circumgalactic medium with Line Emission Mapper mission |
9th March | 1 | Sarah Gebruers | Combining spectroscopy, photometry and asteroseimology for BAF-type stars |
C: A.Dumont | 2 | Javier Román | talk rescheduled to March 16: Evidence for globular clusters collapse after a dwarf-dwarf merger: A nuclear star-cluster in formation? |
16th March | 1 | Javier Román | Evidence for globular clusters collapse after a dwarf-dwarf merger: A nuclear star-cluster in formation? ( |
C: S. Ghosh | 2 | Yannick Bahe (Leiden) | How common is galaxy disruption in groups and clusters? |
23rd March | 1 | special Galaxy Coffee | Debriefing after Visiting Committee |
C: N.Neumayer | 2 | special Galaxy Coffee | Planning of GC retreat |
30th March | 1 | Payel Nandi (ARI) | Talk needs to be rescheduled - The dwarf galaxy NGC 4395: possible evidence of AGN and supernova feedback? |
C: A.Feldmeier-Krause | 2 | Albrecht Kamlah | The impact of initial rotation on the dynamics of star cluster |
6th April | 1 | Annalisa Pillepich | Milky Way and Andromeda like galaxies with the TNG50 simulation |
C: Mariia Demianenko | 2 | Prakash Gaikwad (MPIA) | Robust constraints on mean free path and neutral fraction at 5<z<6 |
13th April | 1 | No galaxy coffee | |
C: | 2 | No galaxy coffee | |
20th April | 1 | Thales Gutcke (IfA, Hawaii) | Nucleated dwarf galaxies - a formation scenario? |
C: Xiangyu Zhang | 2 | Eric Rohr (MPIA) | Jellyfish galaxies with IllustrisTNG: when, where, and for how long does RPS of cold gas occur? |
27th April | 1 | Ryan Rickards Vaught | Investigating Multi-Ion HII Region Electron Temperatures with Keck-KCWI and VLT-MUSE |
C: C.Clontz | 2 | Karin Sandstrom | New Insights into Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from PHANGS-JWST |
4th May | 1 | Nadiia Pulatova | What excites the optical emission in X-ray-selected galaxies? |
C: Prakash Gaikwad | 2 | Benedetta Spina | Why dwarf galaxies (don’t) quench? |
11th May | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
C: | 2 | GC Retreat | |
18th May | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
C: | 2 | public holiday | |
25th May | 1 | Reza Ayromlou | Feedback Reshapes the Baryon Distribution within Haloes, in Halo Outskirts, and Beyond: The Closure Radius from Dwarfs to Massive Clusters |
C: A. Dimoff | 2 | Masafusa Onoue | High-z Low-Luminosity Quasar Studies with JWST: First Results |
1st June | 1 | Madelyn Lucey | Dynamically Constraining the Length of the Milky Way's Bar |
C: M. Habouzit | 2 | Kareem El-Badry | The Fastest Star in the Galaxy |
8th June | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
C: | 2 | public holiday | |
15th June | 1 | Zhang-Liang Xie | Do Radio Jets Aim at Us?: Discern Blazar Morphology in VLA Sky Survey |
C: Ravi Pratap Dubey | 2 | Nelson Ndugu (Makerere University) | From Local to Global: Navigating Linguistic Diversity in the African Context |
22nd June | 1 | Bhargav Vaidya (IIT Indore) | X-shaped radio galaxies and their interaction with the ambient cluster medium |
C: S. Hannon | 2 | Soumavo Ghosh | Can (stellar) bars form in hot thick discs? ( |
29th June | 1 | Yun-Hsin Hsu | Cannibalism Caught in the Act -- Multiple Cores in SDSS and TNG300 Brightest Cluster Galaxies ( |
C: L. Eisert | 2 | Andrea Maccio | Comparing simulations and observations using Artificial Intelligence |
6th July | 1 | Hao He | Quantifying the Spatial Variation of CO-to-H2 Conversion Factor in the Antennae |
C: S. Jamal | 2 | Chris Wolf | The SkyMapper Southern Survey DR4 and recent work on low-redshift AGN |
13th July | 1 | Vedant Chandra | Discovery of the Magellanic Stellar Stream Out to 100 Kiloparsecs |
C: H.W. Rix | 2 | Rahul Ramesh (ITA) | Angular Anisotropies in CGM Gas Properties |
20th July | 1 | Hermine Landt (Durham) | The Second Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping (STORM2) Campaign |
C: J.U.Pott | 2 | Sofía Rojas | Bridging the Gap to Access Astronomy in Colombian Schools. |
27th July | 1 | Xiaoying Pang (XJTLU) | From the Within Comes the Appearance: The Fascinating Journey of Open Star Clusters from Formation to Evolution |
C: M.Häberle | 2 | Josh Povick | Abundance Gradients in the Magellanic Clouds and Their Age Dependence |
3rd August | 1 | Arvind Hughes | The rotational parameters of Open Clusters in Gaia DR3 |
C: J.Lewis | 2 | Celine Greis (McMaster) | Modelling the effects of RPS on the molecular gas of Virgo Cluster galaxies |
10th August | 1 | Vicky Fawcett | A striking relationship in DESI quasars |
C: A.Hughes | 2 | Sarah Bosman | A first-ever look at an early quasar's rest-frame infrared properties with JWST MIRI-MRS |
17th August | 1 | Timo Kist (Leiden Observatory) | Constraining the Reionization History with High-Redshift Quasar Damping Wings |
C: J.Neumann | 2 | Nils Hoyer (DIPC/MPIA) | Investigating the presence of massive black holes in nuclear star clusters with SRG/eROSITA X-ray data |
24th August | 1 | Barun Maity (NCRA-TIFR) | Exploring Cosmic Reionization using an Efficient SCRIPT |
C: V. Fürnkranz | 2 | Fahad Nasir (MPIA) | Deep Learning the IGM at 4<z<5 |
31st August | 1 | Olga Borodina (CfA Harvard & Smithsonian) | The Role of Active Galactic Nuclei in Galaxy Evolution: How do jets propagate through the Interstellar Medium? |
C: J.Isbell | 2 | Hans-Walter Rix | The Formation of the Milky Way's Disk: a new global view from Gaia |
7th September | 1 | Joe Lewis (MPIA) | Signature of galaxy formation models in the 21cm signal during the Epoch of Reionization |
C: N.Neumayer | 2 | Ben Pennell (CITA) | Epicurean Philosophy: what we can learn from the successes and failures of 2000 year old cosmology |
14th September | 1 | Vale Gonzalez (MPA) | Circumgalactic Lyman-alpha emission around submillimeter-bright galaxies with different quasar contributions |
C: Y.Khusanova | 2 | Eric Rohr (MPIA) | Understanding the CGM of massive satellite galaxies in the TNG-Cluster simulation |
21st September | 1 | Damir Gasymov (ASIAA/SAI MSU) | Analysis of gas properties and kinematics in barred galaxies from MaNGA SDSS |
C:C.Clontz | 2 | Ella Tanchon | Measuring galaxy rotation curve with MUSE |
28th September | 1 | Nicolas Martin (Strasbourg/MPIA) | The Pristine survey DR 1 and an all-sky metallicity catalogue based on Gaia DR3 BP/RP spectro-photometry |
C: K.Paterson | 2 | Francisco Pozo (HITS) | Quasars accretion discs sizes with the LSST |
5th October | 1 | Lukas Neumann (Uni. Bonn) | Dense gas and star formation in nearby galaxies |
C: N. Pulatova | 2 | Elias Oakes | Are GMCs real? Searching for a virialized scale in NGC 253 |
12th October | 1 | Swayamtrupta Panda (MCTIC) | Getting stronger with time - the many faces of the Quasar Main Sequence |
C: A. Dimoff | 2 | Eduardo Banados (MPIA) | Writing a JWST proposal |
19th October | 1 | Silvia Martocchia (ARI) | The origin of globular clusters and their anomalous stellar populations |
C: J. Wolf | 2 | Guillaume Guiglion | Leveraging the low-S/N RVS Gaia spectra with Convolutional Neural-Networks |
26th October | 1 | Sthabile Kolwa (U. Johannesburg) | Observations of kinetic feedback in radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) host galaxies |
C: E. Zari | 2 | Soumavo Ghosh (MPIA) | Influence of bars on action-based dynamical modelling in Milky Way-like galaxies |
2nd November | 1 | Wuji Wang (Uni. Heidelberg) | First JWST NIRSpec/IFU observation of z~3.5 radio loud AGN:no evidence of outflow on kpc scales |
C: R. P. Dubey | 2 | Igor Chilingarian (CfA) | Ram pressure stripping as the dominant formation channel for ultra-diffuse galaxies in clusters: a strong evidence from low-mass post-starbursts in Coma |
9th November | 1 | Sebastian Völkel (AEI) | The Black Hole Ringdown as Probe of Extreme Gravity |
C: Tristan Cantat-Gaudin | 2 | Urmila Chadayammuri | Using image-to-image neural networks to paint baryons onto N-body simulations of galaxy clusters |
16th November | 1 | Tomáš Šoltinský (TIFR) | Prospects of statistical detection of the 21-cm forest by the uGMRT |
C: M. Demianenko | 2 | Tibor Dome (KICC) | 21 cm Intensity Mapping in Fuzzy Dark Matter Cosmologies |
23rd November | 1 | Fuheng "Eric" Liang (Oxford/ESO) | Cold molecular gas (cloud) properties across different types of galaxies |
C: Lukas Eisert | 2 | Dan Zucker (Macquarie University, Sydney) | Tracing the Assembly History of the Milky Way’s Halo with Stellar Streams |
30th November | 1 | special GC on JWST projects in GC | Anna de Graaff - RUBIES, Leindert Boogaard - MIDIS, Antoine Dumont - ReveaLLAGN |
C: Nadine Neumayer | 2 | with 6 + 1 short talks | Iva Momcheva - NIRISS, Yanu Khosanova - CEERS, Justus Neumann - PHANGS + Elisabeth Matthews |
7th December | 1 | Carolina Andonie (Uni. Durham) | A panchromatic view of obscured quasars: revealing their role in quasar models |
C: René Andrae | 2 | Taavet Kalda (MPIA) | Deep potential - inferring the gravitational potential from a snapshot of stellar kinematics |
14th December | 1 | Jacob Isbell (MPIA) | First Imaging of an AGN with the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer |
C: M. Häberle | 2 | Tianyi Yang (Uni Edinburgh) | Probing the impact of AGN feedback on gas distribution with SIMBA and IllustrisTNG |
21st December | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Happy Holidays! |
C: | 2 | ||
28th December | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Happy Holidays! |
C: | 2 |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
6th January | 1 | No Galaxy coffee | -- |
2 | Happy New Year! | -- | |
13th January | 1 | Karina Voggel (Strasbourg) | The direct dynamical detection of the closest SMBH pair |
C: B. Zhang | 2 | TBD | TBD |
20th January | 1 | Fabian Scheuermann (ARI) | Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function distances for 19 galaxies observed by PHANGS–MUSE |
C: R. Harris | 2 | Melanie Habouzit | The origins of massive black holes |
27th January | 1 | Roland Szakacs (ESO) | The Column Densities of Molecular Gas across Cosmic Time: Bridging Observations and Simulations |
C: Z. Zhong | 2 | Wuji Wang (ARI) | Spatially mapping the metal-enriched absorbing CGM of a massive galaxy at z~4.5 |
3rd February | 1 | Sofía Rojas | RECA - The Network of Colombian Astronomy Students |
C: B. Husemann | 2 | Sofía Rojas | RECA - The Network of Colombian Astronomy Students |
10th February | 1 | Resilience & Stress Management and
Workplace Culture & Environment Working Groups | Imposter Syndrom Workshop |
C: I. Andika | 2 | Resilience & Stress Management and
Workplace Culture & Environment Working Groups | Imposter Syndrom Workshop |
17th February | 1 | Anna Sippel | Quick look at your nearest spiral galaxy |
C: Y. Khusanova | 2 | Prakash Gaikwad | Measuring the thermal state of the intergalactic medium during hydrogen (5<z<6) and helium (2<z<4) reionization |
24th February | 1 | Hannah Stacey (MPA) | The role of radiative quasar feedback in shaping the evolution of massive galaxies |
C: A.Böcker | 2 | Dominik Riechers | Microwave Background Temperature at a Redshift of 6.34 from H_2O Absorption |
3rd March | 1 | Soumavo Ghosh | Fate of stellar bars in minor merger of galaxies - |
C: J. Lewis | 2 | Johan Comparat (MPE) | The eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey (eFEDS): X-ray emission around star-forming and quiescent galaxies at 0.05<z<0.3 - |
10th March | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | GC Retreat |
C: | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | GC Retreat |
17th March | 1 | Thavisha Dharmawardena | The 3D structure of Star Formation Regions in the era of Gaia DR3 |
C: L. Eisert | 2 | Morgan Fouesneau | While waiting for Gaia DR3: a catalog of revised astrophysical parameters from GDR2 |
24th March | 1 | Sabine Thater (Uni. Vienna) | Cross-checking SMBH mass estimates in NGC 6958 |
C: R. Meyer | 2 | Cristina Ramos Almeida (IAC) | The cold molecular gas emission of type-2 quasars as seen by ALMA ( |
31st March | 1 | Laura Scholz-Diaz (IAC) | Dark matter halos as drivers of galaxy stellar population properties |
C:V. Fürnkranz | 2 | Joe Lewis | The short ionizing photon mean free path at z=6 in the new Cosmic Dawn III simulation |
7th April | 1 | Mainak Singha (U Manitoba) | Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): Characterizing the warm, ionized outflows in Type 1 AGN - |
C: E. J.U. Pott | 2 | Irina Smirnova-Pinchukova | "BPT morphology": the new approach to getting star formation rate if AGN gets in your way |
14th April | 1 | Khyati Malhan | The Global Dynamical Atlas of the Milky Way mergers |
C: C. Engler | 2 | TBD | TBD |
21st April | 1 | Elham Eftekhari (IPM) | Strong CO Absorption Features in Massive ETGs - |
C: J. Lian | 2 | Harshitha Bhat (University of Cologne) | Mid-infrared studies of dusty sources in the Galactic center - |
28th April | 1 | Maosheng Xiang | Milky Way annals: A time-resolved picture of our Milky Way's early formation history |
C: M. Gent | 2 | Sami Dib | The galaxy-wide stellar initial mass function in the presence of cluster-to-cluster IMF variations |
5th May | 1 | Katja Fahrion & Dominik Dold | Evaluating the feasibility of interpretable machine learning for globular cluster detection - |
C:K. Malhan | 2 | Nils Hoyer | Reinforcing the connection between globular clusters and nuclear star clusters in low-mass galaxies |
12th May | 1 | Alyssa Drake (University of Hertfordshire) | The Decoupled Kinematics of high-z QSO Host Galaxies and their Lyα halos |
C: M. Häberle | 2 | Manuela Bischetti (INAF) | Discovery of widespread black-hole outflows in z~6 quasars from the XQR-30 survey |
19th Mai | 1 | Silvia Bonoli (DIPC) | The J-PAS survey: looking at the sky in 56 colors |
C: M. Neeleman | 2 | Jianhui Lian | The Milky Way structure probed by APOGEE survey |
26th Mai | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Public Holiday |
C: | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Public Holiday |
2nd June | 1 | Ling Zhu (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory) | Environmental effects on the assembly of dynamically cold disks in Fornax cluster galaxies |
C: F. Nogueras-Lara | 2 | Francisco Aros (Indiana University) | Revealing the mass-to-light ratio of globular clusters from their kinematics |
9th June | 1 | Michael Maseda (U Wisconsin-Madison) | Ubiquitous [OII] emission in z~0.8 quiescent galaxies |
C: A.Hughes | 2 | Soumavo Gosh | Age dissection of the spiral-driven vertical breathing motions in Milky Way-like galaxies - |
16th June | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Public Holiday |
C: | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Public Holiday |
23rd June | 1 | Bhargav Vaidya (Indian Institute of Technology) | Unravelling the role of shock acceleration in peculiar radio galaxies - |
C: E. Banados | 2 | Adam Leroy (OSU) | Molecular Cloud Populations in the Context of Their Host Galaxy Environments - |
30th June | 1 | Gregory Green | Deep Potential - recovering the gravitational potential from stellar phase-space measurements |
C: J. Isbell | 2 | Kareem El-Badry | Binaries galore with Gaia DR3 |
7th July | 1 | Thomas Connor (JPL) | X-Ray Observations of the Jets Powering Early AGN Growth |
C: Eric Rohr | 2 | Chris Hayward (CCA) | Obscured AGN can power galaxy-scale cold dust emission |
14th July | 1 | Francesca Fragkoudi | Searching for the Milky Way bar’s resonances in Gaia |
C: Ekaterina Magg | 2 | Michael Backes (UNAM - Namibia) | The Africa Millimetre Telescope and astronomy activities at the University of Namibia |
21st July | 1 | Olga Borodina | On the Tremaine-Weinberg method: how much can we trust gas tracers to measure pattern speeds? |
C: Francesca Pinna | 2 | Hans-Walter Rix & Eva Schinnerer et al. | What do we actually “see” in the first JWST data |
28th July | 1 | Christopher Clark (STScI) | Dramatic Evolution in the Dusty ISM Across the Local Group |
C: Markus Kuhlberg | 2 | David Hogg | Gaia XP spectral coefficients and stellar parameters |
4th August | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Summer break |
C: | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Summer break |
11th August | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Summer break |
C: | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Summer break |
18th August | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Summer break |
C: | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Summer break |
25th August | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Summer break |
C: | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Summer break |
1st September | 1 | Yana Khusanova | The [CII] and FIR properties of z > 6 radio-loud quasars |
C: Gregor Seidel | 2 | Eduardo Banados | The highest redshift blazar |
8th September | 1 | Verena Fürnkranz | The orbit-space clustering of stars in the Milky Way disk |
C: Matthew Smith | 2 | Rebecca Levy (U. of Arizona) | The Morpho-kinematic Architecture of Super Star Clusters in the Center of NGC253 |
15th September | 1 | Xander Byrne | Searching for high-redshift lensed quasars with unsupervised machine learning |
C: Maria Bergemann | 2 | Himanshu Verma (IIT Bombay) | Astrometric Microlensing of Primordial Black Holes with Gaia |
22nd September | 1 | Siwei Zou | The CGM observation in the all-sky survey and JWST era |
C: G. Mattia
in the HdA auditorium | 2 | Hans-Walter Rix | After Summer logistics/planning all-hand group meeting |
29th September | 1 | Oliver Völkel | New developments for the virtual conferencing & networking tool sci-an |
C: N. Truong | 2 | Eric Rohr | First steps towards jellyfish galaxies as probes of the cosmic gas |
6th October | 1 | Uddipan Banik (Yale) | Pushing the frontiers of gravitational encounters and collisionless dynamics |
C: M. Demianenko | 2 | Haowen Zhang (Arizona) | Trinity: self-consistent dark matter halo--galaxy--SMBH connection from z=0-10 |
13th October | 1 | Folkert Nobels (Leiden) | Hydrodynamical simulations of idealised disk galaxies and galaxy clusters |
C: J. Wojno | 2 | Romain Meyer | A ~200 pc view of z>6.5 quasar host galaxies |
