cfitsio  3390
Data Fields
fpstate Struct Reference

#include <fpack.h>

Data Fields

int comptype
float quantize_level
int no_dither
int dither_offset
int dither_method
float scale
float rescale_noise
int smooth
int int_to_float
float n3ratio
float n3min
long ntile [MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]
int to_stdout
int listonly
int clobber
int delete_input
int do_not_prompt
int do_checksums
int do_gzip_file
int do_images
int do_tables
int test_all
int verbose
char prefix [SZ_STR]
char extname [SZ_STR]
int delete_suffix
char outfile [SZ_STR]
int firstfile
int initialized
int preflight_checked

Field Documentation

int fpstate::clobber
int fpstate::comptype
int fpstate::delete_input
int fpstate::delete_suffix
int fpstate::dither_method
int fpstate::dither_offset
int fpstate::do_checksums
int fpstate::do_gzip_file
int fpstate::do_images
int fpstate::do_not_prompt
int fpstate::do_tables
char fpstate::extname[SZ_STR]
int fpstate::firstfile
int fpstate::initialized
int fpstate::int_to_float
int fpstate::listonly
float fpstate::n3min
float fpstate::n3ratio
int fpstate::no_dither
long fpstate::ntile[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]
char fpstate::outfile[SZ_STR]
char fpstate::prefix[SZ_STR]
int fpstate::preflight_checked
float fpstate::quantize_level
float fpstate::rescale_noise
float fpstate::scale
int fpstate::smooth
int fpstate::test_all
int fpstate::to_stdout
int fpstate::verbose

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: