cfitsio  3390
Macros | Functions
fitsio2.h File Reference
#include "fitsio.h"
Include dependency graph for fitsio2.h:


#define FFLOCK
#define FFUNLOCK
#define USE_LARGE_VALUE   -99 /* flag used when writing images */
#define DBUFFSIZE   28800 /* size of data buffer in bytes */
#define NMAXFILES   1000 /* maximum number of FITS files that can be opened */
#define MINDIRECT   8640 /* minimum size for direct reads and writes */
#define NATIVE   0 /* machine that uses non-byteswapped IEEE formats */
#define OTHERTYPE   1 /* any other type of machine */
#define VAXVMS   3 /* uses an odd floating point format */
#define ALPHAVMS   4 /* uses an odd floating point format */
#define IBMPC   5 /* used in drvrfile.c to work around a bug on PCs */
#define CRAY   6 /* requires a special NaN test algorithm */
#define GFLOAT   1 /* used for VMS */
#define IEEEFLOAT   2 /* used for VMS */
#define LONGSIZE   32
#define IGNORE_EOF   1
#define REPORT_EOF   0
#define DATA_UNDEFINED   -1
#define NULL_UNDEFINED   1234554321
#define ASCII_NULL_UNDEFINED   1 /* indicate no defined null value */
#define maxvalue(A, B)   ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define minvalue(A, B)   ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define FSTRCMP(a, b)    ((a)[0]<(b)[0]? -1:(a)[0]>(b)[0]?1:strcmp((a),(b)))
#define FSTRNCMP(a, b, n)   ((a)[0]<(b)[0]?-1:(a)[0]>(b)[0]?1:strncmp((a),(b),(n)))
#define FNANMASK   0x7F80 /* mask bits 1 - 8; all set on NaNs */
#define DNANMASK   0x7FF0 /* mask bits 1 - 11; all set on NaNs */
#define fnan(L)   ( (L & FNANMASK) == FNANMASK ? 1 : (L & FNANMASK) == 0 ? 2 : 0)
#define dnan(L)   ( (L & DNANMASK) == DNANMASK ? 1 : (L & DNANMASK) == 0 ? 2 : 0)
#define DSCHAR_MAX   127.49 /* max double value that fits in an signed char */
#define DSCHAR_MIN   -128.49 /* min double value that fits in an signed char */
#define DUCHAR_MAX   255.49 /* max double value that fits in an unsigned char */
#define DUCHAR_MIN   -0.49 /* min double value that fits in an unsigned char */
#define DUSHRT_MAX   65535.49 /* max double value that fits in a unsigned short*/
#define DUSHRT_MIN   -0.49 /* min double value that fits in an unsigned short */
#define DSHRT_MAX   32767.49 /* max double value that fits in a short */
#define DSHRT_MIN   -32768.49 /* min double value that fits in a short */
#define DLONG_MAX   2147483647.49 /* max double value that fits in a long */
#define DLONG_MIN   -2147483648.49 /* min double value that fits in a long */
#define DULONG_MAX   4294967295.49 /* max double that fits in a unsigned long */
#define DULONG_MIN   -0.49 /* min double value that fits in an unsigned long */
#define DLONGLONG_MAX   9.2233720368547755807E18 /* max double value longlong */
#define DLONGLONG_MIN   -9.2233720368547755808E18 /* min double value longlong */
#define DUINT_MAX   4294967295.49 /* max dbl that fits in a unsigned 4-byte int */
#define DUINT_MIN   -0.49 /* min dbl that fits in an unsigned 4-byte int */
#define DINT_MAX   2147483647.49 /* max double value that fits in a 4-byte int */
#define DINT_MIN   -2147483648.49 /* min double value that fits in a 4-byte int */
#define UINT32_MAX   4294967295U /* max unsigned 32-bit integer */
#define INT32_MAX   2147483647 /* max 32-bit integer */
#define INT32_MIN   (-INT32_MAX -1) /* min 32-bit integer */
#define COMPRESS_NULL_VALUE   -2147483647
#define N_RANDOM   10000 /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS; used when quantizing real numbers */


int ffgnky (fitsfile *fptr, char *card, int *status)
void ffcfmt (char *tform, char *cform)
void ffcdsp (char *tform, char *cform)
void ffswap2 (short *values, long nvalues)
void ffswap4 (INT32BIT *values, long nvalues)
void ffswap8 (double *values, long nvalues)
int ffi2c (LONGLONG ival, char *cval, int *status)
int ffl2c (int lval, char *cval, int *status)
int ffs2c (const char *instr, char *outstr, int *status)
int ffr2f (float fval, int decim, char *cval, int *status)
int ffr2e (float fval, int decim, char *cval, int *status)
int ffd2f (double dval, int decim, char *cval, int *status)
int ffd2e (double dval, int decim, char *cval, int *status)
int ffc2ii (const char *cval, long *ival, int *status)
int ffc2jj (const char *cval, LONGLONG *ival, int *status)
int ffc2ll (const char *cval, int *lval, int *status)
int ffc2rr (const char *cval, float *fval, int *status)
int ffc2dd (const char *cval, double *dval, int *status)
int ffc2x (const char *cval, char *dtype, long *ival, int *lval, char *sval, double *dval, int *status)
int ffc2xx (const char *cval, char *dtype, LONGLONG *ival, int *lval, char *sval, double *dval, int *status)
int ffc2s (const char *instr, char *outstr, int *status)
int ffc2i (const char *cval, long *ival, int *status)
int ffc2j (const char *cval, LONGLONG *ival, int *status)
int ffc2r (const char *cval, float *fval, int *status)
int ffc2d (const char *cval, double *dval, int *status)
int ffc2l (const char *cval, int *lval, int *status)
void ffxmsg (int action, char *err_message)
int ffgcnt (fitsfile *fptr, char *value, char *comm, int *status)
int ffgtkn (fitsfile *fptr, int numkey, char *keyname, long *value, int *status)
int ffgtknjj (fitsfile *fptr, int numkey, char *keyname, LONGLONG *value, int *status)
int fftkyn (fitsfile *fptr, int numkey, char *keyname, char *value, int *status)
int ffgphd (fitsfile *fptr, int maxdim, int *simple, int *bitpix, int *naxis, LONGLONG naxes[], long *pcount, long *gcount, int *extend, double *bscale, double *bzero, LONGLONG *blank, int *nspace, int *status)
int ffgttb (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG *rowlen, LONGLONG *nrows, LONGLONG *pcount, long *tfield, int *status)
int ffmkey (fitsfile *fptr, const char *card, int *status)
int ffgbyt (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG nbytes, void *buffer, int *status)
int ffpbyt (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG nbytes, void *buffer, int *status)
int ffgbytoff (fitsfile *fptr, long gsize, long ngroups, long offset, void *buffer, int *status)
int ffpbytoff (fitsfile *fptr, long gsize, long ngroups, long offset, void *buffer, int *status)
int ffldrc (fitsfile *fptr, long record, int err_mode, int *status)
int ffwhbf (fitsfile *fptr, int *nbuff)
int ffbfeof (fitsfile *fptr, int *status)
int ffbfwt (FITSfile *Fptr, int nbuff, int *status)
int ffpxsz (int datatype)
int ffourl (char *url, char *urltype, char *outfile, char *tmplfile, char *compspec, int *status)
int ffparsecompspec (fitsfile *fptr, char *compspec, int *status)
int ffoptplt (fitsfile *fptr, const char *tempname, int *status)
int fits_is_this_a_copy (char *urltype)
int fits_store_Fptr (FITSfile *Fptr, int *status)
int fits_clear_Fptr (FITSfile *Fptr, int *status)
int fits_already_open (fitsfile **fptr, char *url, char *urltype, char *infile, char *extspec, char *rowfilter, char *binspec, char *colspec, int mode, int *isopen, int *status)
int ffedit_columns (fitsfile **fptr, char *outfile, char *expr, int *status)
int fits_get_col_minmax (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, float *datamin, float *datamax, int *status)
int ffwritehisto (long totaln, long offset, long firstn, long nvalues, int narrays, iteratorCol *imagepars, void *userPointer)
int ffcalchist (long totalrows, long offset, long firstrow, long nrows, int ncols, iteratorCol *colpars, void *userPointer)
int ffrhdu (fitsfile *fptr, int *hdutype, int *status)
int ffpinit (fitsfile *fptr, int *status)
int ffainit (fitsfile *fptr, int *status)
int ffbinit (fitsfile *fptr, int *status)
int ffchdu (fitsfile *fptr, int *status)
int ffwend (fitsfile *fptr, int *status)
int ffpdfl (fitsfile *fptr, int *status)
int ffuptf (fitsfile *fptr, int *status)
int ffdblk (fitsfile *fptr, long nblocks, int *status)
int ffgext (fitsfile *fptr, int moveto, int *exttype, int *status)
int ffgtbc (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG *totalwidth, int *status)
int ffgtbp (fitsfile *fptr, char *name, char *value, int *status)
int ffiblk (fitsfile *fptr, long nblock, int headdata, int *status)
int ffshft (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG firstbyte, LONGLONG nbytes, LONGLONG nshift, int *status)
int ffgcprll (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, int writemode, double *scale, double *zero, char *tform, long *twidth, int *tcode, int *maxelem, LONGLONG *startpos, LONGLONG *elemnum, long *incre, LONGLONG *repeat, LONGLONG *rowlen, int *hdutype, LONGLONG *tnull, char *snull, int *status)
int ffflushx (FITSfile *fptr)
int ffseek (FITSfile *fptr, LONGLONG position)
int ffread (FITSfile *fptr, long nbytes, void *buffer, int *status)
int ffwrite (FITSfile *fptr, long nbytes, void *buffer, int *status)
int fftrun (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG filesize, int *status)
int ffpcluc (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, int *status)
int ffgcll (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, int nultyp, char nulval, char *array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgcls (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, int nultyp, char *nulval, char **array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgcls2 (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, int nultyp, char *nulval, char **array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgclb (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, long elemincre, int nultyp, unsigned char nulval, unsigned char *array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgclsb (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, long elemincre, int nultyp, signed char nulval, signed char *array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgclui (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, long elemincre, int nultyp, unsigned short nulval, unsigned short *array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgcli (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, long elemincre, int nultyp, short nulval, short *array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgcluj (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, long elemincre, int nultyp, unsigned long nulval, unsigned long *array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgcljj (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, long elemincre, int nultyp, LONGLONG nulval, LONGLONG *array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgclj (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, long elemincre, int nultyp, long nulval, long *array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgcluk (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, long elemincre, int nultyp, unsigned int nulval, unsigned int *array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgclk (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, long elemincre, int nultyp, int nulval, int *array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgcle (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, long elemincre, int nultyp, float nulval, float *array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffgcld (fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, LONGLONG firstrow, LONGLONG firstelem, LONGLONG nelem, long elemincre, int nultyp, double nulval, double *array, char *nularray, int *anynul, int *status)