20th October | 1 | Annalisa Pillepich | Computing resources of MPIA - in house and at MPCDF |
C: M.S. Nitschai | 2 | Julien Wolf | Uncovering the population of X-ray luminous quasars at z~6 with eROSITA |
27th October | 1 | Carl Ferkinhoff (Winona State U.) | The [OI] 63 um line at z~6: Where’d my line go? |
C: E. Zari | 2 | Jianhui Lian | Integrated metallicity profile of the Milky Way |
3rd November | 1 | Melanie Kaasinen | To See or Not to See a z~13 Galaxy? That is the Question. |
C: S. Rojas | 2 | Thomas Jackson | Tuparev AstroTech - Software, Space Junk and Robotic Observatories |
10th November | 1 | Hans-Walter Rix | The Poor Old Heart of the Milky Way |
C: René Andrae | 2 | Igor Chilingaryan (CfA Harvard & Smithsonian) | Growth of supermassive black holes in the "light-weight" regime: the insights from the local Universe |
17th November | 1 | Kerry Paterson | The current state of Euclid: a glance at wavelength calibration |
C: Frederick Davies | 2 | Gourab Giri (IIT Indore) | Understanding the origin of peculiar jetted galaxies using multiwavelength modelling |
24th November | 1 | Richard de Grijs (Macquarie) | Triggering of chromospheric activity in late-type stars |
C: Leindert Boogaard | 2 | Sebastian Heinz (University of Wisconsin–Madison) | Dust Echo Tomography as a Tool to Map the Milky Way |
1st December | 1 | Sviatoslav Borisov (University of Geneva) | The recalibration of the UVES-POP stellar library and its use for stellar population synthesis |
C: Romain Meyer | 2 | Rhys Seeburger | Finding Black Holes that are actually black |
8th December | 1 | Anna Saburova (SAI MSU) | On the enigmatic ‘beasts’ - giant low surface brightness galaxies. How were they formed? How rare are they? |
C: Diego Sotillo Ramos | 2 | Anton Afanasiev (OBSPM) | The Galaxy Mass-Size Relation in CARLA Clusters and Proto-Clusters at 1.4 < z < 2.8: Larger Cluster Galaxy Sizes |
15th December | 1 | Ivan Kostyuk (MPA) | Escape of Lyman continuum photons from Illustris TNG50 halos during the era of reionization |
C: Sarah Bosman | 2 | Sundar Srinivasan (IRyA UNAM) | Analysing multiwavelength light curves of long-period variables in the Nearby Evolved Stars Survey |
22nd December | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | Happy Holidays |
C: | 2 | No Galaxy Coffee | Happy Holidays |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
7th January | 1 | No Galaxy coffee | |
2 | Happy New Year! | ||
14th January | 1 | Coryn Bailer-Jones | Determining distances to all the stars in Gaia Early Data Release 3 - |
C:T.Saito | 2 | Ludovic Delchambre (University of Liège) | Quasars as seen by the ESA/Gaia survey - and |
21st January | 1 | Gergö Popping | The dust-continuum size of TNG50 galaxies at z=1−5:a comparison with the distribution of stellar light, stars, dust and H2 |
C:J.Coronado | 2 | Eduardo Banados | The most distant radio-quiet and radio-loud quasars |
28th January | 1 | Fabian Walter | The DSA-2000 - A Radio Survey Camera ( |
C:F.Santoro | 2 | Daizhong Liu | CO excitation, molecular gas density and interstellar radiation field in local and high-redshift galaxies ( |
4th February | 1 | Eduardo Banados | The most distant radio-quiet and radio-loud quasars part II |
C:J.Esser | 2 | Daniel DeFelippis | Circumgalactic MgII Absorption in the TNG50 Simulation and the MEGAFLOW Survey |
11th February | 1 | Jan-Torge Schindler | The X-SHOOTER/ALMA sample and the evolution of reionization-era quasars |
C: A.Pillepich | 2 | Ted von Hippel | White Dwarfs Ages: A Promising Tool for Understanding the Milky Way |
18th February | 1 | Tom Williams | I Feel the Need, the Need for (Pattern) Speed |
C:G.Seidel | 2 | Tom Herbst | Behind the Scenes at |
25th February | 1 | Ling Zhu (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory) | The discovery of an ancient massive merger event in the Fornax cluster galaxy NGC 1380 |
C:N.Frankel | 2 | Dongwook Lim (ARI) | Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS) III: A new view of the double red clump in the Milky Way bulge through luminosity and color distribution ( |
4th March | 1 | Knud Jahnke & Eduardo Banados | How to write a more successful observing proposal |
C:N.Neumayer | 2 | - | - |
11th March | 1 | Nico Winkel | The Imprint of Cosmic Web Quenching on Central Galaxies |
C:V.Fürnkranz | 2 | Sustainability group | MPIA travel analysis 2018-2020 |
18th March | 1 | Christoph Engler | The abundance of satellites around Milky Way- and M31-like galaxies with TNG50 |
C:X.Nhut Truong | 2 | Meghan Hughes (Liverpool) | What to expect when using globular clusters as tracers of the total mass distribution in Milky Way-mass galaxies |
25th March | 1 | Zdenek Prudil (ARI) | The Orphan stream in 7D using RR Lyrae stars |
C:M.Gent | 2 | Adriano Poci (Macquarie University) | The Fornax3D project: Assembly histories of lenticular galaxies from a combined dynamical and population orbital analysis |
1st April | 1 | Coryn Bailer-Jones | Lost in Space? Relativistic interstellar navigation by the stars - |
C:T.Williams | 2 | Lorenzo Posti (Strasbourg) | Where feedback fails: clues from the dynamics of massive galaxies - and |
8th April | 1 | Teresa Antoja (Barcelona) | Gaia Early Data Release 3: The Galactic anticentre - |
C:M.Häberle | 2 | Paul McMillan (Lund Observatory) | Gaia EDR3: the kinematics of the LMC and the vertical velocities of the outer Milky Way disc |
15th April | 1 | Matus Rybak (Technical University Delft) | Full of Orions? ~100-pc scale mapping of ISM thermodynamics in high-redshift starbursts |
C:J.-U. Pott | 2 | Peter Mitchell (Leiden University) | How gas flows shape the stellar-halo mass relation in the EAGLE simulation |
22nd April | 1 | Jacob Isbell | A Subarcsecond Atlas of Local AGN in the L- and M-bands - |
C:M.Xiang | 2 | Jan Rybizki | Empirical selection function of the Gaia radial velocity sample |
29th April | 1 | Sophia Stuber | Frequency and nature of central molecular outflows in nearby star-forming disk galaxies |
C:J.Isbell | 2 | Begoña García-Conde Navarro (Madrid) | Phase spirals in cosmological simulations of Milky Way-size galaxies |
6th May | 1 | Gabriela Calistro-Rivera (ESO) | Evidence for dusty winds as the origin of QSO reddening - |
C:E.Zari | 2 | Ismael Pessa | Star formation scaling relations at ~100 pc from PHANGS |
13th May | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | --- |
C: | 2 | Public Holiday | --- |
20th May | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | --- |
C: | 2 | Institute meeting | --- |
27th May | 1 | Frederick Davies | The Predicament of Absorption-Dominated Reionization |
C:H.W. Rix | 2 | MPIA sustainability group | An assessment of MPIA’s computing-related carbon footprint |
3rd June | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | --- |
C: | 2 | Public Holiday | --- |
10th June | 1 | Gustavo Medina (ARI) | A census of Cepheids in open clusters in the era of Gaia |
C: R. Andrae | 2 | Ignacio Martín-Navarro (IAC) | Anisotropic satellite galaxy quenching modulated by supermassive black hole activity |
17th June | 1 | Lucas Valenzuela (USM) | The Yin and Yang of Globular Cluster formation: Insights from an empirical model - |
C: M. Kaasinen | 2 | Hans-Walter Rix | The Role of Selection Functions in Modelling Astronomical Data - |
24th June | 1 | Selina Nitschai | Dynamical Model of the Milky Way using Gaia and APOGEE data |
C: G.Mattia | 2 | Rhea-Silvia Remus (USM) | The young and the wild: What happens to protoclusters forming at z=4 |
1st July | 1 | Tobias Buck (AIP) | The impact of CRs on Milky Way like galaxies |
C: S.Bosman | 2 | Lachlan Lancaster (Princeton) | A Fractal Model for Turbulent Stellar Wind Bubbles |
8th July | 1 | Sara Rezaei Kh. | What have we learned from the EAS "welfare and mental health" session |
C: L.Boogaard | 2 | Andrea Maccio | Galaxies without dark matter |
15th July | 1 | Lukas Eisert | Inferring the assembly and merger histories of galaxies with the IllustrisTNG simulations and machine learning |
C: S.Nitschai | 2 | Thavisha Dharmawardena | MPIA wellbeing working group (re-)introduction |
22nd July | 1 | Francesca Pinna | Resolved kinematics of nuclear star clusters link their formation and growth with the evolution of their hosts |
C: E.Schinnerer | 2 | Antonello Calabro (Rome) | Galaxy assembly at high redshift as probed by VANDELS - |
29th July | 1 | Joanna Piotrowska (Cambridge) | Putting breaks on star formation in central galaxies: a consistent look across simulations and observations |
C:I. Pessa | 2 | Gandhali Joshi | The star-formation histories of TNG50 dwarfs: The connection to quenching and alpha abundances |
5th August | 1 | Carina Fian (Tel Aviv) | Revealing the Structure of the Lensed Quasar Q0957+561 |
C:F.Pinna | 2 | Fred Davies | Small-scale intergalactic structure in reionization-epoch quasar proximity zones |
12th August | 1 | Sebastian Messlinger | Learning EPSF-astrometry - surprises and challenges of applying a standard workflow |
C:T.Dharmawardena | 2 | Julianne Dalcanton | PHAT, PHATTER, PHAST: Latest results from Hubble mapping of Local Group spirals |
19th August | 1 | Andreas Koch-Hansen (ARI) | NGC 1261: A globular cluster from the Gaia-Enceladus Event |
C:A.Boecker | 2 | Sofía Rojas | Radio Jet Interactions in the Interstellar Medium of an Extreme Radio-loud Quasar in the first Gyr of the Universe |
26th August | 1 | summer break | No Galaxy Coffee |
C: | 2 | summer break | -- |
2nd September | 1 | summer break | No Galaxy Coffee |
C: | 2 | summer break | -- |
9th September | 1 | summer break | No Galaxy Coffee |
C: | 2 | summer break | -- |
16th September | 1 | Fabian Walter | Breakthrough Starshot: Challenges |
C: M. Donnari
in the auditorium | 2 | Fabian Walter | Breakthrough Starshot: Challenges |
23rd September | 1 | Jakob Walcher (AIP) | The GAMACA project: plans to survey M31 with high angular resolution imaging spectroscopy |
C: E.Rohr | 2 | Jan Rybizki | Gaia astrometric solutions: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly |
30th September | 1 | GC retreat | No Galaxy Coffee |
C: | 2 | GC retreat | No Galaxy Coffee |
7th October | 1 | Po-Feng Wu | Towards precision galaxy evolution: comparing IllustrisTNG and LEGA-C survey. |
C: M.Fouesneau | 2 | Corentin Cadiou | The causal effect of environment on halo mass and concentration |
14th October | 1 | Saba Etezad Razavi | Constraining IGM temperature fluctuations between redshift 3-4 using XQ100 |
C: S.Rojas-Ruiz | 2 | Frederick Davies | A VLBA Measurement of the Relative Proper Motion of M87 and M84 |
21st October | 1 | Kasper Elm Heintz | Measuring the HI gas mass of galaxies in the early Universe with gamma-bursts |
C: M. Schirmer | 2 | Francisco Nogueras Lara | The innermost regions of the Milky Way. Different formation and stellar population |
28th October | 1 | Jianhui Lian | How much is the Milky Way reshaped by radial migration? |
C: D.Sotillo Ramos | 2 | Ignacio Martin-Navarro (IAC) | Rejuvenation triggers nuclear activity in nearby galaxies |
4th November | 1 | Regina Sarmiento | Capturing the physics of MaNGA galaxies with self-supervised Machine Learning |
C: R.Meyer | 2 | Enrico Garaldi | The Thesan simulations - galaxy formation meets cosmic reionization |
11th November | 1 | Marcel Neeleman | Kinematics of z~6 quasar host galaxies |
C: N. Winkel | 2 | Jakob den Brok | Benchmarking the CO(2-1)/(1-0) Line Ratio Across Nearby Spiral Galaxies |
18th November | 1 | Dhruba Dutta Chowdhury (Yale) | On the Dynamics of Dwarf Galaxies and Nuclear Objects in a Fuzzy Dark Matter Halo |
C: J. Gerber | 2 | Fahad Nasir | The Evolution of Small Scale Intergalactic Medium after Reionization |
25th November | 1 | Ashley Barnes (Uni Bonn) | Under pressure: constraining the dominant pre-SNe feedback mechanisms for several thousand star-forming regions |
C: Z.-L. Xie | 2 | Thavisha Dharmawardena | Deriving the 3D structure of the Milky Way: A fast and scalable Gaussian Process applied to nearby star-formation regions. |
2nd December | 1 | Evgeniya Egorova (SAI) | Hunt for eXtremely Metal-Poor galaxies in voids |
C: M. Habouzit | 2 | Thomas Williams | The Two-Dimensional Metallicity Distribution and Mixing Scales of Nearby Galaxies |
9th December | 1 | Kirsty Butler | Molecular Outflows in z>6 Unobscured QSO Hosts - Driven by Star Formation |
C: M. Yardimci | 2 | Johnathan Henshaw | ACES: The ALMA CMZ Exploration Survey — a new ALMA Large Programme on the inner 100pc of the Milky Way |
16th December | 1 | JWST science |
1) Towards Tomographic Mapping of Reionization Epoch Quasar Light-Echoes with JWST - Fred Davies 2) The JWST-legacy narrow-band survey of H-alpha and [OIII] emitters in the epoch of reionization - Yana Khusanova 3) Spectroscopic Confirmation and Characterization of Bright Galaxies at z~9 - Sofia Rojas 4) A Complete Census of Supermassive Black Holes and Host Galaxies at z=6 - Melanie Habouzit & Knud Jahnke 5) The MIRI HUDF Deep Imaging Survey- Romain Meyer & other members of Fabian Walter’s group 6) COSMOS-Web: The JWST Cosmic Origins Survey - Knud Jahnke |
C: F. Walter | 2 | JWST science |
7) JWST NIRSpec GTO- Bernd Husemann & Hans-Walter Rix 8) Revealing Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (ReveaLLAGN) - Nadine Neumayer 9) A JWST-HST-VLT/MUSE-ALMA Treasury of Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies - Tom Williams for PHANGS 10) Illuminating the dust properties in the diffuse ISM with JWST - Sascha Zeegers & Eleonora Zari 11) Physics and Chemistry of Planet-Forming Disks in Extreme Radiation Environments - Macla Ramirez-Tannus |
23rd December | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | TBD |
2 | Happy Holidays! | TBD | |
30th December | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | TBD |
2 | Happy Holidays! | TBD |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
2nd January | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
C: | 2 | Happy New Year! | |
9th January | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
C: | 2 | ||
16th January | 1 | Annalisa Pillepich | X-ray Signatures of Black Hole Feedback |
C:N.Kacharov | 2 | Katja Fahrion (ESO) | Nuclear star clusters in dwarfs and massive galaxies |
23th January | 1 | Christina Eilers (MIT) | Searching for young quasars |
C:M.Donnari | 2 | Sarah Bosman (UCL) | Young galaxies in a quasar's proximity zone at z=5.8 |
30th January | 1 | Maxime Trebitsch | Simulating the assembly of a high-redshift protocluster during the Epoch of Reionization |
C:A.Drake | 2 | Nicolas Martin | Are the dwarf galaxies of Andromeda similar to the dwarf galaxies of the Milky Way? Implications for galaxy evolution. |
6th February | 1 | Laura Salvati (OATs-INAF) | Constraints on cosmological parameters from thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich galaxy clusters |
C:A.Hygate | 2 | Rainer Schoedel (Granada) | Proper motions as key to structure and star formation in the Galactic Centre |
13th February | 1 | Neige Frankel | The Dynamical Evolution of the Milky Way Disk is Cool |
C:J.Isbell | 2 | David Martinez-Delgado | Ultra-deep imaging with small telescopes |
20th February | 1 | Nikolay Kacharov | A multi-component chemo-dynamical model of the Sgr nucleus |
C:M.Fouesneau | 2 | Fabian Walter et al. | Results of the survey 'Mental stress at work' |
27th February | 1 | Andrew Tkachenko (KU Leuven) | (Interior) physics of intermediate- to high-mass stars in the era of big data surveys |
C:M.Kaasinen | 2 | TBD | TBD |
5th March | 1 | Hans-Walter Rix | Does the Milky Way have “real” spiral arms? |
C:A.Gallagher | 2 | Hans-Walter Rix et al. | Organising the retreat: unconferenced sessions and after dinner speaker |
12th March | 1 | Kathryn Kreckel | The SDSS-V Local Volume Mapper Survey |
C:E.Banados | 2 | Tom Herbst | The Local Volume Mapper Instrument |
19th March | 1 | Juan Soler | A story of stellar feedback in the Milky Way revealed by the 21-cm emission by neutral hydrogen |
C:M.Fouesneau | 2 | Christine Wilson | JINGLE: an update on the JCMT dust and gas In Nearby Galaxies Legacy Exploration |
26th March | 1 | Thavisha Dharmawardena | The sub-millimetre properties of Betelgeuse during recent optical minimum |
C:M.Kovalev | 2 | Peter Scicluna (ESO) | Fitting heterogeneous data with imperfect models |
2nd April | 1 | Elad Zinger | Ejective and preventive: BH Feedback and its effects on the
thermodynamics of the gas within and around galaxies |
C:I.Georgiev | 2 | Ryan Leaman | Summary of Lorentz Center workshop: Dynamical Reconstruction of Galaxies |
9th April | 1 | Eric Andersson (Lund) | How runaway stars boost galactic outflows |
C:N.Krieger | 2 | Yana Khusanova | Dust-hidden star formation rate density at redshift z>4 |
16th April | 1 | Maya Petkova (ARI) | Quantifying structure in simulated emission maps of G0.253+0.016 ('the Brick’) |
C:J.Gerber | 2 | Tomas Ruiz-Lara (IAC) | Unveiling the secrets of our Galaxy with Gaia: The recurrent impact of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy |
23rd April | 1 | Eloisa Poggio | Evidence of a dynamically evolving Galactic warp from Gaia DR2 |
C:K.Jahnke | 2 | Gandhali Joshi | The fate of disk galaxies in IllustrisTNG clusters |
30th April | 1 | Wolfgang Brandner | Schwarzschild precession of S2: refining the properties of Sgr A* |
C:I.Lazar | 2 | Jan Rybizki | A Gaia early DR3 mock (GeDR3mock) stellar catalogue - Galactic prior and selection function |
7th May | 1 | Allison Merritt | A missing outskirts problem? Comparisons between stellar halos in the Dragonfly Nearby Galaxies Survey and the TNG100 simulation |
C:G.Green | 2 | Alina Böcker | Can we measure age-metallicity distributions from integrated spectra? |
14th May | 1 | GC Survey committee | Follow-up “Assessment of mental stress at work”: Results and steps forward |
C:K.Jahnke | 2 | GC Survey committee | Follow-up “Assessment of mental stress at work”: Results and steps forward |
21st May | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
C: | 2 | Public Holiday | |
28th May | 1 | Ryan Leaman | The role of galactic structure and environment in nuclear star cluster formation efficiency |
C:M.Habouzit | 2 | Yohan Dubois (IAP, FR) | Cosmic ray feedback in galaxies |