int ffpi1b (fitsfile *fptr, long nelem, long incre, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffpi2b (fitsfile *fptr, long nelem, long incre, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffpi4b (fitsfile *fptr, long nelem, long incre, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int ffpi8b (fitsfile *fptr, long nelem, long incre, long *buffer, int *status)
int ffpr4b (fitsfile *fptr, long nelem, long incre, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffpr8b (fitsfile *fptr, long nelem, long incre, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffgi1b (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG pos, long nelem, long incre, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffgi2b (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG pos, long nelem, long incre, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffgi4b (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG pos, long nelem, long incre, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int ffgi8b (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG pos, long nelem, long incre, long *buffer, int *status)
int ffgr4b (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG pos, long nelem, long incre, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffgr8b (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG pos, long nelem, long incre, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffcins (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG naxis1, LONGLONG naxis2, LONGLONG nbytes, LONGLONG bytepos, int *status)
int ffcdel (fitsfile *fptr, LONGLONG naxis1, LONGLONG naxis2, LONGLONG nbytes, LONGLONG bytepos, int *status)
int ffkshf (fitsfile *fptr, int firstcol, int tfields, int nshift, int *status)
int fffi1i1 (unsigned char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char tnull, unsigned char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned char *output, int *status)
int fffi2i1 (short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short tnull, unsigned char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned char *output, int *status)
int fffi4i1 (INT32BIT *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, INT32BIT tnull, unsigned char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned char *output, int *status)
int fffi8i1 (LONGLONG *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG tnull, unsigned char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned char *output, int *status)
int fffr4i1 (float *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned char *output, int *status)
int fffr8i1 (double *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned char *output, int *status)
int fffstri1 (char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, long twidth, double power, int nullcheck, char *snull, unsigned char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned char *output, int *status)
int fffi1s1 (unsigned char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char tnull, signed char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, signed char *output, int *status)
int fffi2s1 (short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short tnull, signed char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, signed char *output, int *status)
int fffi4s1 (INT32BIT *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, INT32BIT tnull, signed char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, signed char *output, int *status)
int fffi8s1 (LONGLONG *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG tnull, signed char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, signed char *output, int *status)
int fffr4s1 (float *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, signed char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, signed char *output, int *status)
int fffr8s1 (double *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, signed char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, signed char *output, int *status)
int fffstrs1 (char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, long twidth, double power, int nullcheck, char *snull, signed char nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, signed char *output, int *status)
int fffi1u2 (unsigned char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char tnull, unsigned short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned short *output, int *status)
int fffi2u2 (short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short tnull, unsigned short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned short *output, int *status)
int fffi4u2 (INT32BIT *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, INT32BIT tnull, unsigned short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned short *output, int *status)
int fffi8u2 (LONGLONG *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG tnull, unsigned short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned short *output, int *status)
int fffr4u2 (float *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned short *output, int *status)
int fffr8u2 (double *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned short *output, int *status)
int fffstru2 (char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, long twidth, double power, int nullcheck, char *snull, unsigned short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned short *output, int *status)
int fffi1i2 (unsigned char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char tnull, short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, short *output, int *status)
int fffi2i2 (short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short tnull, short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, short *output, int *status)
int fffi4i2 (INT32BIT *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, INT32BIT tnull, short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, short *output, int *status)
int fffi8i2 (LONGLONG *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG tnull, short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, short *output, int *status)
int fffr4i2 (float *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, short *output, int *status)
int fffr8i2 (double *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, short *output, int *status)
int fffstri2 (char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, long twidth, double power, int nullcheck, char *snull, short nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, short *output, int *status)
int fffi1u4 (unsigned char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char tnull, unsigned long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned long *output, int *status)
int fffi2u4 (short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short tnull, unsigned long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned long *output, int *status)
int fffi4u4 (INT32BIT *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, INT32BIT tnull, unsigned long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned long *output, int *status)
int fffi8u4 (LONGLONG *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG tnull, unsigned long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned long *output, int *status)
int fffr4u4 (float *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned long *output, int *status)
int fffr8u4 (double *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned long *output, int *status)
int fffstru4 (char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, long twidth, double power, int nullcheck, char *snull, unsigned long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned long *output, int *status)
int fffi1i4 (unsigned char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char tnull, long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, long *output, int *status)
int fffi2i4 (short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short tnull, long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, long *output, int *status)
int fffi4i4 (INT32BIT *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, INT32BIT tnull, long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, long *output, int *status)
int fffi8i4 (LONGLONG *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG tnull, long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, long *output, int *status)
int fffr4i4 (float *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, long *output, int *status)
int fffr8i4 (double *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, long *output, int *status)
int fffstri4 (char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, long twidth, double power, int nullcheck, char *snull, long nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, long *output, int *status)
int fffi1int (unsigned char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char tnull, int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, int *output, int *status)
int fffi2int (short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short tnull, int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, int *output, int *status)
int fffi4int (INT32BIT *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, INT32BIT tnull, int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, int *output, int *status)
int fffi8int (LONGLONG *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG tnull, int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, int *output, int *status)
int fffr4int (float *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, int *output, int *status)
int fffr8int (double *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, int *output, int *status)
int fffstrint (char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, long twidth, double power, int nullcheck, char *snull, int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, int *output, int *status)
int fffi1uint (unsigned char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char tnull, unsigned int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned int *output, int *status)
int fffi2uint (short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short tnull, unsigned int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned int *output, int *status)
int fffi4uint (INT32BIT *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, INT32BIT tnull, unsigned int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned int *output, int *status)
int fffi8uint (LONGLONG *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG tnull, unsigned int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned int *output, int *status)
int fffr4uint (float *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned int *output, int *status)
int fffr8uint (double *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned int *output, int *status)
int fffstruint (char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, long twidth, double power, int nullcheck, char *snull, unsigned int nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, unsigned int *output, int *status)
int fffi1i8 (unsigned char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char tnull, LONGLONG nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, LONGLONG *output, int *status)
int fffi2i8 (short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short tnull, LONGLONG nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, LONGLONG *output, int *status)
int fffi4i8 (INT32BIT *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, INT32BIT tnull, LONGLONG nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, LONGLONG *output, int *status)
int fffi8i8 (LONGLONG *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG tnull, LONGLONG nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, LONGLONG *output, int *status)
int fffr4i8 (float *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, LONGLONG *output, int *status)
int fffr8i8 (double *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, LONGLONG *output, int *status)
int fffstri8 (char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, long twidth, double power, int nullcheck, char *snull, LONGLONG nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, LONGLONG *output, int *status)
int fffi1r4 (unsigned char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char tnull, float nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, float *output, int *status)
int fffi2r4 (short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short tnull, float nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, float *output, int *status)
int fffi4r4 (INT32BIT *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, INT32BIT tnull, float nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, float *output, int *status)
int fffi8r4 (LONGLONG *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG tnull, float nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, float *output, int *status)
int fffr4r4 (float *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, float nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, float *output, int *status)
int fffr8r4 (double *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, float nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, float *output, int *status)
int fffstrr4 (char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, long twidth, double power, int nullcheck, char *snull, float nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, float *output, int *status)
int fffi1r8 (unsigned char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, unsigned char tnull, double nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, double *output, int *status)
int fffi2r8 (short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, short tnull, double nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, double *output, int *status)
int fffi4r8 (INT32BIT *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, INT32BIT tnull, double nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, double *output, int *status)
int fffi8r8 (LONGLONG *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, LONGLONG tnull, double nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, double *output, int *status)
int fffr4r8 (float *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, double nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, double *output, int *status)