4th June | 1 | Jason Sanders (Univ. of Cambridge) | How fast is the Milky Way Bar rotating? |
C:G.Mattia | 2 | Dylan Nelson (MPA) | Resolving small-scale cold circumgalactic gas in TNG50 |
11th June | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
C: | 2 | Public Holiday | |
18th June | 1 | Sophie Koudmani (Univ. of Cambridge) | The impact of AGN feedback on simulated dwarf galaxies |
C:C.Fendt | 2 | Alessandro Savino (ARI) | The oldest stellar population in the Galaxy |
25th June | 1 | Jindra Gensior (ARI) | Heart of Darkness: How galactic dynamics suppress star formation in galaxy spheroids |
C:C.Hansen | 2 | GC Survey committee
Hans-Walter Rix | Next steps to follow-up the stress survey
Best use of 3 Million ‘Open’ Fibers in SDSS-V? |
2nd July | 1 | Bernd Husemann | The impact of spillover light contamination for dual AGN identification |
C:J.Rybizki | 2 | Benjamin Moster (USM/LMU) | GalaxyNet: Connecting galaxies and dark matter haloes with deep neural networks and reinforcement learning in large volumes |
9th July | 1 | Sebastian Schulz | The IRX-Beta dust attenuation relation of galaxies with the cosmological simulation TNG50 |
C:S.Nitschai | 2 | Florent Renaud (Lund Observatory) | Tilting the outer disk of the Milky Way |
16th July | 1 | Supreet Kaur | Women in Astronomy: Past, Present, and Future |
C:I.Pessa | 2 | Khyati Malhan | A new perspective on cusp/core scenario with accreted Globular Cluster streams |
23rd July | 1 | Lorenzo Zanisi | A deep learning approach to quantitatively compare the fine stellar morphology of simulated and real galaxies |
C:T.Herbst | 2 | Francisco Nogueras Lara | Analysing the extinction curve in the near-infrared towards the Galactic centre |
30th July | 1 | Andrea Negri (IAC) | The luminosity function of cluster’s galaxies in C-EAGLE |
C:D.Sotillo Ramos | 2 | Mattia Sormani (ITA) | Jeans modelling of the Milky Way's nuclear stellar disk |
6th August | 1 | Prashin Jethwa (University of Vienna) | Dimensionally downsized decompositions of galactic spectra |
C:S.Rojas-Ruiz | 2 | Felix Bosco | The spectro-astrometric signal of a quaser BLR at redshift z=2.2 - Seeking the needle in the haystack |
13th August | 1 | Kareem El-Badry (UC Berkeley) | A stripped-companion origin for Be stars, or: How a stripped star a day keeps the black holes away. |
C:G.Joshi | 2 | Joe Hennawi (UC Santa Barbara) | Probing Reionization and Early Cosmic Enrichment with the MgII Forest |
20th August | 1 | Maryam Modjaz (NYU) | Exotic Explosions |
C:F.Bosco | 2 | David Hogg (NYU) | Imaging stellar orbits in the Milky Way |
27th August | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | TBD |
2 | Summer break | TBD | |
3rd September | 1 | Abbas Askar (Lund Observatory) | Formation of super-massive black holes in galactic nuclei: delivering seed intermediate-mass black holes in stellar clusters |
C:Y.Khusanova | 2 | Thomas Jackson (ARI) | The Star-Formation Properties of the Observed and Simulated AGN Universe: BAT vs EAGLE |
10th September | 1 | Bahar Bidaran | On the accretion of a new group of galaxies onto Virgo: A kinematic study |
C:B.Husemann | 2 | Marcel Neeleman | The Wolfe Disk |
17th September | 1 | Joao Amarante | The effects of clumps in disc galaxies: Implications to the Milky Way |
C:K.Jahnke | 2 | Francisco Aros | Binaries in globular clusters: kinematics and the detection of intermediate-mass black holes |
24th September | 1 | Giancarlo Mattia | Jets Launched by a Non-isotropic Accretion-disk Dynamo |
C:M.Fouesneau | 2 | Nhut Truong | Correlations between supermassive black holes and hot gas atmospheres in IllustrisTNG and X-ray observations |
1st October | 1 | Masafusa Onoue | Chemical enrichment probed by a z=7.54 quasar |
C:I.Smirnova-Pinchukova | 2 | Celine Peroux (ESO) | The Physical Properties of the Circumgalactic Medium |
8th October | 1 | Adrian Bittner (ESO) | Nuclear Stellar Structures in Barred Galaxies of the TIMER Survey |
C:M.Neeleman | 2 | Eva Schinnerer & Fred Davies | How to prepare a (good) postdoc application |
15th October | 1 | Meridith Joyce | Seismic and hydrodynamic methods for predicting the enrichment timescales of high-mass stars: a case study with Betelgeuse |
C:I.Andika | 2 | Ryan Keenan (UofA) | Have We Already Reached The Limits of ALMA and JVLA in Explaining the Cosmic Molecular Gas History? |
22nd October | 1 | Reza Ayromlou (MPA) | The role of environment in galaxy evolution |
C:F.Nogueras Lara | 2 | Katja Stock (ARI) | The role of environment in the dynamical evolution of planetary systems |
29th October | 1 | Hiddo Algera | The link between radio emission and star-formation |
C:A.Boecker | 2 | Francesco Santoro | AGN-driven outflows: density matters! |
5th November | 1 | Frederick Davies | Constraining the Gravitational Lensing of z > 6 Quasars from their Proximity Zones |
C:N.Neumayer | 2 | Nils Hoyer | Does the nucleation fraction depend on environment? |
12th November | 1 | Salvatore Taibi (IAC) | Stellar chemo-kinematics of isolated Local Group dwarf galaxies |
C:J.Rybizki | 2 | Francesca Rizzo (MPA) | A strong gravitational lensing view on the dynamical properties of high-redshift star-forming galaxies |
19th November | 1 | Maximilian Häberle | Hunting for an intermediate-mass black hole in the globular cluster NGC 6441 |
C:F.Bosco | 2 | Enrico Garaldi (MPA) | Unveiling the link between galaxies and IGM at high-z |
26th November | 1 | Chris Byrohl (MPA) | The physical origins and dominant emission mechanisms of Lyman-alpha halos in TNG50 |
C:C.Engler | 2 | Katja Fahrion (ESO) | Globular clusters as tracers of galaxy properties and mass assembly |
3rd December | 1 | Christopher Agostino (Indiana University) | Physical drivers of emission-line diversity of 100,000 SDSS AGN with removed star formation contributions |
C:J.Schindler | 2 | Mischa Schirmer | Demonstration of the THELI v3 image processing pipeline |
10th December | 1 | virtual GC retreat | business cards, topical talks and welcome of new people |
C: | 2 | virtual GC retreat | business cards, topical talks and welcome of new people |
17th December | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
C: | 2 | Happy Holidays! | |
24th December | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
C: | 2 | Happy Holidays! | |
31st December | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
C: | 2 | Happy Holidays! |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
3rd January | 1 | No Galaxy coffee | |
C: | 2 | ||
10th January | 1 | Johannes Lange (Yale) | New Insights into the BOSS Lensing Discrepancy |
C: A.Pillepich | 2 | Gergö Popping | ASPECS: the molecular gas content of galaxies and tensions with IllustrisTNG and the Santa Cruz SAM |
17th January | 1 | Felix Bosco | Diffraction limited star cluster observations from 8m-class telescopes - so what? |
C:M.Neeleman | 2 | Alina Böcker | A galaxy's accretion history unveiled from its integrated spectrum |
24th January | 1 | Philipp Lang | Uncovering the stellar structure of Submillimeter Galaxies at redshift 2 |
C:I.Pessa | 2 | Camilla Hansen | CEMP stars - a new way of obtaining metallicities and classifications |
31st January | 1 | Sebastián Bustamante (HITS) | Spin evolution of supermassive black holes in a cosmological context |
C:M.Novak | 2 | Dominik Schleicher (UdeC) | Formation of massive black holes via collisions and accretion |
7th February | 1 | Darshan Kakkad (ESO) | Ionized outflows in high-z AGN host galaxies with SUPER survey |
C: C.Vourellis | 2 | Giacomo Cordoni (Padova) | Kinematics of Multiple Stellar Populations in Globular Clusters with Gaia |
14th February | 1 | Giancarlo Mattia | Particle acceleration in relativistic magnetic reconnection sites |
C:M.Onoue | 2 | Hans-Walter Rix | Gaia as a time-domain survey |
21st February | 1 | Anna-Christina Eilers | The circular velocity curve of the Milky Way |
in the auditorium | 2 | Melanie Kaasinen | The Molecular Gas Reservoirs of High Redshift Galaxies: A comparison of CO(1-0) and dust-based molecular gas masses |
28th February | 1 | Mischa Schirmer & Knud Jahnke | How to write a succeessful observing proposal |
C:J.U.Pott | 2 | Mischa Schirmer & Knud Jahnke | How to write a succeessful observing proposal |
7th March | 1 | Martina Donnari | The star formation activity of IllustrisTNG galaxies |
C: F.Pereira Santos | 2 | Ryan Leaman | A recap of the Lorentz Center workshop 'Formation of Stars and Massive Clusters in Dwarf Galaxies over cosmic time |
14th March | 1 | Christina Eilers & Gergö Popping | preparing the GC retreat |
C:S.Perera | 2 | Irina Smirnova-Pinchukova | [CII] line excess in AGN host galaxy |
21st March | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | interview week | ||
28th March | 1 | Sergey Khoperskov | The echo of the bar buckling: Phase-space spirals in Gaia Data Release 2 |
C: K.Yun | 2 | Victor Marian | On the connection of major mergers and AGNs |
4th April | 1 | Hans-Walter Rix | How to give a good presentation: I. preparing content for science presentations |
C: E.Schinnerer | 2 | Tom Herbst | How to give a good presentation: II. maximizing impact of your science presentation |
11th April | 1 | Josh Speagle (Harvard) | The Devil’s in the Details: Photometric Biases in Modern Surveys |
C: G.Popping | 2 | Milena Valentini (Pisa) | Formation of disc galaxies from cosmological simulations: galactic outflows and chemical evolution |
18th April | 1 | Felipe Goicovic (ITA) | Hydrodynamical moving-mesh simulations of the tidal disruption of stars by supermassive black holes |
C: M.Alfaro | 2 | Nicolas Martin | Tracing the formation of the Milky Way through ultra metal-poor stars |
25th April | 1 | Morgan Fouesneau | Gaia DR2, the challenges behind a catalog of revised astrophysical parameters |
C: J.Rybizki | 2 | Andy Gould | Elements of Isolated Black Hole Detection |
2nd May | 1 | Anish Amarsi | Carbon and oxygen abundances in late-type stars using 3D model atmospheres and non-LTE radiative transfer |
C:Y.Zhuang | 2 | Ignacio Martin-Navarro | A two-dimensional view of the IMF |
9th May | 1 | Tanya Urrutia | The MUSE-Wide Survey: A (not so) shallow survey in deep fields |
C: T.Saito | 2 | Wu Po-Feng | Blind men and the elephant II: what happens when galaxies quench? |
16th May | 1 | Chiara Battistini, Karin Lind, Maria Bergemann, Asa Skuladottir, Maosheng Xiang | Highlights of the 4MOST community workshop |
C: H.W.Rix
In the auditorium | 2 | Eric Pellegrini | WARPFIELD Pop: From (extra-)Galactic star formation and feedback driven clouds to emission from sub-pc to kpc scales |
23rd May | 1 | David Lagattuta (Lyon) | BUFFALO-WINGS: A 3D look at the Frontier Fields with MUSE |
C: F.Santoro | 2 | Duncan Campbell (Carnegie Mellon) | A Halo Model for Intrinsic Alignments |
30th May | 1 | no galaxy coffee | TBD |
C: | 2 | public holiday | TBD |
6th June | 1 | Kareem El-Badry | Conduction and cooling in supernovae-driven superbubbles |
C: I.Barisic
In the auditorium | 2 | Marusa Zerjal (ANU) | In search of young stars in the Solar neighbourhood |
13th June | 1 | Brent Groves | Looking for O/H in all the wrong places: issues in measuring gas phase metallicity in galaxies |
C: I.Andika | 2 | Irene Shivaei | Measuring dust in emission and absorption in galaxies at z~2 |
20th June | 1 | no galaxy coffee | TBD |
2 | public holiday | TBD | |
27th June | 1 | Nhut Truong | Correlation between supermassive black holes and the hot atmospheres of early-type galaxies |
C: JT Schindler | 2 | Anil Seth (Utah) | Nuclear Star Clusters Across A Wide Range of Galaxy Mass |
4th July | 1 | Chiara Mazzucchelli (ESO) | The Environment of Quasars at z~6 : a Multiwavelength Perspective |
C: A.Böcker | 2 | Laurie Rousseau-Nepton (CFHT) | The SIGNALS legacy survey: On the birth of stars in the nearby Universe. |
11th July | 1 | Maryam Modjaz | Stellar Forensics with Exploding Stars via their Host Galaxies |
C: F. Bosco | 2 | João Cardoso | Magnetic field morphology in the dense filaments of the Infrared Dark Cloud G14.2 |
18th July | 1 | Andrea Maccio | Black Hole accretion and AGN feedback in the NIHAO simulations |
C: B. Seidel | 2 | Mario Pasquato (Padova) | Train on simulations, predict on observations: making machine learning an integral part of the scientific process in astronomy |
25th July | 1 | Aaron Dutton | Star formation and the nature of dark matter |
C: M.Schirmer | 2 | Nick Choksi | The origins of globular cluster system scaling relations |
1st August | 1 | Coryn Bailer-Jones | Quasar and galaxy classification in Gaia Data Release 2 |
C: S.Buder | 2 | TBD | TBD |
8th August | 1 | Apurba Bera (NCRA-TIFR) | Neutral atomic hydrogen at intermediate redshifts |
C: A.Sippel | 2 | TBD | TBD |
15th August | 1 | Julianne Dalcanton | Understanding the US Decadal Survey |
C: A.Skuladottir | 2 | TBD | TBD |
22nd August | 1 | Kathryn Kreckel | Mapping Metallicity Variations in Nearby Galaxies |
C: N.Neumayer | 2 | TBD | TBD |
29th August | 1 | Melanie Kaasinen | Comparing Molecular Gas Tracers at z~2: Do CO and dust continuum emission trace the same regions of the ISM? |
C: J.-T. Schindler | 2 | Elias Oakes | Observations and association of GMCs and HII regions in the PHANGS sample |
5th September | 1 | Sofía Rojas | Finding Galaxies at z = 7 - 11 |
C: J.Coronado | 2 | Laura Sales (UC Riverside) | The Formation of Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies in Clusters |
12th September | 1 | Katerina Semenova | Observational constrains on atomic diffusion |
C: M.Alfaro | 2 | Gregory Green | Deep Multiband Photometry in the Milky Way Midplane |
19th September | 1 | Thomas Nordlander | SMSS1605-1443: The lowest detected stellar Fe abundance |
C: J.Engler | 2 | Selina Nitschai | Dynamical model of the Milky Way disc using Gaia data |
26th September | 1 | Abbas Askar (Lund) | Stellar Mass Black Holes in Globular Clusters: Dynamical Consequences and Observational Signatures |
C: F.Walter | 2 | Leonard Burtscher | A comparative study of the stellar populations in the nuclei of ultra-hard X-ray selected AGNs |
3rd October | 1 | no galaxy coffee | TBD |
2 | public holiday | TBD | |
10th October | 1 | Sophia Stuber | The abundance of nuclear molecular outflows in nearby galaxies |
C: M.Xiang
in the HdA Seminarroom II | 2 | Ross Church (Lund Observatory) | Can super-Earth planets mess up chemical tagging? M67 as a testbench |
17th October | 1 | Marc Sarzi | Overview of the F3D survey |
C: J.Esser | 2 | Nikki Zabel | The ALMA Fornax Cluster Survey & F3D: resolved molecular gas and star formation in the Fornax cluster |
24th October | 1 | Francesca Pinna | Unveiling the complexity of thick disks in nearby galaxies with MUSE |
C: E.Zinger | 2 | Bidisha Bandyopadhyay | Resolving the accretion flow in nearby AGN using the EHT and GMVA |
31st October | 1 | Yetli Rosas-Guevara | Stellar bars in cosmological simulations |
C: N.Frankel | 2 | Sree Oh | Kinematics of galactic bulges and disks |
7th November | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
14th November | 1 | Ella Wang | 3D non-LTE lithium measurements in the oldest stars in the Milky Way |
C:A. Amarsi
in the auditorium | 2 | Kiyun Yun | The classifying jellyfish galaxies on the Zooniverse |
21st November | 1 | Jan Rybizki | Inferring Galactic parameters from chemical abundances: A multi-star approach |
C:C.Bailer-Jones | 2 | Bernd Husemann | Preparing for the James Webb Space Telescope - Opportunities and Training |
28th November | 1 | Romain Meyer (UCL) | Probing reionisation with cross-correlations of galaxies and the Lyman-alpha forest at z~6 |
C:X.Gao | 2 | Sustainability group MPIA | Sustainability@MPIA |
5th December | 1 | Christoph Engler | Satellite and Central Galaxies on Distinct Stellar-to-Halo Mass Relations: Insights from the IllustrisTNG Simulations |
C:R.Andrae | 2 | Aleksandra Hamanowicz | Blind search for CO Emission in ALMACAL |
12th December | 1 | Ute Lisenfeld (Granada) | Molecular gas and star formation in galaxy mergers: Differences between S+S and S+E pairs. |
C: T.Dharmawardena
Note: starts at 13:30 | 2 | Emanuele Farina | Once upon a time in a quasar far, far away... A tale from your favourite MUSE |
19th December | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | Happy Holidays! | ||
26th December | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
C: | 2 | Happy Holidays! |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
4th January | 1 | No galaxy coffee | |
2 | Holidays | ||
11th January | 1 | Johannes Lange [Yale] | Probing the Galaxy-Halo Connection with Satellite Kinematics |
C: M.Donnari
[Nikolay away] | 2 | Manuel Arca Sedda | A spot of light in the dark night: nuclear cluster formation and its implication for the Galactic 𝜸 and X-ray central emission |
18th January | 1 | Bertram Bitsch | ERC / Emmy Noether grant - What is (in my opinion) important |
C: S.Barboza | 2 | Grigorii Smirnov-Pinchukov | ISM in Ho I and IC 2574: star-forming regions and feedback |
25th January | 1 | Neige Frankel | What sets the radial structure of the Milky Way disk? |
C: M.Bergemann | 2 | Tobias Buck | High-resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulations: What do they tell us about the Local Group? |
1st February | 1 | Annalisa Pillepich | The assembly and profiles of massive galaxies |
C: D.Feuillet | 2 | Mladen Novak | Radio based cosmic star formation history |
8th February | 1 | Rainer Weinberger [HITS] | Active galactic nucleus feedback and (some of) its consequences for galaxy formation |
C: I.Barisic | 2 | Jong-Hak Woo | Delayed or no AGN feedback? |
15th February | 1 | Camilla Hansen | News on Ages and Heavy Element Abundances from Very Metal-poor Stars in the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy |
C: M.Fouesneau
[Nadine away] | 2 | Peter M. Frinchaboy [TCU] | The Open Cluster Chemical Abundance and Mapping (OCCAM) Survey: Science and Calibration in the High-Resolution Survey Era |
22nd February | 1 | Elad Zinger | Cold Fronts and Shocks formed by Stream Collisions in the ICM |
C: T.Buck