int fffr8r8 (double *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, double nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, double *output, int *status)
int fffstrr8 (char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, long twidth, double power, int nullcheck, char *snull, double nullval, char *nullarray, int *anynull, double *output, int *status)
int ffi1fi1 (unsigned char *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffs1fi1 (signed char *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffu2fi1 (unsigned short *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffi2fi1 (short *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffu4fi1 (unsigned long *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffi4fi1 (long *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffi8fi1 (LONGLONG *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffuintfi1 (unsigned int *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffintfi1 (int *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffr4fi1 (float *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffr8fi1 (double *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, unsigned char *buffer, int *status)
int ffi1fi2 (unsigned char *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffs1fi2 (signed char *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffu2fi2 (unsigned short *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffi2fi2 (short *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffu4fi2 (unsigned long *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffi4fi2 (long *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffi8fi2 (LONGLONG *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffuintfi2 (unsigned int *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffintfi2 (int *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffr4fi2 (float *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffr8fi2 (double *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, short *buffer, int *status)
int ffi1fi4 (unsigned char *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int ffs1fi4 (signed char *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int ffu2fi4 (unsigned short *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int ffi2fi4 (short *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int ffu4fi4 (unsigned long *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int ffi4fi4 (long *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int ffi8fi4 (LONGLONG *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int ffuintfi4 (unsigned int *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int ffintfi4 (int *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int ffr4fi4 (float *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int ffr8fi4 (double *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, INT32BIT *buffer, int *status)
int fflongfi8 (long *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, LONGLONG *buffer, int *status)
int ffi8fi8 (LONGLONG *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, LONGLONG *buffer, int *status)
int ffi2fi8 (short *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, LONGLONG *buffer, int *status)
int ffi1fi8 (unsigned char *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, LONGLONG *buffer, int *status)
int ffs1fi8 (signed char *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, LONGLONG *buffer, int *status)
int ffr4fi8 (float *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, LONGLONG *buffer, int *status)
int ffr8fi8 (double *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, LONGLONG *buffer, int *status)
int ffintfi8 (int *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, LONGLONG *buffer, int *status)
int ffu2fi8 (unsigned short *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, LONGLONG *buffer, int *status)
int ffu4fi8 (unsigned long *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, LONGLONG *buffer, int *status)
int ffuintfi8 (unsigned int *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, LONGLONG *buffer, int *status)
int ffi1fr4 (unsigned char *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffs1fr4 (signed char *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffu2fr4 (unsigned short *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffi2fr4 (short *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffu4fr4 (unsigned long *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffi4fr4 (long *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffi8fr4 (LONGLONG *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffuintfr4 (unsigned int *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffintfr4 (int *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffr4fr4 (float *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffr8fr4 (double *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, float *buffer, int *status)
int ffi1fr8 (unsigned char *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffs1fr8 (signed char *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffu2fr8 (unsigned short *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffi2fr8 (short *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffu4fr8 (unsigned long *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffi4fr8 (long *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffi8fr8 (LONGLONG *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffuintfr8 (unsigned int *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffintfr8 (int *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffr4fr8 (float *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffr8fr8 (double *array, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, double *buffer, int *status)
int ffi1fstr (unsigned char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, char *cform, long twidth, char *output, int *status)
int ffs1fstr (signed char *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, char *cform, long twidth, char *output, int *status)
int ffu2fstr (unsigned short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, char *cform, long twidth, char *output, int *status)
int ffi2fstr (short *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, char *cform, long twidth, char *output, int *status)
int ffu4fstr (unsigned long *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, char *cform, long twidth, char *output, int *status)
int ffi4fstr (long *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, char *cform, long twidth, char *output, int *status)
int ffi8fstr (LONGLONG *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, char *cform, long twidth, char *output, int *status)
int ffintfstr (int *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, char *cform, long twidth, char *output, int *status)
int ffuintfstr (unsigned int *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, char *cform, long twidth, char *output, int *status)
int ffr4fstr (float *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, char *cform, long twidth, char *output, int *status)
int ffr8fstr (double *input, long ntodo, double scale, double zero, char *cform, long twidth, char *output, int *status)
void ieevpd (double *inarray, double *outarray, long *nvals)
void ieevud (double *inarray, double *outarray, long *nvals)
void ieevpr (float *inarray, float *outarray, long *nvals)
void ieevur (float *inarray, float *outarray, long *nvals)
int ffselect_table (fitsfile **fptr, char *outfile, char *expr, int *status)
int ffiprs (fitsfile *fptr, int compressed, char *expr, int maxdim, int *datatype, long *nelem, int *naxis, long *naxes, int *status)
void ffcprs (void)
int ffcvtn (int inputType, void *input, char *undef, long ntodo, int outputType, void *nulval, void *output, int *anynull, int *status)
int parse_data (long totalrows, long offset, long firstrow, long nrows, int nCols, iteratorCol *colData, void *userPtr)
int uncompress_hkdata (fitsfile *fptr, long ntimes, double *times, int *status)
int ffffrw_work (long totalrows, long offset, long firstrow, long nrows, int nCols, iteratorCol *colData, void *userPtr)
int fits_translate_pixkeyword (char *inrec, char *outrec, char *patterns[][2], int npat, int naxis, int *colnum, int *pat_num, int *i, int *j, int *n, int *m, int *l, int *status)
int fits_write_compressed_img (fitsfile *fptr, int datatype, long *fpixel, long *lpixel, int nullcheck, void *array, void *nulval, int *status)
int fits_write_compressed_pixels (fitsfile *fptr, int datatype, LONGLONG fpixel, LONGLONG npixels, int nullcheck, void *array, void *nulval, int *status)
int fits_write_compressed_img_plane (fitsfile *fptr, int datatype, int bytesperpixel, long nplane, long *firstcoord, long *lastcoord, long *naxes, int nullcheck, void *array, void *nullval, long *nread, int *status)
int imcomp_init_table (fitsfile *outfptr, int bitpix, int naxis, long *naxes, int writebitpix, int *status)
int imcomp_calc_max_elem (int comptype, int nx, int zbitpix, int blocksize)
int imcomp_copy_imheader (fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int *status)
int imcomp_copy_img2comp (fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int *status)
int imcomp_copy_comp2img (fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int norec, int *status)
int imcomp_copy_prime2img (fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int *status)
int imcomp_compress_image (fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int *status)
int imcomp_compress_tile (fitsfile *outfptr, long row, int datatype, void *tiledata, long tilelen, long nx, long ny, int nullcheck, void *nullval, int *status)
int imcomp_nullscale (int *idata, long tilelen, int nullflagval, int nullval, double scale, double zero, int *status)
int imcomp_nullvalues (int *idata, long tilelen, int nullflagval, int nullval, int *status)
int imcomp_scalevalues (int *idata, long tilelen, double scale, double zero, int *status)
int imcomp_nullscalefloats (float *fdata, long tilelen, int *idata, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, float nullflagval, int nullval, int *status)
int imcomp_nullfloats (float *fdata, long tilelen, int *idata, int nullcheck, float nullflagval, int nullval, int *status)
int imcomp_nullscaledoubles (double *fdata, long tilelen, int *idata, double scale, double zero, int nullcheck, double nullflagval, int nullval, int *status)
int imcomp_nulldoubles (double *fdata, long tilelen, int *idata, int nullcheck, double nullflagval, int nullval, int *status)
int fits_read_compressed_img (fitsfile *fptr, int datatype, LONGLONG *fpixel, LONGLONG *lpixel, long *inc, int nullcheck, void *nulval, void *array, char *nullarray, int *anynul, int *status)
int fits_read_compressed_pixels (fitsfile *fptr, int datatype, LONGLONG fpixel, LONGLONG npixels, int nullcheck, void *nulval, void *array, char *nullarray, int *anynul, int *status)
int fits_read_compressed_img_plane (fitsfile *fptr, int datatype, int bytesperpixel, long nplane, LONGLONG *firstcoord, LONGLONG *lastcoord, long *inc, long *naxes, int nullcheck, void *nullval, void *array, char *nullarray, int *anynul, long *nread, int *status)
int imcomp_get_compressed_image_par (fitsfile *infptr, int *status)
int imcomp_decompress_tile (fitsfile *infptr, int nrow, int tilesize, int datatype, int nullcheck, void *nulval, void *buffer, char *bnullarray, int *anynul, int *status)
int imcomp_copy_overlap (char *tile, int pixlen, int ndim, long *tfpixel, long *tlpixel, char *bnullarray, char *image, long *fpixel, long *lpixel, long *inc, int nullcheck, char *nullarray, int *status)
int imcomp_test_overlap (int ndim, long *tfpixel, long *tlpixel, long *fpixel, long *lpixel, long *inc, int *status)
int imcomp_merge_overlap (char *tile, int pixlen, int ndim, long *tfpixel, long *tlpixel, char *bnullarray, char *image, long *fpixel, long *lpixel, int nullcheck, int *status)
int imcomp_decompress_img (fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int datatype, int *status)
int fits_quantize_float (long row, float fdata[], long nx, long ny, int nullcheck, float in_null_value, float quantize_level, int dither_method, int idata[], double *bscale, double *bzero, int *iminval, int *imaxval)
int fits_quantize_double (long row, double fdata[], long nx, long ny, int nullcheck, double in_null_value, float quantize_level, int dither_method, int idata[], double *bscale, double *bzero, int *iminval, int *imaxval)
int fits_rcomp (int a[], int nx, unsigned char *c, int clen, int nblock)
int fits_rcomp_short (short a[], int nx, unsigned char *c, int clen, int nblock)
int fits_rcomp_byte (signed char a[], int nx, unsigned char *c, int clen, int nblock)
int fits_rdecomp (unsigned char *c, int clen, unsigned int array[], int nx, int nblock)
int fits_rdecomp_short (unsigned char *c, int clen, unsigned short array[], int nx, int nblock)
int fits_rdecomp_byte (unsigned char *c, int clen, unsigned char array[], int nx, int nblock)
int pl_p2li (int *pxsrc, int xs, short *lldst, int npix)
int pl_l2pi (short *ll_src, int xs, int *px_dst, int npix)
int fits_init_randoms (void)
int fits_unset_compression_param (fitsfile *fptr, int *status)
int fits_unset_compression_request (fitsfile *fptr, int *status)
int fitsio_init_lock (void)
int urltype2driver (char *urltype, int *driver)
int fits_register_driver (char *prefix, int(*init)(void), int(*fitsshutdown)(void), int(*setoptions)(int option), int(*getoptions)(int *options), int(*getversion)(int *version), int(*checkfile)(char *urltype, char *infile, char *outfile), int(*fitsopen)(char *filename, int rwmode, int *driverhandle), int(*fitscreate)(char *filename, int *driverhandle), int(*fitstruncate)(int driverhandle, LONGLONG filesize), int(*fitsclose)(int driverhandle), int(*fremove)(char *filename), int(*size)(int driverhandle, LONGLONG *sizex), int(*flush)(int driverhandle), int(*seek)(int driverhandle, LONGLONG offset), int(*fitsread)(int driverhandle, void *buffer, long nbytes), int(*fitswrite)(int driverhandle, void *buffer, long nbytes))
int file_init (void)
int file_setoptions (int options)
int file_getoptions (int *options)
int file_getversion (int *version)
int file_shutdown (void)
int file_checkfile (char *urltype, char *infile, char *outfile)
int file_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *driverhandle)
int file_compress_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *hdl)
int file_openfile (char *filename, int rwmode, FILE **diskfile)
int file_create (char *filename, int *driverhandle)
int file_truncate (int driverhandle, LONGLONG filesize)
int file_size (int driverhandle, LONGLONG *filesize)
int file_close (int driverhandle)
int file_remove (char *filename)
int file_flush (int driverhandle)