[Nadine and Chiara away] | 2 | Valeriy Vasiliev | The validity of hydrostatic approximation in a context of short-periodic Cepheids |
1st March | 1 | Gergely Popping | Dissecting the IRX - beta dust attenuation relation |
C: A.Gallagher
[Nadine away] | 2 | Chris Faesi | Universality vs. environmental dependence in giant molecular clouds structure: Lessons from local galaxies |
8th March | 1 | Eugene Vasiliev | Self-consistent models of the Milky Way in the Gaia era |
C: T.Buck | 2 | Annalisa Pillepich | A theoretical census of the OVI, OVII and OVIII ions in the Universe |
15th March | 1 | Alyssa Drake | MNRAS Behind the Scenes: The ‘Assistant Editor’ Role |
C: C.Fendt | 2 | Tom Herbst | Construction matters at MPIA |
22nd March | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | interviews at MPIA | ||
29th March | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | holiday | ||
5th April | 1 | Ása Skúladóttir | The chemical connection between damped Lyman-alpha systems and Local Group dwarf galaxies |
C: P.Chauke
[Nadine away] | 2 | Juan Soler | The role of the magnetic field in molecular cloud formation: two or three things that we learned with the Planck satellite |
12th April | 1 | Mattia Sormani [ITA] | Why rings?? |
C: C.Hansen | 2 | Bernd Husemann | The story of Jil and Jim (or the discovery of a dual AGN at z~3) |
19th April | 1 | Matteo Bonetti [Universita dell'Insubria] | Massive Black Hole Triplets in Galactic Nuclei |
C: J.Coronado | 2 | Marc-Antoine Miville-Dechenes | The return of the Diffuse Galactic Light : interstellar turbulence and weak lensing foregrounds |
26th April | 1 | Fan Liu [Lund] | Are open clusters chemically homogeneous? |
C: I.T.Ho | 2 | Renuka Pechetti [University of Utah] | Centrally enhanced mass-to-light ratios in low-mass early-type galaxies : Evidence for black holes? |
3rd May | 1 | Daniel Weisz (UC Berkeley) | UC Berkeley Department Climate |
C: T.Herbst
[Nadine away] | 2 | Alyssa Drake, Mayte Alfaro, Hans-Walter Rix, Tom Herbst | Organising the GC retreat & How to prepare the business card |
10th May | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | Holiday | ||
17th May | 1 | Kareem El-Badry (UC Berkeley) | The formation and hierarchical assembly of globular cluster populations |
C: S.Buder | 2 | Masafusa Onoue | Exploration of the Cosmic Dawn with z~6 Low-Luminosity Quasars |
24th May | 1 | Margherita Talia | ALMA view of a massive spheroid progenitor: a compact rotating core of molecular gas in an AGN host at z=2.226 |
C: J.Esser
[Nadine away] | 2 | David Martinez-Delgado (ARI) | Stellar Streams around nearby galaxies in the Legacy surveys |
31st May | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | Holiday | ||
7th June | 1 | Sabine Bellstedt | Total-mass density slopes of early-type galaxies: comparing observations and simulations |
C: B.Husemann | 2 | Joki Rosdahl [CRAL/Observatoire de Lyon] | The SPHINX simulations of reionisation |
14th June | 1 | Francisco Nogueras Lara (Granada) | The Galactic Centre seen by the “K” HAWK-eye |
C: N.Frankel | 2 | Adam Stevens (UWA) | Regulators and disruptors of galaxies' HI content |
21st June | 1 | Vardha Bennert | Calibrating the BH mass-stellar-velocity dispersion relation with spatially-resolved kinematics of reverberation-mapped AGNs using 3D spectroscopy |
C: N.Kacharov
(Mayte away) | 2 | Thomas Nordlander | How to find metal-poor stars |
28th June | 1 | Diane Salim | A new turbulence-regulated star formation law |
C: J.Frings
(Mayte away) | 2 | Fabian Göttgens | Observing Globular Clusters with MUSE in 15 Minutes |
5th July | 1 | Tom Zick [UC Berkeley] | Could Globular Clusters Masquerade as their Host Dwarf at High Redshift? |
C: K.Jahnke | 2 | Irina Smirnova-Pinchukova | SOFIA news and possibilities |
12th July | 1 | Akshay Rana [University of Delhi] | Testing Cosmic Distance Duality Relation using Strong gravitational lensing |
C: G.Joshi | 2 | Caroline Straatman [Ghent University] | Evolution of the Tully-Fisher relation since z~1 and dynamical masses |
19th July | 1 | Seunghwan Lim [Amherst] | Gas contents in the local Universe from Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effects |
C: X.Gao
(Mayte & Nadine away) | 2 | Jan Rybizki | Using Chempy to score yield sets and predict the best IMF and number of SN Ia for chemical evolution |
26th July | 1 | Andrea Maccio | Galaxies and Dark Matter |
C: L.Inno | 2 | Ute Lisenfeld (Granada) | Suppression of star formation in transitioning galaxies in Compact Groups |
2nd August | 1 | Wolfgang Brandner | Galactic Center observations with the VLT |
C: A. Hygate | 2 | Yasna Órdenes Briceño (PUC & ARI) | Nuclear star cluster and globular cluster population in the Fornax Galaxy Cluster |
9th August | 1 | Chris Duckworth [St. Andrews] | The cosmic web and halo assembly bias |
C: K.Kreckel
(Mayte away) | 2 | Joe Hennawi | How Long do Quasars Shine |
16th August | 1 | Eva Laplace | Exploding stripped stars |
C: H.Hiss
(Nikolay away) | 2 | Laura Inno | Radial metallicity gradient with Galactic stellar probes |
23rd August | 1 | Sami Dib | Understanding the trends and scatter in the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation |
C: K.Lind
(Nikolay & Nadine away) | 2 | Tobias Buck | The importance of feedback in the formation of realistic galactic dwarf galaxy populations |
30th August | 1 | Marta Reina Campos (ARI) | Dynamical disruption of GCs in E-MOSAICS and implications for multiple population models |
C: Daizhong Liu
(Nikolay & Nadine away) | 2 | Sarah Leslie | The galaxy SFR -- stellar mass relation in COSMOS: environment and morphological dependences |
6th September | 1 | Ayan Acharyya [ANU] | Determining effects of spatial resolution on metallicity gradients using simulated galaxies |
C: M. Kaasinen
(Nadine away) | 2 | Nissim Kanekar (NCRA-TIFR) | Massive Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts |
13th September | 1 | Andrew Emerick [Columbia University] | Chemical Enrichment in Low Mass Dwarf Galaxies: Insights from Simulations Tracking Individual Stars |
C: Leaman
(Mayte away) | 2 | Kathryn Kreckel | The Local Volume Mapper in SDSS-V: Connecting Stellar Feedback with the ISM in the Milky Way and Local Group |
20th September | 1 | Coryn Bailer-Jones | Plausible home stars of the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua' |
C: M. Kovalev | 2 | Riccardo Nanni | The X-ray properties of z~6 quasars |
27th September | 1 | Hamsa Padmanabhan [Zurich] | The halo model for the baryonic universe: from astrophysics to cosmology |
C: Philipp Lang | 2 | Gigi Leung | Joint Gas and Stellar Dynamical Models for the Isolated dIrr WLM |
4th October | 1 | Asger Gronnow | Magnetised clouds in the Galactic corona: Fuel for future star formation? |
C: N. Krieger
(Nadine away) | 2 | Urmila Chadayammuri [Yale] | Separating the effects of major mergers and AGN activity |
11th October | 1 | Fabian Walter | How to write a referee report |
C: Neumayer | 2 | Fabian Walter | How to write a referee report |
18th October | 1 | Po-Feng Wu | Blind Men and Elephant: Ages and sizes of quiescent galaxies and how they get there |
C: Battistini | 2 | Greg Green [Stanford] | A New Gaia 3D Dust Map |
25th October | 1 | Ismael Pessa | A VLT/MUSE galaxy survey towards QSO Q1410: looking for a WHIM traced by BLAs in inter-cluster filaments |
C: S. Leslie | 2 | Henry Poetrodjojo (ANU) | The effects of diffuse ionized gas on metallicity gradients |
1st November | 1 | No galaxy Coffee | |
2 | Holiday (All Saints) | ||
8th November | 1 | Sven Buder | How Gaia can change your stellar spectroscopic survey - a view on stellar parameters and chemodynamics |
C: E. Zinger | 2 | I-Ting Ho | A Machine Learning Artificial Neural Network Calibration of the Strong-Line Oxygen Abundance |
15th November | 1 | Maxime Trebitsch [IAP France] | Escape of ionizing radiation from high-z galaxies and AGNs |
C: Mastrobuono-Battisti | 2 | Yulong Zhuang | The diversity of stellar metallicity gradients in IllustrisTNG galaxies |
22nd November | 1 | Matthieu Bethermin | CONCERTO: a first-generation [CII] intensity mapping experiment |
C: Marian | 2 | Anne Klitsch | A survey of molecular gas in HI-Absorption-Selected Systems |
29th November | 1 | Jan-Torge Schindler | The extremely luminous quasar survey |
C: R.McElroy | 2 | Eulalia Gallego Cano (IAA Granada) | The stellar cusp around the Milky Way’s central black hole |
6th December | 1 | Coryn Bailer-Jones et al. | Summary of the conference: The life and times of the Milky Way
with contributions from: Diane Feuillet, Neige Frankel, Sven Buder, Karin Lind, Coryn Bailer-Jones |
C: S.Rezaeikhoshbakhat | 2 | Gandhali Joshi | The morphological transformation of spiral galaxies in IllustrisTNG clusters |
13th December | 1 | Annagrazia Puglisi | The ALMA view on the M*-Size relation at z>1 |
C: A.Merritt
Note: special time:13:30! | 2 | Francisco Aros | Globular clusters and the search for intermediate mass black holes |
20th December | 1 | Stefan Maeder (Freiburg) | Archeoastronomy: Starmaps and the identification of Geographical North in Neolithic Brittany, ca. 4900 - 2600 BC |
C: | 2 | -- | -- |
27th December | 1 | No Galaxy coffee | |
C: | 2 |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
5th January | 1 | No galaxy coffee | |
2 | Holidays | ||
12th January | 1 | Maria Süveges | Extreme-value statistics and its use for the detection of periodic signals in astronomy |
C: A. Sippel
[Ema & Nadine away] | 2 | Nikolay Kacharov | Prolate rotation and metallicity gradient in the transforming dwarf galaxy Phoenix |
19th January | 1 | Thomas Müller | Visualizations @ HdA |
C: A. Mastrobuono-Battisti
[Ema away] | 2 | Kathryn Kreckel | A revised planetary nebula luminosity function distance to NGC 628 using MUSE |
26th January | 1 | Mayte Alfaro | M54: A key to the connection between globular and nuclear star clusters. |
C: K. Kreckel | 2 | Jonathan Stern | A comment on recent evidence for super-Eddington accretion in massive black holes |
2nd February | 1 | Rebecca McElroy | Mrk 1018 returns to the shadows after 30 years as a Seyfert 1 |
C: N. Kacharov | 2 | Camila Navarrete | Stellar streams around the Magellanic Clouds in 4D |
9th February | 1 | Damian Fabbian [MPS, Goettingen] | Three-dimensional radiation-magnetohydrodynamic simulations and advanced spectral synthesis for high-precision studies of stars and their exoplanets |
C: C. Straatman | 2 | Chiara Mazzucchelli | Physical Properties of 15 Quasars at z > 6.5 |
16th February | 1 | Jan Rybizki | What does the Sun tell us about the Milky Way chemical evolution |
C: M. Martig
[Ema & Chiara away] in the auditorium! | 2 | Maria Süveges | Learn from every mistake! Probabilistic information combination for astronomical surveys |
23rd February | 1 | Tobias Buck | Clumps in high redshift galaxies: Clumpy discs or clumpy light? |
C: Jan Rybizki
[Ema & Chiara away] | 2 | Maan Hani [University of Victoria] | The CGM of major mergers in cosmological simulations |
2nd March | 1 | Po-Feng, Wu | The LEGA-C survey: dissecting stellar populations in galaxies 7 Gyr ago |
C: A.-C. Eilers
[Nadine away] | 2 | Annalisa Pillepich | IllustrisTNG: Chapter I |
9th March | 1 | Allison Man [ESO] | Quenching in action? A case study of how the active galactic nucleus affects the interstellar medium in a radio galaxy |
C: S. Rezae Kh. | 2 | Branimir Sesar | Chemically Tagging the Galactic Ripple: TriAnd and A13 Halo Overdensities |
16th March | 1 | Jonathan Stern | Observational signatures of circumgalactic metal-enriched cool gas flows |
in the auditorium!
C:M.Lovell | 2 | Valentina Guglielmo
[University of Padova] | Studying the population of galaxies in X-ray groups and clusters with the XXL survey |
23rd March | 1 | Jouni Kainulainen | Taking steps towards Galaxy-scale physical star formation models |
in the auditorium!
C:A.Picotti | 2 | Alice Zocchi
[University of Bologna] | Kinematical signatures of intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters |
30th March | 1 | Alireza Molaei
[IPM, Iran] | The imprint of bars on the formation and evolution of bulges |
[Nadine away] | 2 | Jesus Falcon Barroso [IAC, Tenerife] | UV-extended E-MILES stellar population models: young components in massive early-type galaxies |
6th April | 1 | Valeriy Vasilyev | An interpretation of the K-term in a multidimensional model of the Cepheid |
[Chiara & Nadine away] | 2 | Roberto Decarli | The interstellar medium of quasar hosts in the first billion years since the Big Bang |
13th April | 1 | Vardha N. Bennert | A Local Baseline of the Black Hole Mass Scaling Relations |
C:V.Vasilyev | 2 | Thales Gutcke | Non-linear effects of a metallicity dependent initial mass function in Milky Way analogues |
20th April | 1 | I-Ting Ho | The Chemical Evolution Carousel of Spiral Galaxies |
[Chiara, Ema & Nadine away] | 2 | Wilma Trick | Modeling the Milky Way with Gaia |
27th April | 1 | Bram Venemans | The most distant quasars and their host galaxies |
[Chiara & Ema away] | 2 | Annalisa Pillepich | IllustrisTNG: Chapter 2 |
4th May | 1 | Hans-Walter Rix | How to give a good talk |
[Nadine away] | 2 | Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti &
Nikolay Kacharov | Organising the GC retreat |
11th May | 1 | Sven Buder | Studying the chemo-dynamic cocktail of Galah+TGAS |
C: L. Inno | 2 | Timothy Davis [Cardiff] | Black holes and very dynamically cold molecular discs in
the mm-Wave Interferometric Survey of Dark Object Masses (WISDOM) |
18th May | 1 | Roland Gredel | MPIA observatories & instrumentation |
C:I.-T.Ho | 2 | Thomas Kupfer [Caltech] | A systematic search for Galactic ultracompact binaries using synoptic surveys |
25th May | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | Holiday (Ascension Day) | ||
1st June | 1 | Athanasia [Sassa] Tsatsi | Formation and rotation of nuclear star clusters |
C:R. Decarli
[Chiara & Ema away] | 2 | Mattia Sormani [ITA] | Periodicity makes galactic shocks unstable |
8th June | 1 | Kareem El-Badry [UC Berkeley] | Effects of stellar feedback on dwarf galaxy evolution |
C: C.Battistini
[Chiara & Nadine away] | 2 | Maria Jesus Jimenez Donaire [ITA] | EMPIRE: Mapping dense gas in nearby galaxies |
15th June | 1 | No Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | Holiday (Corpus Christi) | ||
22nd June | 1 | Clio Bertelli Motta [ARI] | Atomic diffusion in M67 stars |
C: M.Alfaro
[Chiara away] | 2 | Ignacio Martín Navarro | Black hole regulated star formation in massive galaxies |
29th June | 1 | Mischa Schirmer [Gemini] | AGN in low-redshift Lyman-alpha blobs |
C: G.Worseck
[Ema away] | 2 | Markus Demleitner [ARI] | Be smart with ADQL -- a few hints on creative querying of astronomical databases |
6th July | 1 | Tobias Buck | NIHAO-UHD: High resolution simulations of Milky Way mass galaxies |
C: R.Leaman
[Ema away] | 2 | Anna Schauer | The formation of direct collapse black holes under the influence of streaming velocities |
13th July | 1 | Anna Weigel [ETH] | A phenomenological model for black hole growth in the local Universe |
C: C.Straatman | 2 | Elisabete da Cunha | The Taipan galaxy survey |
20th July | 1 | Freeke van de Voort [HITS] | The deuterium abundance in the IGM and ISM |
C: I. Barisic | 2 | Jonas Frings | The Edge of galaxy formation: simulations of Milky Way satellite analogues |
27th July | 1 | Daniel Lenz (JPL) | Why Cosmology should care about the Milky Way - current status and challenges in foreground modeling |
C: C. Vourellis | 2 | Julianne Dalcanton | Stellar and Nebular Models in the JWST Era |
3rd August | 1 | Annalisa Pillepich | IllustrisTNG: Chapter 3 |
C: S. Buder
in the auditorium | 2 | John Weaver | Exploring the Recent Merger Remnant NGC 7252 with Integral Field Spectroscopy |
10th August | 1 | Irina Smirnova-Pinchukova | The SOFIA flights experience |
C: J. Rybizki | 2 | Hendrik Linz | News from IRAM: current capabilities, and what this can do for you! |
17th August | 1 | Maria Süveges | Cepheids in the LMC, unstable standard candles? |
C: C. Mazzucchelli | 2 | Ronald Läsker
[University of Turku] | H-alpha emission analysis and Cosmic-Ray production in Tycho's Supernova Remnant shock |
24th August | 1 | Michael Walther | New constraints on IGM Thermal evolution from the Lyα forest power spectrum |
C: S. Rezae Kh.
[Nadine away] | 2 | Emanuele Paolo Farina | 5 ways to get photo-z of BL Lacs |
31st August | 1 | Rokas Žemaitis
[University of Edinburgh] | Build up of the circum-galactic medium through cosmic time |
C: M. Fouesneau
[Nadine away] | 2 | Arjen van der Wel | Galaxy Growth through Merging: Evidence from Stellar Kinematics at z~1 |
7th September | 1 | Ivana Barišić | Maintaining quiescence at z~1 (through AGN feedback) |
C: C. Battistini
[Chiara & Nadine away] | 2 | Neven Tomicic | Star formation tracers at 50 PC scales in M31 |
14th September | 1 | Sergey Khoperskov
[Observatoire de Paris Meudon] | Star formation quenching in gas-rich barred galaxies |
C: A. Mastrobuono-Battisti
[Ema away] | 2 | Nikolay Kacharov, Fabian Walter, Diane, Feuillet, Po-Feng Wu | Views of the solar eclipse |
21st September | 1 | Santiago Torres
[Leiden] | Dynamics of the Oort Cloud in the Gaia Era |
C: L. Zschaechner
[Ema away] | 2 | Po-Feng Wu | The scaling relation between baryonic masses and stellar disk sizes of late-type galaxies |
28th September | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | MPIA outing | ||
5th October | 1 | Melanie Kaasinen | The evolution of the ionisation parameter of star-forming galaxies |
[Nadine away] | 2 | Sara Rezaeikhoshbakhat | 3D map of dust in Orion cloud from Gaia TGAS |
12th October | 1 | L.Y. Aaron Yung
[Rutgers University] | Galaxy Formation at Extreme Redshifts: Semi-analytic Model Predictions and Implication on Cosmic Reionization |
2 | I-Ting Ho | Azimuthal variations of HII region oxygen abundance in spiral galaxies | |
19th October | 1 | Melanie Kaasinen | The evolution of the ionisation parameter of star-forming galaxies |
2 | Gergö Popping | ALMA reveals starburst like ISM in a compact star-forming galaxy | |
26th October | 1 | Misha Haywood | Hiding its age: the case for a younger bulge |
C: A.Mastrobuono-B.
[Chiara away] | 2 | Francisco Aros | Axisymmetric dynamical models of Dwarf Spheroidal galaxies |
2nd November | 1 | Yu-Yen Chang | Structural Parameters and NIR morphologies of SMGs |
C: C.Eilers
[Nadine away] | 2 | Bernd Husemann | What exactly are changing-look AGN? |
9th November | 1 | Somayeh Sheikhnezami | Long-term simulation of MHD jet launching from an orbiting star-disk system |
C: N. Krieger
[Nikolay away] | 2 | Elad Zinger | Slow Quenching of Satellite Galaxies at the Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters |
16th November | 1 | Francesco Belfiore | Do galaxies quench inside-out? Insights from the MaNGA survey |
2 | Adriano Poci | Dynamical Masses and Stellar Populations | |
23rd November | 1 | Benjamin Keller [ARI] | Superbubble Regulation of Baryons in Cosmological Galaxy Formation |
C: C.Bailer-Jones | 2 | Markus Pössel | Gravitational waves: Where do we stand? |
30th November | 1 | Elad Zinger | The Role of Penetrating Gas Streams in Setting the Dynamical State of Galaxy Clusters |
C: A.Amarsi
[Nikolay away] | 2 | Daniele Sorini | Constraining Galaxy Formation Models with Lyman-alpha Absorption Profiles around Halos |
7th December | 1 | Sebastian Trujillo Gomez | The abundance of dwarf galaxies as a powerful tool for Near-Field cosmology |
C: M.Alfaro | 2 | TBD | TBD |
14th December | 1 | Ling Zhu | Quantifying the relation between galaxy’s stellar orbit distribution and its proxies |
C: F.Aros
Starting time: 13:15 Location: Horsaal | 2 | Sam Geen [ITA] | Stellar Feedback from Small to Large Scales |
21st December | 1 | No galaxy coffee | TBD |
2 | Happy holidays! | TBD |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
7th January | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | Holidays | ||
14th January | 1 | Sara Rezaei Khoshbakht | Towards a 3D map of dust in the Milky Way using Gaia |
2 | Remco van den Bosch | Black hole scaling relations... redux edition | |
21st January | 1 | Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti | Evolution of second generation stars in stellar disks of globular and nuclear clusters |
2 | Masafusa Onoue (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) | Searching for z>6 Quasars with Subaru/HSC survey | |
28th January | 1 | Jakob Herpich | Surfing on the bar: the formation of anti-truncated disks |
2 | Paolo Bianchini | Mass segregation and energy equipartition in globular clusters | |
4th February | 1 | Marie Martig | Red giant masses and ages derived from carbon and nitrogen abundances |
[Ema away] | 2 | Daniel R. Weisz (University of Washington) | The Local Group as a Time Machine |
11th February | 1 | Roger Ianjamasimanana | Effects of deconvolution and residual scaling on HI velocity dispersion |
[Ema, Nadine & Chiara away] | 2 | Sarah Leslie | Quenching star formation |
18th February | 1 | Jonathan Stern | Evidence that most type 1 quasars are reddened by dust |
in the auditorium [Ema & Chiara away] | 2 | Morgan Fouesneau | Star cluster mass function - Truncated or not truncated |
25th February | 1 | Ema & Jonathan | Shaping the Galaxy Retreat 2016 |
[Chiara away] | 2 | Wolfgang Kerzendorf (ESO) | Living near a black hole - the Milky Way nuclear star cluster |
3rd March | 1 | Joe Hennawi & Knud Jahnke | How to write a successful proposal |
[Ema & Chiara away] | 2 | Joe Hennawi & Knud Jahnke | How to write a successful proposal |
10th March | 1 | Anna Sippel | What globular cluster models and video games have in common |
(Nadine away) | 2 | Roberto Decarli | ASPECS view on the Cosmic Infrared Background |
17th March | 1 | Tri Astraatmadja | Estimating distances from parallaxes, or: What is (not) a good prior for Gaia? |
@seminar room II HdA [Chiara away] | 2 | Hans-Walter Rix | What should ESO envision as its "ultimate" spectroscopic survey facility? |
24th March | 1 | Chiara Mazzucchelli | The search for the highest redshift quasars with Pan-STARRS1 |
[Nadine away] | 2 | Charli Sakari [University of Washington] | Detailed Abundances of M31 Globular Clusters from High Resolution Integrated Light Spectroscopy. |
31st March | 1 | Ryan Leaman | The Birth Environment of Globular Clusters |
[Nadine away] | 2 | ||
7th April | 1 | Rukmani Vijayaraghavan [University of Virginia] | The Survival and Destruction of Galactic Gas in Cluster Environments |
2 | Fabian Walter | Highlights of the conference "The Reionization Epoch: New Insights and Future Prospects" | |
14th April | 1 | Nikos Fanidakis | Data Scientist: the coolest job of the 21st century and how to get one! |
2 | Nikos Fanidakis | " | |
21st April | 1 | Jillian Bellovary | Fueling SMBHs: Mergers vs Smooth Accretion |
2 | Neven Tomicic | Attenuation and dust distribution in M31 | |
28th April | 1 | Long Wang [Peking University] | DRAGON million-body globular cluster models - black hole properties |
2 | Ilya Khrykin | From Russia with love: WSO-UV - new UV telescope | |
5th May | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | public holiday (Ascension) | ||
12th May | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | GC group retreat | ||
19th May | 1 | Frederick Davies | Measuring the UV background at the end of reionization: Easy as ABC |
2 | Valeriy Vasilyev | Evidence of Fermi bubbles around M31 | |
26th May | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | public holiday (Corpus Christi) | ||
2nd June | 1 | Roberto Capuzzo-Dolcetta | The merger framework for Nuclear Star Clusters formation and its implications |
[Ema away] | 2 | Victor Debattista | Understanding the chemodynamics of the Milky Way’s bulge |
9th June | 1 | Paola Di Matteo | The kinematic signatures of satellite accretions in the Milky Way : a cautionary tale |
[Ema away] | 2 | Martina Donnari [La Sapienza, Roma] | Travelling through a galaxy cluster: from outer Hubble flow to inner mergings |
16th June | 1 | Manuel Arca-Sedda | The MEGaN project: investigating the formation of a NSC (or perhaps a NSD) in a starburst dwarf galaxy |
[Ema away] | 2 | Carl Ferkinhoff [Winona State University] | HARDWARE.astronomy: an open-source hardware initiative for astronomy |
23rd June | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | Fachbeirat | ||
30th June | 1 | Glenn van de Ven | IMF shape constraints from stellar populations and dynamics from CALIFA |
2 | Rodrigo Herrera-Camus (MPE) | The ionized gas in nearby galaxies as traced by the [NII] far-infrared transitions | |
7th July | 1 | Sarah Leslie | Probing dust properties with inclination dependent star formation rates at z~0 and z~0.7 |
2 | Nicolas Guillard | Formation of nuclear clusters | |
14th July | 1 | Dominika Wylezalek | Suppression of star formation by quasar-driven winds in gas-rich host galaxies |
[Chiara away] | 2 | Rhea-Silvia Remus [Universitäts-Sternwarte München] | The Co-Evolution of Total Density Profiles and Central Dark Matter Fractions in Simulated Early-Type Galaxies |
21st July | 1 | Andrea Maccio | The abundance of galaxies in the local universe |
2 | Rahul Kannan [MIT] | Effect of thermal conduction in galaxy clusters | |
28th July | 1 | Nadine Neumayer & Eva Schinnerer | Results of the survey on respectful workplace interactions |
2 | Nadine Neumayer & Eva Schinnerer | Results of the survey on respectful workplace interactions | |
4th August | 1 | Khee-Gan (K.G.) Lee | Keck-FOBOS: A next-generation optical multi-object spectrograph for Keck |
2 | Cliff Johnson [University of California, San Diego] | The Star Cluster Mass Function and its Variation with Galactic Environment | |
11th August | 1 | Reza Moetazedian (ARI) | Impact of satellite galaxies on bar formation in Milky Way like galaxies |
2 | Benjamin Weiner (U Arizona) | Dwarf satellite systems of Milky Way-like galaxies with the SAGA Survey | |
18th August | 1 | Jonathan Stern | New constraints on the nature of circumgalactic OVI and their implication for galaxy formation |
[Nadine & Chiara away] | 2 | Emanuele Paolo Farina | On the loneliness of high-z QSOs.. (..or not..) |
25th August | 1 | Anna Sippel | A black hole love story |
[Nadine, Chiara, & Ema away] | 2 | Tobias Buck | Clumpy galaxies - clumpy mass or clumpy light |
1st September | 1 | Hector Hiss | Fitting trees to the Lya Forest |
[Nadine away] | 2 | Iskren Georgiev | Science with ARGOS during commissioning: capabilities, limitations and planning |
8th September | 1 | Arjen van der Wel | Why do galaxies stop forming stars? |
2 | Tobias Schmidt | Constraining the Quasar Lifetime using the HeII Transverse Proximity Effect | |
15th September | 1 | George Angelou (MPS) | Stellar Ages in the Kepler Era |
[Chiara and Nadine away] | 2 | Tobias Fritz (U Virginia) | Constraining halo and satellite properties with proper motions |
22nd September | 1 | Martin Sparre (HITS) | The diversity of the simulated galaxy population: starbursts and the scatter in the star formation main sequence |
[Chiara away] | 2 | Anna Boehle (UCLA) | An Improved Distance and Mass Estimate for Sgr A* from a Multistar Orbit Analysis |
29th September | 1 | Noriyuki Matsunaga (University of Tokyo) | A lack of young stars in the inner Galaxy |
[Chiara away] | 2 | Victor Silva Aguirre (Stellar Astrophysics Centre, Aarhus) | What asteroseismology can do for galactic archaeology |
6th October | 1 | Anna-Christina Eilers | What can we learn from quasar proximity zones? |
2 | Robert Grand [HITS] | The Auriga project: High resolution cosmological zoom simulations of MW sized galaxies | |
13th October | 1 | No galaxy coffee | |
2 | introduction to 'Mediation services' available to MPIA | ||
20th October | 1 | Theodor von Hippel | Gaia White Dwarfs: A Status Report. |
auditorium | 2 | Nico Krieger | Molecular cloud evolution in the Galactic Center with SWAG |
27th October | 1 | No galaxy coffee | |
2 | Betriebsausflug | ||
3rd November | 1 | Florent Renaud [University of Surrey] | The origin of the Milky Way globular clusters |
C: W.Trick
[Nadine away] | 2 | Caroline Straatman | The evolution of the stellar mass Tully-Fisher relation for star-forming galaxies since z = 2.5 with ZFIRE |
10th November | 1 | Sven Buder | A melting pot of spectroscopy, photometry, and chemo-dynamics - Combining the Galah survey and Gaia DR1 TGAS |
C: N.Tomicic
[Nadine away] | 2 | No 2nd Talk [due to overlap with the Harvard-Heidelberg workshop] | |
17th November | 1 | Christine Simpson (HITS) | Satellite quenching in the Auriga simulations |
C: I.Georgiev
[Nadine away] | 2 | Elena D'Onghia [University of Winsconsin-Madison] | Bending waves in the Stellar Disk and the implications for the estimates of the Oort limit |
24th November | 1 | Mattia Sormani [ITA] | A model for periodic blazars |
C: S.Leslie
[Ema away] | 2 | Annalisa Pillepich | On the abundance of satellite galaxies: baryons in action |
1st December | 1 | Jakob Herpich | Maximum entropy disks in spiral galaxies |
C: S.Buder
[Ema away] | 2 | Tomonari Michiyama [NAOJ] | ① ASTE and AKARI survey for nearby merging galaxies &
② ALMA Band3 line survey towards the merging galaxy NGC3256 |
8th December | 1 | Roberto Decarli | Heavier, bigger, faster, earlier |
[Nadine away]
C: P.Lang - at 13:15!!! | 2 | Mark Lovell | Is the Too Big To Fail problem still a Thing? |
15th December | 1 | Anil Seth [University of Utah] | Tiny Galaxies, Big Black Holes |
C: M.Fouesneau | 2 | Paolo Bianchini [McMaster University] | Dark globular clusters |
22nd December | 1 | No galaxy coffee | |
2 | Holidays |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
1st January | no Galaxy Coffee | ||
2 | holiday (New Year) | ||
8th January | no Galaxy Coffee | ||
15th January | 1 | Ryan Leaman | Disentangling ISM turbulence and latent dynamical heating in Local Group galaxies |
2 | Remco van den Bosch | Compact stellar systems with black holes | |
22nd January | 1 | Andreas Schulze (Kavli IPMU Tokyo) | The cosmic growth of the active black hole population |
2 | Andrea Maccio' | One model to get them all | |
29th January | 1 | Christina Eilers | Simultaneous Estimation of Quasar Continua and the Lya forest flux PDF |
2 | Kathryn Kreckel | The metallicity of void dwarf galaxies | |
5th February | 1 | Thales Gutcke | Evolutionary Tracks on the AGN luminosity - halo mass plane |
(Kathryn & Glenn away) | 2 | (no 2nd speaker) | |
12th February | 1 | Rosalie McGurk (UCSC) | Searching for Dual AGNs and Outflows in Galaxy Mergers: Understanding Double-Peaked [O III] as a Selection Method |
(Kathryn away) | 2 | Frederik Davies (UCLA) | Lyα Emission from Quasar Ionization Fronts as a Potential Probe of Reionization |
19th February | 1 | Emanuele Farina | Seeking for groups: The environment of the PKS 2155-304 |
(Glenn teaching) | 2 | Laura Zschaechner | JVLA and ALMA Observations of Molecular Lines and Continuum Emission in Arp 220 |
26th February | 1 | Umberto Maio (AIP) | Early galaxies in the early Universe |
(Glenn teaching) | 2 | Andra Stroe (Leiden) | Cooking a 'Sausage': the impact of merger shocks in cluster gas and galaxy evolution |
5th March | 1 | Joe Hennawi | How to write a (good) proposal [part 1] |
2 | Knud Jahnke | How to write a (good) proposal [part 2] | |
12th March | 1 | Michael Maseda | Frontiers of High-redshift Spectroscopy |
(GC staff retreat) | 2 | KG Lee | Planck Results: The Best Slides I managed to Steal Off the Internet |
19th March | 1 | Tobias Schmidt | The HeII Transverse Proximity Effect |
(Kathryn away) | 2 | Dario Colombo (U. Alberta) | Social network theory and Molecular Gas Clusters |
26th March | 1 | 09:30 - 12:30 | As part of the DAGAL meeting, 5 talks by MPIA members: |
2 | LECTURE HALL | Nadine Neumayer, Greg Stinson, Mark Norris, Kathryn Kreckel, Arjen van der Wel | |
2nd April | 1 | Xiangxiang Xue | The density profile of the Milky Way's stellar halo to 80 kpc |
(Fabrizio away) | 2 | Alex Buedenbender | Weighing the Milky Way with dynamical models |
9th April | 1 | Coryn Bailer-Jones | Inferring distances from parallaxes |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Arjen van der Wel | SDSS + WISE = fun : masses and star formation rates for a million galaxies |
16th April | 1 | Fazeel Khan (IST, Pakistan) | Dynamics of Binary Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy Mergers |
(+organizing unconference sessions for GC Group Retreat) | 2 | Chiara Mazzucchelli | The Environment of Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidates |
23rd April | no Galaxy Coffee | ||
GC Group Retreat | |||
30th April | 1 | Marijn Franx (Leiden Observatory) | MUSE’s view of the Hubble Deep Field South |
LECTURE HALL | 2 | Khee-Gan Lee | The Detection of Host Galaxy Emission from High-z Damped Ly-a Absorbers |
7th May | 1 | Albino Perego (IKP, TU-Darmstadt) | Stellar explosion at galactic scale |
!!! AFTERNOON 13:30 !!! | 2 | Ron Drimmel (INAF) | Warped kinematics of the Milky Way |
14th May | no Galaxy Coffee | ||
holiday (Ascension) | |||
21th May | 1 | Robert Reischke (ITA) | The statistics of extremes in cosmology |
(Glenn, Nadine, Ema & Chiara away) | 2 | Torsten Boeker (STScI) | Science with JWST/NIRSPEC |
28th May | 1 | Branimir Sesar | The nature and orbit of the Ophiuchus stellar stream |
(Glenn, Nadine, Ema & Chiara away) | 2 | Anna Sippel (Swinburne) | Chasing black holes in globular clusters |
4th June | no Galaxy Coffee | ||
holiday (Corpus Christi) | |||
11th June | 1 | Neven Tomicic | Monte Carlo simulations of galaxy protoclusters in COSMOS sky survey |
(Ema away) | 2 | Payel Das (University of Oxford) | Stellar haloes as probes of galaxy evolution |
18th June | 1 | Yi-Kuan Chiang (UT Austin) | Galaxy Proto-clusters as an Interface Between Structure, Cluster, and Galaxy Formation |
(Ema & Chiara away) | 2 | Greg Rudnick | Star Formation Quenching in the Infall Regions of Galaxy Clusters at z~0.6 |
25th June | 1 | Tom Herbst | A 2-mm All-Sky Telescope |
(Glenn, Nadine & Ema away) | 2 | Roberto Decarli | Preview on the ALMA UDF project |
2nd July | 1 | Melissa Ness | Summary/Highlights "Local Group Astrostatistics Conference" |
2 | Tyler Desjardin (Univ of Kansas) | Properties of Galaxies in Dense Environments | |
9th July | no Galaxy Coffee | ||
MPIA Summer Conference | |||
16th July | 1 | Jonathan Stern | Can we detect the hot gas bubble postulated by quasar feedback models? |
(Ema away) | 2 | (the last GC from:) Andrea Maccio' | Simulating Milky Way satellites |
23rd July | 1 | Ashmeet Singh | Precision emulation of the statistics of the Lyman-alpha Forest |
(Ema & Chiara away) | 2 | Tobias Buck | Planes of satellites in high-resolution dark matter only simulations |
30th July | 1 | Gail Zasowski (JHU) | Using Old Puzzles to Make 4-D Maps of the ISM |
(Ema away) | 2 | Jonathan Bird (Vanderbilt) | The Relative Influence of Dynamical Nature and Nurture on the Formation of Disk Galaxies |
6th August | 1 | Hans-Walter Rix | Is the Milky Way's Disk just a Bunch of Stellar Donuts? |
(Ema away) | 2 | Daniel Weisz | How the Stellar IMF taught me about Flexible Noise Models |
13th August | 1 | Trevor Mendel (MPE) | Seeing the forest for the trees: a proposed test of integrated stellar population models using nearby galaxies |
(Nadine & Ema away) | 2 | Francesca Fragkoudi (LAM) | The effects of Boxy/Peanut bulges on galaxy models and gas inflow |
20th August | 1 | Girish Kulkarni | Cosmological 21cm Signal Predictions from Very High Dynamical Range Simulations |
2 | Aaron Dutton | The response of dark matter haloes to the formation of elliptical galaxies | |
27th August | 1 | Jose Oñorbe | Modeling the UV-Background in Hydrodynamical Simulations |
(Nadine, Ema & Chiara away) | 2 | Khee-Gan Lee | Revealing z>2 galaxy protoclusters with 3D Ly-alpha forest tomography |
3rd September | 1 | Sarah Wellons (CfA) | The Evolution of Massive, Compact Galaxies in the Illustris Simulation |
(Nadine & Ema away) | 2 | TBD | |
10th September | 1 | Reza Moetazedian (ARI) | Contribution of cosmological satellites to the vertical heating of the Milky Way disc |
(Nadine away) | 2 | Peter Zeidler (ARI) | Is the Massive Star Cluster Westerlund 2 double? |
17th September | 1 | Laura Inno | Cepheids as Galactic probes: the thin disk metallicity gradient |
2 | Frederick Davies | The Fluctuating Ionizing Background at z > 5 | |
24th September | 1 | Laura Zschaechner | AGN Feedback in Action: The Molecular Outflow in Circinus Galaxy as Observed with ALMA |
2 | Daniele Sorini | Predicting the Lyman-alpha Forest from Collisionless Simulations | |
1st October | 1 | Farinaldo Queiroz (MPIK) | Probing the Nature of Dark Matter with Dwarf Galaxies |
2 | Ling Zhu | Dynamical bulge-disk decomposition based on Schwarzschild models of CALIFA spiral galaxies | |
8th October | 1 | Emanuele Paolo Farina | Feeding the monsters -- The Dawn of the Quasars |
(Nadine away) | 2 | Ronald Läsker | Dynamical Modeling of MaNGA galaxies |
15th October | 1 | Ilya Khrykin -- Moved to the 5th Nov | Thermal proximity effect: a new way to constrain quasar lifetime and HeII reionization |
2 | Ryan Leaman | Cooling and heating in the Milky Way's Goldilocks disk | |
22nd October | 1 | Paolo Bianchini | How far are we from detecting intermediate-mass back holes? |
in the auditorium! | 2 | Jonathan Stern | A Universal Density Profile for Circum-Galactic Gas |
29th October | 1 | Michael Walther | Constraints on the thermal evolution of the IGM from the line-of-sight flux power spectrum of the Ly-α forest |
(Ema away) | 2 | Open Discussion | Is binning always a good idea? |
5th November | 1 | Ilya Khrykin | Thermal proximity effect: a new way to constrain quasar lifetime and HeII reionization |
(Ema and Nadine away) | 2 | Last Minute Cancellation | TBD |
12th November | 1 | Rosalie McGurk | Combining Chandra Observations and Near-Infrared Imaging to Search for Dual AGNs Among Double-Peaked [O III] SDSS AGN |
(Ema away) | 2 | Jan Frederik Engels (Goettingen University) | Modelling turbulent feedback in cosmological simulation of CGM/IGM enrichment |
19th November | 1 | Somayeh Sheikhnezami (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran) | Wobbling and Precessing Jets from Warped Disks in Binary Systems |
(Nadine away) | 2 | Emer Brady | A quantative comparison of IR and Radio SFR tracers in cosmological galaxy samples |
26th November | 1 | Michael Maseda | Outflows from low mass galaxies |
2 | Carl Ferkinhoff | The far-IR fine-structure lines and radio free-free continuum: a new metallicity indicator | |
3rd December | 1 | Anna Sippel & Anahi Caldu | Back to School |
(Nadine away) | 2 | Christine Koepferl | Global Star-formation Properties Extracted from Synthetic Star-forming Regions |
10th December | 1 | Tom Herbst | How S&$#@ Works: Wavefront Sensing |
2 | Jan Rybizki (ARI) | Inference from Modelling the Chemodynamical Evolution of the Milky Way Disc | |