int file_seek (int driverhandle, LONGLONG offset)
int file_read (int driverhandle, void *buffer, long nbytes)
int file_write (int driverhandle, void *buffer, long nbytes)
int file_is_compressed (char *filename)
int stream_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *driverhandle)
int stream_create (char *filename, int *driverhandle)
int stream_size (int driverhandle, LONGLONG *filesize)
int stream_close (int driverhandle)
int stream_flush (int driverhandle)
int stream_seek (int driverhandle, LONGLONG offset)
int stream_read (int driverhandle, void *buffer, long nbytes)
int stream_write (int driverhandle, void *buffer, long nbytes)
int mem_init (void)
int mem_setoptions (int options)
int mem_getoptions (int *options)
int mem_getversion (int *version)
int mem_shutdown (void)
int mem_create (char *filename, int *handle)
int mem_create_comp (char *filename, int *handle)
int mem_openmem (void **buffptr, size_t *buffsize, size_t deltasize, void *(*memrealloc)(void *p, size_t newsize), int *handle)
int mem_createmem (size_t memsize, int *handle)
int stdin_checkfile (char *urltype, char *infile, char *outfile)
int stdin_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *handle)
int stdin2mem (int hd)
int stdin2file (int hd)
int stdout_close (int handle)
int mem_compress_openrw (char *filename, int rwmode, int *hdl)
int mem_compress_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *hdl)
int mem_compress_stdin_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *hdl)
int mem_iraf_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *hdl)
int mem_rawfile_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *hdl)
int mem_size (int handle, LONGLONG *filesize)
int mem_truncate (int handle, LONGLONG filesize)
int mem_close_free (int handle)
int mem_close_keep (int handle)
int mem_close_comp (int handle)
int mem_seek (int handle, LONGLONG offset)
int mem_read (int hdl, void *buffer, long nbytes)
int mem_write (int hdl, void *buffer, long nbytes)
int mem_uncompress2mem (char *filename, FILE *diskfile, int hdl)
int iraf2mem (char *filename, char **buffptr, size_t *buffsize, size_t *filesize, int *status)
int root_init (void)
int root_setoptions (int options)
int root_getoptions (int *options)
int root_getversion (int *version)
int root_shutdown (void)
int root_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *driverhandle)
int root_create (char *filename, int *driverhandle)
int root_close (int driverhandle)
int root_flush (int driverhandle)
int root_seek (int driverhandle, LONGLONG offset)
int root_read (int driverhandle, void *buffer, long nbytes)
int root_write (int driverhandle, void *buffer, long nbytes)
int root_size (int handle, LONGLONG *filesize)
int http_checkfile (char *urltype, char *infile, char *outfile)
int http_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *driverhandle)
int http_file_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *driverhandle)
int http_compress_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *driverhandle)
int ftp_checkfile (char *urltype, char *infile, char *outfile)
int ftp_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *driverhandle)
int ftp_file_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *driverhandle)
int ftp_compress_open (char *filename, int rwmode, int *driverhandle)
int uncompress2mem (char *filename, FILE *diskfile, char **buffptr, size_t *buffsize, void *(*mem_realloc)(void *p, size_t newsize), size_t *filesize, int *status)
int uncompress2mem_from_mem (char *inmemptr, size_t inmemsize, char **buffptr, size_t *buffsize, void *(*mem_realloc)(void *p, size_t newsize), size_t *filesize, int *status)
int uncompress2file (char *filename, FILE *indiskfile, FILE *outdiskfile, int *status)
int compress2mem_from_mem (char *inmemptr, size_t inmemsize, char **buffptr, size_t *buffsize, void *(*mem_realloc)(void *p, size_t newsize), size_t *filesize, int *status)
int compress2file_from_mem (char *inmemptr, size_t inmemsize, FILE *outdiskfile, size_t *filesize, int *status)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ALPHAVMS   4 /* uses an odd floating point format */
#define ASCII_NULL_UNDEFINED   1 /* indicate no defined null value */
#define COMPRESS_NULL_VALUE   -2147483647
#define CRAY   6 /* requires a special NaN test algorithm */
#define DATA_UNDEFINED   -1
#define DBUFFSIZE   28800 /* size of data buffer in bytes */
#define DINT_MAX   2147483647.49 /* max double value that fits in a 4-byte int */
#define DINT_MIN   -2147483648.49 /* min double value that fits in a 4-byte int */
#define DLONG_MAX   2147483647.49 /* max double value that fits in a long */
#define DLONG_MIN   -2147483648.49 /* min double value that fits in a long */
#define DLONGLONG_MAX   9.2233720368547755807E18 /* max double value longlong */
#define DLONGLONG_MIN   -9.2233720368547755808E18 /* min double value longlong */
#define dnan (   L)    ( (L & DNANMASK) == DNANMASK ? 1 : (L & DNANMASK) == 0 ? 2 : 0)
#define DNANMASK   0x7FF0 /* mask bits 1 - 11; all set on NaNs */
#define DSCHAR_MAX   127.49 /* max double value that fits in an signed char */
#define DSCHAR_MIN   -128.49 /* min double value that fits in an signed char */
#define DSHRT_MAX   32767.49 /* max double value that fits in a short */
#define DSHRT_MIN   -32768.49 /* min double value that fits in a short */
#define DUCHAR_MAX   255.49 /* max double value that fits in an unsigned char */
#define DUCHAR_MIN   -0.49 /* min double value that fits in an unsigned char */
#define DUINT_MAX   4294967295.49 /* max dbl that fits in a unsigned 4-byte int */
#define DUINT_MIN   -0.49 /* min dbl that fits in an unsigned 4-byte int */
#define DULONG_MAX   4294967295.49 /* max double that fits in a unsigned long */
#define DULONG_MIN   -0.49 /* min double value that fits in an unsigned long */
#define DUSHRT_MAX   65535.49 /* max double value that fits in a unsigned short*/
#define DUSHRT_MIN   -0.49 /* min double value that fits in an unsigned short */
#define FFLOCK
#define FFUNLOCK
#define fnan (   L)    ( (L & FNANMASK) == FNANMASK ? 1 : (L & FNANMASK) == 0 ? 2 : 0)
#define FNANMASK   0x7F80 /* mask bits 1 - 8; all set on NaNs */
#define FSTRCMP (   a,
)    ((a)[0]<(b)[0]? -1:(a)[0]>(b)[0]?1:strcmp((a),(b)))
#define FSTRNCMP (   a,
)    ((a)[0]<(b)[0]?-1:(a)[0]>(b)[0]?1:strncmp((a),(b),(n)))
#define GFLOAT   1 /* used for VMS */
#define IBMPC   5 /* used in drvrfile.c to work around a bug on PCs */
#define IEEEFLOAT   2 /* used for VMS */
#define IGNORE_EOF   1
#define INT32_MAX   2147483647 /* max 32-bit integer */
#define INT32_MIN   (-INT32_MAX -1) /* min 32-bit integer */
#define LONGSIZE   32
#define maxvalue (   A,
)    ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define MINDIRECT   8640 /* minimum size for direct reads and writes */
#define minvalue (   A,
)    ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define N_RANDOM   10000 /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS; used when quantizing real numbers */
#define NATIVE   0 /* machine that uses non-byteswapped IEEE formats */
#define NMAXFILES   1000 /* maximum number of FITS files that can be opened */
#define NULL_UNDEFINED   1234554321
#define OTHERTYPE   1 /* any other type of machine */
#define REPORT_EOF   0
#define UINT32_MAX   4294967295U /* max unsigned 32-bit integer */
#define USE_LARGE_VALUE   -99 /* flag used when writing images */
#define VAXVMS   3 /* uses an odd floating point format */