17th December | 1 | Gabriele Rodeghiero | The MICADO Calibration Unit |
2 | Aura Obreja | The hidden disks of simulated galaxies | |
24th December | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | Holidays | ||
31st December | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | Holidays |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
2nd January | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | holiday | ||
9th January | 1 | Emanuele Farina | The MgII CircumGalactic Medium of Quasars |
2 | Deniss Stepanovs | Launching Jets and Winds from Turbulent Alpha-Omega-Dynamo Disks | |
16th January | 1 | Mark Norris | UCDs/cEs: The Densest Galaxies in the Universe? |
2 | Massimo Dotti (Univ. Milano-Bicocca) | Massive black hole spins: a link between galactic dynamics and accretion
physics | |
23rd January | 1 | Paula Jofre (IoA, Cambridge) | Cross-calibration of surveys with Gaia benchmark stars |
2 | Ben Laevens | Latest Update on Search for New Milky Way Dwarf Galaxies | |
30th January | 1 | Bernhard Dorner | PANIC status and the road to First Light |
2 | Klaus Meisenheimer | MPIA science Projects with PANIC: discussion of first ideas | |
6th February | 1 | Jonathan Stern | Radiation Pressure Confinement in Active Galaxies |
(Glenn and Elisabete away) | 2 | Michael Maseda | The Nature of Extreme Emission Line Galaxies at z~2 |
13th February | 1 | Rene Andrae | Calibrating synthetic spectra to look like real spectra |
(Elisabete away) LECTURE HALL | 2 | Chrisitan Fendt | Jet Rotation Driven by Magnetohydrodynamic Shocks in Helical Magnetic Fields |
20th February | 1 | Jose Onorbe | The Role of Feedback Mechanisms in Dwarf Galaxy Formation |
(Elisabete away) | 2 | Jakob Herpich | Gamma-ray anisotropies from dark matter in the Milky Way |
27th February | 1 | Michelle Collins | The masses of Local Group dSphs - not too small after all |
(Glenn and Fabrizio away) | 2 | Michael Walther | Constraints on the Thermal History of the Universe from the Line-of-Sight Power Spectrum of the Lyman-α Forest |
6th March | 1 | Gabor Worseck | The Mean Free Path to HI Lyman Limit Photons in the IGM |
(Fabrizio and Glenn away) | 2 | Miguel Querejeta | Mapping stellar mass in nearby galaxies |
13th March | 1 | Joe Hennawi | How to write a (good) proposal (part I) |
(Elisabete and Fabrizio away) | 2 | Knud Jahnke | How to write a (good) proposal (part II) |
20th March | 1 | Nikos Fanidakis | Environmental properties of line-emitting galaxies |
2 | Elisabeta Lusso | The nature of massive black hole binary candidates: an SED perspective | |
27th March | 1 | Athanasia Tsatsi (TBC) | Dynamics of elliptical merger remnants |
2 | Kathryn Kreckel | A far-IR view of the starburst driven superwind in NGC 2146 | |
3rd April | 1 | Somayeh Sheikhnezami | 3D MHD simulation of jet launching from accretion disk |
(Glenn and Fabrizio away) | 2 | Valeria Pettorino (ITP) | Primordial gravitational waves seen by BICEP2 |
10th April | 1 | Carl Ferkinhoff | Early science ALMA Band-9 observations provide a new view on "old" galaxies. |
(Glenn and Fabrizio away) | 2 | Greg Stinson | Highlights of workshop on galactic superwinds |
17th April | 1 | Brad Peterson (Ohio State Univ.) | Some Recent Results in AGN Variability |
2 | Ronald Laesker | Black Hole scaling relations at low masses | |
24th April | 1 | Ilya Khrykin | Understanding the Sources of HeII Reionization |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Andreu Ariño Prats (IEEC) | On the progress of modeling the Lyman break galaxies to map the intergalactic medium |
1st May | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | holiday (Labour Day) | ||
8th May | 1 | Emer Brady | Comparative study of dust-(un)biased star formation rate tracers from low to high z |
2 | Gabriela Calistro Rivera | Fitting Spectral Energy Distributions of AGN - An MCMC Approach (MSc thesis) | |
15th May | 1 | Anahi Caldu Primo | Is there a diffuse molecular gas component in nearby galaxies? |
(Elisabete away) | 2 | Andy Gould | Non-Microlensing Science from WFIRST Microlensing |
22nd May | 1 | Sharon Meidt | Observational estimation of short molecular cloud lifetimes |
2 | Lorenzo Posti (Bologna) | Distribution-function-based equilibrium models for CALIFA galaxies | |
29th May | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | holiday (Ascension) | ||
5th June | 1 | Benoit Famaey (Obs. Strassbourg) | Mean velocity flows as dynamical signatures of spiral structure in the Milky Way |
2 | Gregor Seidel | Euclid near infrared imaging simulations: on the creation and destruction of signal | |
12th June | 1 | Wolfgang Gaessler | ARGOS: Green light to speed up LBT ... has started |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Ken(neth) Wong (ASIAA) | Discovery of a Strong Lensing Galaxy Embedded in a Cluster at z = 1.62 |
19th June | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | holiday (Corpus Christi) | ||
26th June | 1 | Roberto Decarli | Stacking analysis, aka every astronomer's least favorite friend |
2 | Coryn Bailer-Jones | Close encounters of the stellar kind | |
3rd July | 1 | Coryn Bailer-Jones | Gaia status update |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Jonathan Stern | Can we resolve the ~100 micro-arcsec broad line region? |
10th July | 1 | Joe Hennawi | Why I Don’t Believe Simulations of Galaxy Formation |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Greg Rudnick | Molecular Gas and The Decline of Star Formation in High Redshift Cluster Galaxies |
17th July | 1 | Nicholas McConnell (Univ. Hawaii) | A Black Hole Safari through the Local Universe |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Kasper Schmidt (UC Santa Barbara) | GLASS: Dissecting reionization, z~2 galaxies, and dense environments |
24th July | 1 | Girish Kulkarni | The IGM’s Jeans Scale |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Edouard Tollet | The time evolution of dark matter profiles in hydrodynamical simulations |
31st July | 1 | Glenn van de Ven | Summary IAU Symposium 309 "Galaxies in 3D across the Universe", Vienna, 7-11 July 2014 |
(Elisabete away) | 2 | Khee-Gan (K.G.) Lee | The First (Nearly) 3D Large-Scale Structure Map at z>2 |
7th August | 1 | Cristina Garcia | Quasar Environments at z~4 |
(Elisabete away) | 2 | Zeljko Ivezic (Univ. of Washington) | Two vignettes regarding the Central Limit Theorem that everyone should know about |
14th August | 1 | Tobias Fritz (Virginia) | The proper motion of Palomar 5 |
(Elisabete away) | 2 | Remco van den Bosch & Melissa Ness | MaNGA & APOGEE @ the SDSSIV Collaborative Meeting 27-29 July 2014 |
21st August | 1 | Coral Wheeler (UC Irvine) | The surprising inefficiency of dwarf satellite quenching |
(Fabrizio away) | 2 | Shea Garrison-Kimmel (UC Irvine) | Where are the massive dwarfs? Too-big-to-fail in the Local Group |
28th August | 1 | Joe Hennawi | Dense Cool Gas in Proto-Clusters at High Redshift |
(Glenn & Fabrizio away) | 2 | Adam Stevens (Swinburne) | Defining galaxies in hydro simulations |
4th September | 1 | Cliff Johnson | Cluster formation efficiency in M31 |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Remco van den Bosch | Mass distribution of an ultra compact dwarf galaxy |
11th September | 1 | Paolo Bianchini | The formation of extended clusters |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Simone Recchi (Univ. Vienna) | The integrated galactic IMF theory and its consequences for the chemical evolution of galaxies |
18th September | 1 | Arjen van der Wel | The LEGA-C survey: when, how, and why spend 128 VLT nights on galaxy spectroscopy? |
2 | Ling Zhu | Discrete Chemo-Dynamical Model of Sculptor dSph Galaxy | |
25th September | 1 | Michael Maseda | A statistical search for emission lines |
2 | Brent Groves | How much gas?: Xco in M51 | |
2nd October | 1 | Betsey Adams (Astron) | Searching for Local Group dwarfs via their HI content: Ultra-compact high velocity clouds in the ALFALFA HI survey |
2 | Vikram Khaire (IUCAA, Pune, India) | Star formation history and dust attenuation | |
9th October | 1 | Anna Ho | Rotation Measures of Globular Cluster Pulsars as a Unique Probe of the Galactic Magnetic Field |
2 | Maria Kapala | [CII] Emission in the Bulge of M31 | |
16th October | 1 | Fabo Feng | Does the Sun's motion influence the terrestrial comet impact rate? |
2 | Mark Norris | Being WISE about stellar masses | |
23rd October | 1 | Paola Oliva (Swinburne) | The story of Brightest Cluster Galaxies told by their stellar populations |
LECTURE HALL (Glenn away) | 2 | Eddie Schlafly | 3D dust mapping reveals that Orion forms part of a large ring of dust |
30th October | 1 | Eduardo Banados | The radio-loud fraction of quasars |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Carl Ferkinhoff | An analytic model for understanding the [CII] "deficit". |
6th November | 1 | J.D. Smith (University of Toledo) | The tail of the molecular dog |
LECTURE HALL (Fabrizio away) | 2 | Laura Watkins | HST proper motions of 22 Galactic globular clusters |
13th November | 1 | Roberto Decarli | Resolved star formation law at z~4 |
(Fabrizio away) | 2 | Ronald Laesker | Black Hole scaling relations at low masses |
20th November | 1 | Greg Stinson | The Constant Disc Gas Mass Conspiracy |
2 | Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia | Warming up for MUSE: Deep Emission Line Spectroscopy of Circumgalactic Gas | |
27th November | 1 | Morgan Fouesneau | Cluster initial mass function and dissolution |
(Fabrizio away) | 2 | Iskren Georgiev | Nuclear star clusters in late-type galaxies: probing evolutionary connections |
4th December | 1 | Ignacio Martin (IAC) | IMF: implications on the evolution of early-type galaxies |
2 | Glenn van de Ven | MPIA Working Council | |
11th December | 1 | Intro new scientific members | TBD |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Intro new scientific members | TBD |
18th December | 1 | Jakob Herpich | How the initial angular momentum shapes galaxy discs |
2 | Marie Martig | Alpha-rich young stars in the solar neighbourhood | |
25th December | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | holiday (X-mas) |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
10th Jan. (Fabrizio away) | 1 | Anahi Caldu Primo | Quantifying ISM turbulence in nearby galaxies on sub-kpc scales |
2 | Maria Kapala | The Stellar Populations Responsible for Dust Heating in Andromeda: New Results from Herschel and PHAT | |
17th Jan. | 1 | Salvatore Cielo | AGN Jets in Small Scale Simulations |
2 | Elodie Choquet | Observing high mass X-ray binaries using infrared long-baseline interferometry | |
24th Jan. | 1 | Yu-Yen Chang | How did the Largest Ellipticals Form? |
2 | Melissa Ness (ANU) | Signatures of Formation - the Milky Way Bulge | |
31st Jan. | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | IMPRS interviews | ||
7th Feb. | 1 | Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia | Illuminating the Cosmic Web |
2 | Hans-Walter Rix | Insights into the "Fachbeirat" in 3 weeks (February 28 & March 1) | |
14th Feb. (Glenn away) | 1 | Jiang Chang | How morphology effects the tidal stripping in a minor merger |
2 | Joan Font (IAC) | Resonant structure of spiral galaxies, using phase reversals in streaming motions from 2D Halpha Fabry-Perot spectroscopy | |
21st Feb. | 1 | Kirsten Schnuelle | Constraining dust properties with a clumpy torus model |
2 | Tri Astraatmadja | Starlight beneath the waves: Neutrino telescopes as gamma-ray telescopes | |
28th Feb. | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | Fachbeirat | ||
7th Mar. (Glenn & | 1 | Fabo Feng | Assessing the influence of astronomical phenomena on the Earth's biosphere |
Fabrizio away) | 2 | Alex Büdenbender | The tilt of the velocity ellipsoid in the Milky Way disk |
14th Mar. (Fabrizio away) | 1 | Agnieszka Rys (IAC) | 3D view on Virgo cluster and field dEs: dynamical properties and dark matter content |
2 | Gordon Richards | Which Quasars are Radio Loud? | |
21th Mar. (Glenn & | 1 | Kathryn Kreckel | The COSMOS HI Large EVLA Survey (CHILES): Preliminary results and future plans |
Fabrizio away) | 2 | Camilla Penzo | Effect of dark energy on galaxy structure |
28th Mar. (Fabrizio away) | 1 | Roberto Decarli | Recoiling black holes are everywhere! Or not? |
2 | Arjen van der Wel | Disk galaxy formation: a new (and troubling?) view from CANDELS and 3D-HST | |
4th Apr. (Elisabete away) | 1 | Aaron Dutton | The bulge-halo conspiracy |
2 | Remco van den Bosch | Highlights of SnowPAC 2013 conference "Black Hole Fingerprints: Dynamics, Disruptions and Demographics" | |
11th Apr. (Elisabete away) | 1 | Elisabeta Lusso | What Fraction of AGN are Obscured: Conflict with X-rays Surveys |
(Fabrizio away) | 2 | Eric Morganson | Update and discoveries with Pan-STARRS |
18th Apr. LECTURE HALL | 1 | Bi-Qing For (UWA) | Infalling Gas from the Magellanic Clouds |
(Glenn & Elisabete & Fab away) | 2 | Dan Zucker (Macquarie Univ.) | GALAH takes flight |
25th Apr. | 1 | Andrea Maccio' | The Effect of baryons on dark matter (now on more than one galaxy)! |
2 | Nicolas Martin | Discovery of two new Andromeda dwarf galaxies with Pan-STARRS | |
2nd May | 1 | Neil Crighton | Signatures of winds and gas accretion? The metallicity of gas in the
circumgalactic medium at z ~ 2.5 |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Coleman Krawczyk (Drexel Univ.) | Mean SEDs, bolometric corrections, and dust reddening for luminous quasars |
9th May | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | holiday (Ascension Day) | ||
16th May | 1 | Greg Stinson | What regulates galaxy formation workshop summary |
(Elisabete away) | 2 | Ronald Laesker | Bottom-heavy initial mass function in a nearby compact L*-galaxy |
23th May | 1 | Tim Davis (ESO) | Measures of gas phase metallically in the molecular ISM |
2 | David Martinez Delgado | Searching for faint dwarf galaxies in the Local volume with tiny telescopes | |
30th May | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | holiday (Corpus Christi) | ||
6th June | 1 | Nikos Fanidakis | The halo environment of the most luminous quasars |
(Elisabete away) | 2 | Chrisitian Leipski, Elisabete Lusso, Roberto Decarli | Highlights of Ringberg workshop "Far-infrared emission as window to study the formation of galaxies, Black Holes and dust in the young universe", May 13-17, 2013 |
13th June | 1 | Arunima Banerjee (NCRA) | Why are some galaxy discs extremely thin? |
(Elisabete away) | 2 | Sebastiano Cantalupo (UCSC) | Illuminating the dark phases of galaxy formation |
20th June | 1 | Eric Pellegrini (Univ. Toledo) | The escape of ionizing radiation from star forming regions |
2 | Michael Di Pompeo (Univ. Wyoming) | Does Size Matter? The Intrinsic Sizes of Radio sources and Unification by Orientation | |
27th June | 1 | Elisabete da Cunha & Jackie Hodge | Highlights of Aspen workshop "The Obscured Universe: Dust and Gas in Distant Starburst Galaxies", May 26 - June 16 |
2 | Hans-Walter Rix | Future MPIA use of CAHA and MPIA's SDSS-IV partnership | |
4th July | 1 | Branimir Sesar (Caltech) | Mapping the Galaxy with RR Lyrae Stars |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Neal Evans (Univ. Texas) | What is (not) going on in the inner 500 pc of the Milky Way? |
11th July | 1 | Ben Oppenheimer (Leiden) | Are Metals in the IGM Out of Equilibrium? |
(Elisabete away) | 2 | Diego Fustes (Univ. of Coruna) | Analysis of SDSS misclassifications by means of Self-Organizing Maps |
18th July | 1 | Aaron Dutton | Highlights of conference on "The Physical Link between Galaxies and their Halos", 25-29 June 2013, Garching, Germany |
2 | Julianne Dalcanton | Mapping the distribution of dust in M31 | |
25th July | 1 | Greg Rudnick (Univ. Kansas) | Molecular Gas in z=1.62 Cluster Galaxies |
2 | Adam Myers (Univ. Wyoming) | Weighing Quasar Hosts with the CMB | |
1st August | 1 | Gregory Green (Harvard/CfA) | Distances and Reddenings for a Billion Stars from Pan-STARRS Photometry |
2 | Nina Hernitschek | Can Broad Line Regions in AGNs be reverberation-mapped with photometry? | |
8th August | 1 | Jorge Barrera Ballesteros (IAC) | Tracing and isolating major-merger triggered galaxy evolution |
2 | David Hogg | Sampling in "catalog space": probabilistic catalogs for crowded-field photometry | |
15th August | 1 | Wyn Evans (IoA) | The Strange Case of Andromeda II |
(Elisabete and Fabrizio away) | 2 | Jo Bovy (IAS) | The baryon-dark-matter relative velocity and the Local Group |
22nd August | 1 | K.G. Lee | The Future of High-Redshift Cosmography |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Joan Font (IAC) | Mapping the Halpha emission line from interacting galaxies |
29th August | 1 | William Bethune (Univ. J. Fourier) | Dust reverberation in NGC4151: does more data help? |
(Elisabete away) | 2 | Hans-Walter Rix | MPIA's SDSS-IV partnership |
5th September | 1 | Iryna Butsky (Caltech) | The Effect of Baryons on Dark Matter Halo Shape |
(Glenn and Fabrizio away) | 2 | Jacopo Chevallard (IAP) | Insights into the content and spatial distribution of dust from the integrated spectral properties of galaxies |
12th September | 1 | Zolile Mguda (Univ. Cape Town) | Bent tail radio sources in their natural habitats |
(Fabrizio away) | 2 | Matteo Maturi (ITA) | Multi-color detection of gravitational arcs |
19th September | 1 | Alberto Bolatto | Dust at the Lowest Metallicities |
2 | Boyke Rochau | A clear view of stellar clusters - membership and internal dynamics using
proper motions | |
26th September | 1 | Jiang Chang (MPIA/PMO) | The Effect of Mergers on Metallicity Gradients in Elliptical Galaxies |
2 | Eduardo Bañados | Discovery of high redshift quasars from Pan-STARSS1 | |
3rd October | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | holiday (The Day of German Unity) | ||
10th October | 1 | Janine Pforr (NOAO) | Galaxy stellar population properties from SED-fitting for dusty, IR-luminous galaxies |
2 | Ryan Leaman (IAC) | Constraints on Stellar Halo Assembly and Star Cluster Self-enrichment from a New Age-Metallicity Relation for the MW's Globular Clusters | |
17th October | 1 | Svitlana Zhukovska | Relation between dust and metallicity in star burst (dwarf) galaxies - question of timescale? |
(Glenn away) | 2 | Hans-Walter Rix | In preparation of the GC Group Retreat |
24th October | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | GC Group Retreat | ||
31th October | 1 | Nadine Neumayer (ESO) | Nearby nuclear star clusters - using the Milky Way as a benchmark object |
2 | Fatemeh Tabatabaei | Variations in the dust emissivity index in M33 | |
7th November | 1 | Wilma Trick | A Spiral Galaxy's Mass Distribution Uncovered through Lensing and Dynamics |
2 | Ling Zhu | Modeling the dynamics of M87 with the Made-to-Measure method | |
14th November | 1 | Pedro Capelo (Univ. of Michigan) | Black hole dynamics and AGN activity in galaxy mergers |
2 | Andrea Maccio' | Requiem for Warm Dark Matter | |
21th November | 1 | Eugene Vasiliev (LPI, Moscow) | Orbit analysis and Schwarzschild modelling of triaxial stellar systems |
2 | Eva Schinnerer | The ethical grey zone | |
28th November | 1 | Ricky Smart (Obs. Torino) | Gaia + Brown Dwarfs chronometers of the Galaxy |
2 | David Rosario (MPE) | High redshift AGN from Herschel and Hubble: A multi-faceted view | |
5th December | 1 | Glenn van de Ven | Mergers among dwarf galaxies exposed |
2 | Branimir Sesar | The missing satellites should be right THERE! | |
12th December | 1 | Laura Watkins (STScI) | Internal proper motions of Globular Clusters with HST |
2 | Else Starkenburg (UVic) | Galactic archaeology to its limits - Understanding the chemical signatures of the most pristine stars | |
19th December | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | Gaia launch event (HdA) | ||
26th December | 1 | no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | X-mas holidays |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
5th Jan | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | |||
12th Jan (Eva away) lecture hall | 1 | Jörg-Uwe Pott | Expected performances of the ELT NIR imager MICADO |
2 | Roberto Decarli | QSO host galaxies from stacked SDSS images | |
19th Jan (Eva away) | 1 | Christian Leipski | AMUSE-Virgo: Mid-infrared Photometry of Early-type Galaxies |
2 | Elisabeta Lusso | Self-regulated Bondi accretion | |
26th Jan (Eva away) | 1 | Aaron Dutton | The Stellar IMF of Dense Early-Type Galaxies |
2 | Joe Hennawi | What Powers the Ly-alpha Blobs? | |
2nd Feb | 1 | Andrea Maccio' | Galaxy density profiles in Warm Dark Matter |
2 | Diego Fustes | Unsupervised automatic analysis of galactic/extragalactic spectra.
Application to BP/RP outlier analysis in the Gaia catalogue | |
9th Feb (Gabriele away) | 1 | Leonid Pilyugin | On the abundance determination in HII regions |
2 | Hans-Walter Rix | News from the ArXiv | |
16th Feb (Roberto and | 1 | Amanda Heiderman (UT) | The VIRUS-P Investigation of the eXtreme Environments of Starbursts (VIXENS): Survey and First Results |
Gabriele away) | 2 | Fabian Walter | The Hunt for the First SCUBA Galaxy |
23rd Feb (Roberto away) | 1 | Jonathan Downing (ARI) | The sizes of red and blue globular clusters |
2 | Brent Groves | M31 Bulge: Warm Dust & Old Stars | |
1st Mar (Roberto and) | 1 | Michelle Collins | Curiously cold - some interesting results from the Andromeda system |
(Gabriele away) | 2 | Wolfgang Gässler and Knud Jahnke | ARGOS commissioning: science opportunities |
8th Mar (Gabriele away) | 1 | Bram Venemans | Detection of atomic carbon and dust at z=7.1 |
2 | Remco van den Bosch | Small galaxies and big black holes | |
15th Mar (Gabriele away) | 1 | David Martinez Delgado and Michelle Collins | A stellar tidal stream around the nearby dwarf galaxy NGC 4449 |
2 | Knud Jahnke | Astronomy rules: the ethical terms and conditions for conducting research | |
22nd Mar | 1 | Kate Rubin | MODS results (TBA) |
2 | Neil Crighton | MODS results (TBA) | |
29th Mar (Roberto and) | 1 | Eric Morganson | The First Large Contiguous Map of the Monoceros Structure |
Gabriele away) | 2 | ||
5th Apr (Roberto and | 1 | Joshua Adams (Carnegie) | Dark matter halo profiles in late-type dwarfs measured from stellar kinematics |
Gabriele away) | 2 | Xingxiang Xue | Back to Basics: How to get good distances to (giant) stars |
12th Apr | 1 | Klaus Jäger | MPIA Open House - GC activities |
2 | Knud Jahnke | Astronomy rules: author's rights and obligations | |
19th Apr | 1 | John Jardel (U Texas) | A new strategy for mass modeling of Local Group dwarf galaxies |
2 | Vesselina Kalinova | Dark matter in the inner parts of spiral galaxies | |
26th Apr (Roberto away; lecture hall) | 1 | Aaron Dutton | |
2 | Eva Schinnerer | The redshift distribution of SMGs | |
3rd May | 1 | Girish Kulkarni and Roberto Decarli | Conference Highlights — ‘Interacting Galaxies and Binary Quasars: A Cosmic Rendezvous’ |
2 | Jackie Hodge | Molecular gas in a z=4 proto-cluster | |
10th May | 1 | Alberto Rorai | Constraining the Thermal History of the Universe with Close Quasar Pairs |
2 | Karin Sandstrom | Measurements of the CO-to-H2 Conversion Factor in Nearby Galaxies | |
17th May | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | holiday | ||
24th May (Eva away) | 1 | Fatemeh Tabatabaei | Cold Dust in the Giant Barred Galaxy NGC1365 |
2 | Greg Stinson | What I learned at the STSci Symposium on Gas Flows in Galaxies (theory) | |
31st May (Eva away) | 1 | Mariya Lyubenova, Vesselina Kalinova, Robert Singh, Sharon Meidt | CALIFA @ MPIA, including stellar kinematics, dark matter and LINERs |
2 | Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia, Rahul Kannan | What I learned at the STSci Symposium on Gas Flows in Galaxies (observations) | |
7th Jun (Eva away) | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | holiday | ||
14th June (Eva away) | 1 | Jairo Mendez Abreu | The effect of environment in bar formation and evolution |
2 | Camilla Pacifici | The star formation history of galaxies in a hierarchical universe | |
21st June (Eva and Roberto away) | 1 | Andreas Schulze (Kavli Institute Peking) | The active black hole mass function of broad line AGN |
2 | Yuan-Sen Ting | How many different Abundances in Stars is it Worth Measuring? | |
28th June (Eva and Roberto away) | 1 | Elisabete da Cunha | Can one ever see dust in high-z Universe |
2 | Neil Crighton and Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia | Interesting talks from the Baryon Cycle conference | |
5th July | 1 | Phil Marshall | Weighing the Dark Matter Halos of Local Group Galaxies. |
2 | Greg Rudnick | A Tale of Dwarfs and Giants: How the passive cluster galaxy population has grown since z=1.6 | |
12th July | 1 | Simone Weinmann (Leiden) | A fundamental problem in low mass galaxy evolution |
2 | Julianne Dalcanton (UW) | Alarmingly Unusual Stars in the Center of the Nearest Spheroid, as seen by PHAT | |
19th July (Gabriele away) | 1 | Markus Pössel plus other (TBC) | What questions to expect from the public (at the MPIA Open House) |
2 | (both slots) | ||
26th July (Gabriele away) | 1 | Kathy Cooksey | Tracking the Evolution of Strong, 1.5 < z < 4.5 CIV Absorbers with Thousands of Systems |
2 | Dan Foreman-Mackey | Fully self-consistent dynamical modeling of M31 | |
2nd Aug (Eva away) | 1 | David W. Hogg | The list of all 10^{12} GALEX photons |
2 | Roberto Decarli | How to dissect a black hole binary | |
9th Aug (Roberto away) | 1 | Jo Bovy (IAS) | A new measurement of the Milky Way's rotation curve from APOGEE |
2 | K.G. Lee | SDSS3/BOSS Data Release 9: Public Spectra of 1.5 million Galaxies and 100,000 Quasars | |
16th Aug (Roberto away) | 1 | Neil Crighton | A direct measurement of molecular hydrogen at z=0.5: molecules in the circumgalactic medium? |
2 | J. Xavier Prochaska (UCSC) | The Circumgalactic Medium of z ~ 2 Massive Galaxies | |
23th Aug | 1 | David W. Hogg (NYU) | Using data censored by an arbitrarily irresponsible robot |
2 | Ronald Läsker | Bulge+Disk don't fit - Impressions from working with GalFit and NIR-data | |
30th Aug | 1 | Eduardo Banados | Galaxy environment of a z~6 quasar |
2 | Joe Hennawi | Can Quasars act as Flashlights and Illuminate the Cosmic Web? | |
6th Sep (Roberto & | 1 | James Allen (Sydney) | Early science from SAMI - The Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral Field Spectrograph |
Gabriele away) | 2 | Sladjana Nikolic | VIMOS-IFU Observations of SN1006: Detection of Suprathermal Protons |
13th Sep (Roberto & | 1 | Eric Morganson | Cross-Matching SDSS and PS1 to Measure Quasar Variability |
Gabriele away) | 2 | Eva Schinnerer | What does a scientist look like? |
20th Sep (Gabriele away) | 1 | Greg Stinson | Forming Thick Disks Hot |
2 | Laura Watkins & Hans-Walter Rix | GC group retreat discussion - unconference sessions and after dinner speaker | |
27th Sep | 1 | Dae-Won Kim | QSO selection using machine learning and time variability |
2 | KG Lee | Writing Boot Camp | |
4th Oct (Eva away) | 1 | Nikolaos Fanidakis | What powers Astrophysical Jets |
2 | Dading Nugroho | Diagnosing galaxy merger events in the recent past of AGN using Integral Field Spectroscopy | |
11th Oct | 1 | Kathryn Kreckel | Constraining Dust Geometries with Nearby Galaxies |
2 | Nicolas Martin | Let's stop throwing information away --- an optimal search for dwarf galaxies in photometric surveys | |
18th Oct | 1 | Angela Adamo | Clump properties of a spiral at z~1.5: can star formation and galaxy evolution be constrained? |
2 | Esther Marmol-Queralto (UCM) | Satellite galaxies around massive galaxies: the infalling pieces of the puzzle | |
25th Oct (Roberto) | 1 | Tessel van der Laan | Circumnuclear rings: highlights from my thesis |
and Gabriele away) | 2 | Paolo Bianchini | Rotating Globular Clusters |
1st Nov. | 1 | no galaxy coffee | [Galaxy Coffee main organizer: |
2 | holiday | Eva Schinnerer -> Glenn van de Ven] | |
8th Nov. (Glenn and | 1 | Camilla Pacifici | The rise and fall of the star formation histories of blue galaxies at redshifts 0.2<z<1.4 |
Fabrizio away) | 2 | Laura Watkins | A census of orbital properties of the M31 satellites |
15th Nov. (Fabrizio away) | 1 | Hans-Walter Rix | How to prepare and deliver an effective presentation (part I) |
2 | Tom Herbst | How to prepare and deliver an effective presentation (part II) | |
22nd Nov. | 1 | just after GC group retreat | |
2 | |||
29th Nov. | 1 | Stephanie Juneau (CEA) | Star-forming galaxies hide their central black holes |
2 | Rene Andrae | Are QSO lightcurves stochastic processes? | |
6th Dec. | 1 | Aaron Dutton | Review workshop "Is the Stellar Initial Mass Function Universal?", Leiden, Nov. 26-30, 2012 |
2 | Eric Morganson | Making a 3DMap of theMonoceros Structure with Pan-STARRS | |
13th Dec. | 1 | Nicola Amorisco (DARK) | The core size of the Fornax dwarf Spheroidal |
2 | Coryn Bailer-Jones | Publishing without publishers: a proposal to eliminate journals from astronomy publishing | |
20th Dec. | 1 | K.G. Lee | 3D Tomography of the z~2 IGM |
2 | Hans-Walter Rix | How to spell IMF |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
13th January (Eva away) | 1 | Fabian Walter | The displaced dusty ISM in the M81 Triplet |
2 | Arjen van der Wel | Very massive, very compact stellar disks at high redshift | |
20th January | 1 | ALMA session | |
2 | ALMA session | ||
27th January | 1 | ||
2 | Tom Herbst | LBT FLAO | |
3rd February | 1 | Somayeh Sheikhnezami | MHD simulation of jet formation from an accretion disk focusing on physical processes |
2 | Crystal Brasseur | The Size-Luminosity Relation for Local Group dSphs: Are they simply scaled down versions of larger galaxies? | |
10th February (Roberto away) | 1 | Coryn Bailer-Jones | Estimating interstellar extinction using stellar photometry and parallaxes |
2 | Rahul Kannan | Interaction between dark matter sub-halos and gaseous galactic discs | |
17th February (Roberto away) | 1 | Neil Crighton | Measuring correlations in the intergalactic medium across QSO sightlines |
2 | Sharon Meidt | A broadband study of AGBs and their environmental dependencies | |
24th February | 1 | Alexander Karim, Rene Andrae | Lost in the arXiv? -- Can paper raters help you out? |
2 | Nicolas Martin | How we write (and cite) papers that matter: bibliographical evolution of astronomy's greatest hits over the last decade. (based on Frogel et al. PASP 122, 1214) | |
3rd March | 1 | ESO proposal special session | Joe, Knud, Eva |
2 | ESO proposal special session | ||
10th March | 1 | David Martinez-Delgado | A view of a stellar tidal stream around a dwarf irregular galaxy with Subaru |
(Roberto & Gabriele away) | 2 | Gregor Seidel | Automatic detection of strong lensing arcs. |
17th March | 1 | Karin Sandstrom & Brent Groves | Highlights from the Lorentz Center Workshop on Dust |
(Roberto & Gabriele away) | 2 | both slots | |
24th March | 1 | Josef Fried | 3.5m telescope repair |
(Gabriele away) | 2 | Blair Conn | Galaxies playing the Juego de la Pelota |
31st March | 1 | Annie Hughes | Not for Neat Freaks: Molecular Clouds in the LMC |
(Eva & Roberto away) | 2 | Tessel van der Laan | Starformation in Circumnuclear rings, why should we care? |
7th April (Roberto away) | 1 | Knud Jahnke | Are stellar and black hole mass growth running in parallel? |
2 | Remco van den Bosch | z=2 look-a-like galaxies at z=0 | |
14th April | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
(Eva & Gabriele away) | 2 | Girls' Day | |
21st April (Gabriele away) | 1 | Roberto Decarli | Highlights from the workshop "Narrow Line Seyfert 1 and their place in the Universe" |
2 | |||
28th April (Gabriele away) | 1 | Rory Holmes | An Introduction to the Euclid Space Mission |
2 | Fabian Walter | Early EVLA results on high redshift | |
5th May (Eva away) | 1 | ||
2 | |||
12th May (Eva away) | 1 | Andrea V. Maccio' | Dark coupling and cluster satellites. |
2 | |||
19th May (Roberto away) | 1 | Kester Smith | Automated classification of Gaia sources |
2 | Nikos Fanidakis | How to model an AGN in a hierarchical cosmology | |
26th May (Eva away) | 1 | skip, internal symposium on day before | |
2 | |||
2nd June | 1 | Holiday, no galaxy coffee | |
2 | |||
9th June | 1 | Mauricio Cisternas | AGN host galaxies and their black hole to galaxy mass ratio in the last 7 Gyrs |
2 | Maarten Breddels | Schwarzschild models of the Sculptor dSph galaxy | |
16th June (Eva away) | 1 | Eric Morganson (TBC) | Five Things I Learned from the AAS Meeting |
2 | Arjen van der Wel | Extreme emission line galaxies in CANDELS: Star-bursting Dwarf Galaxies at z=1.7 | |
23rd June | 1 | Holiday, no galaxy coffee | |
2 | |||
30th June | 1 | Neil Crighton, Kate Rubin, Yujin Yang | What We Learned on the Cosmic Odyssey of Baryons |
2 | Michele Fumagalli (UCSC) | Stochastic star formation and a (nearly) uniform stellar initial mass
function | |
7th July (Gabriele away) | 1 | Julianne Dalcanton (UW) | The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Survey: A First Look at Large Scale Maps of Dust Extinction in M31 |
2 | Brad Holden (UCO) | The Evolution of Early-type Galaxies from z~1 to z=0: Intrinsic Shapes and A Non-Evolving Mass Scale for Disky Systems | |
14th July | 1 | Martin Elvis (CfA) | Asteroid mining (TBC) |
2 | Brent Groves | Resolved optical-IR SEDs of galaxies | |
21st July | 1 | Robert da Silva (UCSC) | SLUG: A New Code to Stochastically Light Up Galaxies |
2 | Gabor Worseck (UCSC) | The Second Epoch of Reionization: Intergalactic Helium at z~2.7 | |
28th July | 1 | Jo Bovy | Photometric quasar classification and characterization using generative modeling |
2 | Mark den Brok | Jeans modeling of local group dwarf Spheroidals | |
4th Aug (Eva and Roberto away) | 1 | Hans-Walter Rix | A narrow-minded view of our Galaxy's disk |
2 | David Fisher (UT Austin ?) (visitor of Remco) | Pseudobulges: What are they and why do I care? | |
11th Aug (Eva and Roberto away) | 1 | Vesselina Kalinova | Structure and Evolution of Galaxies |
2 | Ronald Läsker | The role of Mergers, AGN and Dark Matter | |
18th Aug (Eva away) | 1 | Daniel Foreman-Mackey (NYU) | Measuring the undetectable 2 / Photometric calibration in the time domain |
2 | Jacqueline Hodge and Katharine Johnston | ALMA Commissioning and Science Verification: Current Status | |
25th Aug (Roberto away) | 1 | Fatemeh Tabatabaei | Multi-wavelength Study of ISM in NGC 6946:Radio-FIR Correlation |
2 | Rene Andrae | How to operate Galaxy Zoo and its likes | |
1st Sep | 1 | Rene Andrae | Reduced chi square: Why you should not use it |
2 | Huabai Li | Do we really know the galactic magnetic field morphologies? | |
8th Sep (Gabriele away) | 1 | Ronald Läsker | Black Hole Scaling Relations: Improved data and new results for M_BH - L_K |
2 | Neil Crighton | Molecular hydrogen absorption at z=0.56 discovered in HST/COS spectra | |
15th Sep (Eva and Gabriele away) | 1 | Brent Groves, Elisabete da Cunha, Fatemeh Tabatabaei, Sharon Meidt | Highlights from theSED2011 conference in Preston |
2 | both slots | ||
22nd Sep (Eva and Gabriele away) | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | AG Tagung downtown | ||
29th Sep (Eva and Gabriele away) | 1 | Tessel van der Laan, Leonard Burtscher, Kirsten Schnüllle, Christian Leipski | Highlights from the AHAR'11 workshop |
2 | both slots | ||
6th Oct | 1 | Tom Herbst | How to give a good presentation: I. maximizing impact of your science presentation |
2 | Hans-Walter Rix | How to give a good presentation: II. preparing content for science presentations | |
13th Oct | 1 | Coryn Bailer-Jones, Fabian Walter | some advice for applications |
2 | " | for postdoc positions | |
20th Oct | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | GC retreat on Mon - Wed | ||
27th Oct (Roberto away) | 1 | Andrea Maccio | Halo expansion in hydrodynamical simulations |
2 | Alexander Karim | What is a 'Science Slam' and why you should care | |
3rd Nov | 1 | Elisabete da Cunha | A predicted ALMA view of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field |
2 | Eva Schinnerer | Some statistics on recent job hires in astronomy | |
10th Nov (Gabriele away) | 1 | Fabian Walter | [CII]: The only(?) way to study the starforming interstellar medium in normal galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization |
2 | |||
17th Nov (Eva and Gabriele away) | 1 | Emanuele P. Farina (Uni. Insubria) | Broad line variability of the VHE emitter PKS 1222+216 |
2 | Roberto Decarli | [NII]: The other way to study the star formation in the Epoch of Reionization | |
24th Nov (Gabriele away) | 1 | Greg Stinson | Simulating the CGM |
2 | Knud Jahnke | Is there any evidence for a merger-AGN connection? | |
1st Dec | 1 | Girish Kulkarni | Formation of Galactic Nuclei with Multiple SMBHs |
2 | Eric Morganson | Bayesian for Dummies: Easy Ways to Improve Your Science Without Joining the Bayes Cult | |
8th Dec | 1 | Leonard Burtscher | The Status of MIDI AGN Large Programme |
2 | Tom Herbst | Whither NIRVANA? - Pathfinders and Upgrades | |
15th Dec | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | MPIA X-mas party | ||
22nd Dec | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
14th January (Nicolas away) | 1 | Roberto Decarli | The redshift dependence of the MBH-MHost relation in quasars |
2 | |||
21th January (Nicolas away) | 1 | Karin Sandstrom | Early Results from KINGFISH |
2 | The Life Cycle of PAHs in the Small Magellanic Cloud | ||
28th January (Nicolas away) | 1 | Clare Dobbs | Hydrodynamical simulations of spiral galaxies |
2 | Mark Sargent | Opacity of Disk Galaxies at z ~ 0.7 | |
4th February | 1 | Kasper Borello Schmidt + HWR | Variability Selection of Quasars + summer visitors |
2 | Marie Martig | On the formation of red elliptical galaxies | |
11th February (Nicolas away) | 1 | Eric Morganson | Searching for Cosmic Strings in the HAGGLeS Archive |
2 | Hans-Walter Rix plus retreat LOC | several announcements | |
18th February (Eva away?) | 1 | Jelte de Jong | Mapping the stellar structure of the Milky Way's thick disk and halo |
2 | Christian Leipski | The Dusty Young Universe: Observing high-redshift quasars with Herschel | |
25th February (Eva away?) | 1 | No galaxy coffee due to meetings/workshop | |
2 | |||
4th March (Eva away, Nicolas away) | 1 | Andrea Macciò | Stellar streams and dark galaxies |
2 | |||
11th March (Nicolas away) | 1 | Jason X. Prochaska | The Mean Free Path of the IGM |
2 | Oliver Porth | Are disk winds the origin of relativistic jets and how would they look like? | |
18th March | 1 | Kambiz Fathi | Looking into the cold gas surrounding the SMBH in the Milky Way |
2 | Marjin Franx | Results from z=2 to z=10 from WFC3 imaging on UDF | |
25th March | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | Fachbeirat | ||
1st April (Eva away) | 1 | ||
2 | |||
8th April | 1 | Blair Conn | The EMPHASSIS project |
2 | |||
15th April | 1 | Jörg-Uwe Pott | Luminosity-variation independent location of the circum-nuclear,
hot dust in NGC 4151 - controversial information from V-K reverberation and K-band interferometric measurements |
2 | Roberto Decarli | Massive Black Hole Binaries: as exotic as Cosmic Strings? | |
22nd April | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | GC department retreat | ||
29th April (Eva away) | 1 | Mark Sargent | SKA conference summary |
2 | GC retreat talk evaluation panel | The GC retreat debriefing and talk award | |
6th May | 1 | Nicolas Martin | The Hercules Milky Way satellite -- could it be a stellar stream? |
2 | Andrea Macciò | TBA | |
13th May | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | holiday | ||
20th May (Eva away) | 1 | ||
2 | |||
27th May | 1 | Michele Fumagalli (UCSC) | Images and simulations to connect gas and stars in z>2 galaxies' |
2 | Arjen van der Wel & Fabian Walter | Highlights from Ringberg workshop | |
3rd June | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | holiday | ||
10th June (Eva away) | 1 | Karin Sandstrom | Herschel highlights z=0 |
2 | Arjen van der Wel | Herschel highlights z > 0 | |
17th June (Eva away, Nicolas away) | 1 | Doug Finkbeiner | (TBA) |
2 | |||
24th June (Eva away) | 1 | Surhud More | |
2 | |||
1st July (Eva away) | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | all hands meeting | ||
8th July | 1 | Erwin de Blok | The South African Square Kilometre Array Precursor Telescope MeerKAT |
2 | Eric Morganson | The Status of Pan-STARRS and High Redshift Quasars | |
15th July (Eva away) | 1 | Crystal Brasseur | Stellar Population Templates: Colour-Temperature relations for the near infrared |
2 | Ben Weiner | Measuring star formation rates and prospects for measuring the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation at z ~ 1 | |
22th July (Nicolas away) | 1 | Gisella de Rosa & Kasper Schmidt | news from the "The First Galaxies, Quasars, and Gamma-Ray Bursts" conference |
2 | Glenn van de Ven | Introduction to CALIFA | |
29th July (Nicolas away?, Gisella away) | 1 | Marion Dierickx | What could have created the Milky Way's thick disk? |
2 | Greg Rudnick | A newly confirmed galaxy cluster at z=1.62 | |
5th August in lecture hall | 1 | David Hogg (NYU/MPIA) | A pixel-level model of the terapixel SDSS imaging dataset |
2 | Gabor Worseck (UCSC) | The effects of stochastic IGM Lyman Continuum Absorption on SDSS Quasar Color Selection | |
12th August | 1 | Andreas Schruba | What HERACLES knows about molecular gas in the outer disks of galaxies |
2 | Tessel van der Laan & Gaelle Dumas | Highlights from the "Molecules in Galaxies" conference | |
19th August | 1 | ||
2 | |||
26th August (Eva away) | 1 | Sharon Meidt | TBA |
2 | Roberto Decarli & Dading Nugroho (TBC) | Highlights from Durham workshop | |
2nd September (Eva away) in lecture hall | 1 | ||
2 | |||
9th September (Eva away) | 1 | Volker Springel (& group) | Astrophysics at the HITS |
2 | Rene Andrae | Sersiclets - or why polar basis functions and Cartesian pixel grids don't go well together | |
16th September (Eva away) | 1 | Leonard Burtscher | first results of the MIDI AGN Large Programme |
2 | Matthew Walker (IoA, Cambridge) | On indirect detection of dark matter in dwarf galaxies | |
23rd September (Gisella away) | 1 | Institute outing, no Galaxy Coffee | |
2 | |||
30th September | 1 | Vivi Tsalmantza | A data-driven method for modeling spectra -- Applications to SDSS |
2 | Steve Beckwith | Planet searches with GPI | |
7th October (Nicolas away) | 1 | Gaelle Dumas | Cold Molecular Gas in the Inner Two Kiloparsec of NGC4151 |
2 | Richard Tuffs | The Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) Survey | |
14th October (Eva away) | 1 | Witold Maciejewski (Liverpool John Moores University) | Double bars: regular orbits in oscillating potentials as a diagnostic tool |
2 | lecture hall | need to finish by 11:15, no 2nd slot | |
21st October | 1 | Mariya Lyubenova | Stellar populations in the near-IR: clues from integrated spectroscopy of globular clusters |
2 | Highlights from "Evolution of galaxies, their central black holes and their large-scale environment" | Ronald Läsker | |
28th October | 1 | no galaxy coffee, instead | |
2 | talk by R. Green on LBT status | ||
4th November | 1 | Roberto Decarli | Orientation dependence of the broad line region in blazars |
2 | Jonelle Walsh (UV Irvine) | ||
11th November (Nicolas Martin away) | 1 | Laura Watkins | Tracer Populations in the Local Group |
2 | Sebastiano Cantalupo (IoA) [guest Andrea Maccio] | The Bright Ly-alpha Side of the High-redshift IGM | |
18th November (Eva away) | 1 | Matthias Knecht | Intrinsic quasar variability in models and observations |
2 | Cristina Ramos Almeida (visitor from Katherine Inskip) | Evidence for galaxy interactions in powerful radio galaxies | |
25th November (Thanksgiving, Eva away) | 1 | Elisabete da Cunha | What can we learn from the spectral energy distributions of galaxies? |
2 | Remco van den Bosch | Dynamical supermassive black hole mass determinations | |
2nd December | 1 | no coffee, instead | |
2 | GC group meeting | ||
9th December | 1 | Andrea Maccio | Comparing galactic satellite properties in hydrodynamical and Nbody simulations |
2 | Ole Moeller-Nilsson | Future management needs of a software driven science community | |
16th December (last one this year) | 1 | Brent Groves | Diagnostic tools: Seeing the insides of galaxies |
2 | Jacqueline Hodge | Deeper, Better FIRST: A High-resolution 1.4GHz VLA Survey of the SDSS
Southern Equatorial Stripe |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
8th January 2009 | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | |||
15th January | 1 | Chao Liu | From LAMOST to GAIA |
2 | Nicolas Martin & Sebastian Jester | Experiences with LBC data reduction | |
22th January | 1 | Christian Fendt | Summary of the 2008 Ringberg Jet Conference |
2 | |||
29th January | 1 | Ramin Skibba | The Velocity Bias of 'Central' Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos |
2 | Francesco Pierfederici | LSST in ten minutes or less | |
26th February | 1 | Mark Sargent | The hunt for the intrinsic value of q |
2 | Eva Schinnerer | astro-ph/0902.2780: CO interferometry of gas-rich spiral galaxies in the outskirts of an intermediate redshift cluster | |
5th March | 1 | Jaron Kurk | ESO Large Programme Proposals |
2 | Eric Bell | How to write successful ESO proposals | |
12th March | 1 | Eric Bell | Watching stars 'twinkle' using PanSTARRS1 Gigapixel Camera |
2 | |||
19th March | 1 | Christine Ruhland | The evolution of the scatter of the cosmic average color-magnitude relation: Demonstrating consistency with the ongoing formation of elliptical galaxies |
2 | Tom Herbst | The Most Famous Astronomer You've Never Heard Of... | |
9th April | 1 | Adam Leroy | Resolved giant molecular cloud structure in the Small Magellanic Cloud |
2 | Fuyan Bian | Clustering of LBGs from LBT Bootes Survey | |
16th April | 1 | Ramin Skibba and his gang | "Reporting Back from Malaysia: Galaxy Evolution and Environment." (taking both slots) |
2 | |||
23rd April | 1 | no galaxy coffee | Girls' Day |
2 | |||
30th April | 1 | Arjen van der Wel | JENAM summary/highlights |
2 | Eric Bell | Stellar population variations in the Milky Way's stellar halo | |
7th May | 1 & 2 | Leonard Burtscher, Markus Pössel, Knud Jahnke | Preparation for the Open House Day (Sun, 17th May): Questions every Astronomer should be able to answer, but cannot |
14th May | 1 | Chien Peng | |
2 | Hans-Walter Rix | ||
21st May | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | holiday | ||
28th May | 1 | ||
2 | |||
4th June | 1 | Daniel H. McIntosh | "The Role of Major Mergers in Galaxy Evolution" |
2 | |||
11th June | 1 | no galaxy coffee | holiday |
2 | |||
18th June | 1 | David Hogg | Dynamical inference (using the Solar System as a test case) |
2 | Xiaohui Fan | Weird things about high-redshift quasars | |
25th June | 1 | Gaëlle Dumas, Oliver Porth, Leonard Burtscher, Klaus Meisenheimer | Workshop summary 'Physics of Galactic Nuclei', Ringberg, 15 - 19 June |
2 | |||
2nd July | 1 | Christy Tremonti | Evidence for a Variable IMF from UV and H-alpha Galaxy Surveys |
2 | Hans-Walter Rix | Reporting on LAMOST | |
9th July | 1 | Greg Rudnick | The growth of the red sequence in clusters over half of cosmic time |
2 | Chris Carilli | Up-date on Cosmic Reionization Experiements | |
16th July | 1 | Ravi Sheth | |
2 | Jorg-Uwe Pott | AGN observations with the Keck Interferometer and other treats | |
23th July | 1 | Dustin Lang (Toronto) | Engineering and performance of |
2 | Benjamin Weiner | The spatial clustering of infrared-luminous galaxies | |
30th July | 1 | Jo Bovy (NYU) | Galactic masers and the Milky Way circular velocity |
2 | Aday Robaina | The fraction of SFR directly triggered by mergers | |
6th August | 1 | Knud Jahnke | Galaxy-Black hole scaling relations from COSMOS |
2 | Arjen van der Wel | Merging: the only way to make a massive, passive galaxy | |
13th August | 1 | no galaxy coffee | |
2 | IMPRS summer school & | IAU-GA | |
20th August | 1 | Joe Hennawi | High redshift quasar clusterings |
2 | David Martinez Delgado | The stellar tidal streams zoo in nearby spiral galaxies | |
27th August | 1 | Ben Moster | Can gas save the thin disk? |
2 | Sergey Koposov | Constraining the MW potential with stellar tidal streams | |
3rd September | no galaxy coffee | GAIA meeting | |
10th September | 1 | Leonard Burtscher | Highlights from the conference "The Many Faces of Centaurus A" |
2 | Mike Gladders | GISMO: Extreme Multiplexed Spectroscopy at Magellan | |
17th September | 1 | no galaxy coffee | institute outing |
2 | |||
24th September | 1 | Nicolas Martin | The latest on the Milky Way and the Local Group: a summary of 4 summer conferences |
2 | |||
1st October | 1 | Fabian Walter | Blind CO Searches: An alternative method to obtain redshifts in dust-obscured galaxies at high redshift. |
2 | |||
8th October | 1 | Tom Herbst | Up-date on LBT |
2 | |||
15th October | 1 | no galaxy coffee, | instead GC group meeting |
2 | |||
22nd October (Eva away) | 1 | Aday Robaina | The merger-driven evolution of massive, red galaxies |
2 | Arjen van der Wel | Galaxies at redshift 7 and up: Summary of recent results from the new Wide Field Camera 3 on HST | |
29th October (Eva away?) | 1 | Jelte de Jong | Leo IV & V: An enigmatic pair of Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies |
2 | Yujin Yang | Environment of Lyman alpha blobs | |
5th November (Nicolas away) | 1 | Hans-Walter Rix | Good scientific conduct |
2 | (both slots) | ||
12th November | 1 | Kester Smith | Photometric identification of BHB stars in SDSS data |
2 | René Andrae | Parameterizing galaxy morphologies: Why CAS & co fail | |
19th November (Eva away) | 1 | Anna Gallazzi | M/L ratios (TBC) |
2 | Andrea Macciò | New evidence for dark matter | |
26th November | 1 | no galaxy coffee, | instead Roeser/Camenzind Fest |
2 | |||
3rd December | 1 | Simone Weinmann | The degeneracy of galaxy formation models |
2 | Joe Hennawi | The Gaseous Evolution of Galaxies: What I Learned at Ringberg | |
10th December | 1 | Katherine Inskip | Some interesting SINFONI results |
2 | Tessel van der Laan | ||
17th December | 1 | Alexander Karim | A radio view on the star formation history of mass-selected galaxies at z < 3 in the COSMOS field |
2 | Ros Skelton | Early-type galaxies: Purely passively evolving? |
Date | Slot | Who | What |
23th October 2008 | 1 | Coryn Bailer-Jones | conference summary |
30th October | 1 | no galaxy coffee, but | |
2 | GC group meeting (announcement: Josef Fried) | ||
6th November | 1 | Coryn Bailer-Jones | |
2 | Linda Watson (TBC) | ||
13th November | 1 | Andrea Macchio | Central mass and luminosity of Milky Way satellites in the LCDM model |
2 | Fabian Walter | A Hyper-Starburst at z=6.4 | |
20th November | 1 | Surhud More | Cosmic transparency |
2 | |||
27th November | 1 | Stefano Zibetti | Are fossil groups a challenge for the CDM paradigm |
2 | Hans-Walter Rix | Recent Scientific Highlights | |
4th December | 1 | Gaelle Dumas | Star Formation in M51 |
2 | Rosalind Skelton, Kelly Foyle, Aday Robaina, Christy Tremonti | Highlights from the Conference Galaxy Evolution: Emerging Insights and Future Challenges | |
11th December | 1 | Fabio Fontanot | Hierarchical Galaxy Formation Models confront Observations |
2 | Rix | summer visitors for 2009 | |
18th December 2008 | 1 | no galaxy coffee, but | |
2 | employees meeting |