Function Documentation

int compress2file_from_mem ( char *  inmemptr,
size_t  inmemsize,
FILE *  outdiskfile,
size_t *  filesize,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int compress2mem_from_mem ( char *  inmemptr,
size_t  inmemsize,
char **  buffptr,
size_t *  buffsize,
void *(*)(void *p, size_t newsize)  mem_realloc,
size_t *  filesize,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffainit ( fitsfile fptr,
int *  status 

initialize the parameters defining the structure of an ASCII table

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffbfeof ( fitsfile fptr,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffbfwt ( FITSfile Fptr,
int  nbuff,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffbinit ( fitsfile fptr,
int *  status 

initialize the parameters defining the structure of a binary table

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2d ( const char *  cval,
double *  dval,
int *  status 

convert formatted string to a double value, doing implicit datatype conversion if necessary

[in]cvalstring representation of the value
[out]dvalnumerical value of the input string
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2dd ( const char *  cval,
double *  dval,
int *  status 

convert null-terminated formatted string to a double value

[in]cvalstring representation of the value
[out]dvalnumerical value of the input string
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2i ( const char *  cval,
long *  ival,
int *  status 

convert formatted string to an integer value, doing implicit datatype conversion if necessary.

[in]cvalstring representation of the value
[out]ivalnumerical value of the input string
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2ii ( const char *  cval,
long *  ival,
int *  status 

convert null-terminated formatted string to an integer value

[in]cvalstring representation of the value
[out]ivalnumerical value of the input string
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2j ( const char *  cval,
int *  status 

convert formatted string to a LONGLONG integer value, doing implicit datatype conversion if necessary.

[in]cvalstring representation of the value
[out]ivalnumerical value of the input string
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2jj ( const char *  cval,
int *  status 

convert null-terminated formatted string to an long long integer value

[in]cvalstring representation of the value
[out]ivalnumerical value of the input string
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2l ( const char *  cval,
int *  lval,
int *  status 

convert formatted string to a logical value, doing implicit datatype conversion if necessary

[in]cvalstring representation of the value
[out]lvalnumerical value of the input string
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2ll ( const char *  cval,
int *  lval,
int *  status 

convert null-terminated formatted string to a logical value

[in]cvalstring representation of the value: T or F
[out]lvalnumerical value of the input string: 1 or 0
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2r ( const char *  cval,
float *  fval,
int *  status 

convert formatted string to a real float value, doing implicit datatype conversion if necessary

[in]cvalstring representation of the value
[out]fvalnumerical value of the input string
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2rr ( const char *  cval,
float *  fval,
int *  status 

convert null-terminated formatted string to a float value

[in]cvalstring representation of the value
[out]fvalnumerical value of the input string
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2s ( const char *  instr,
char *  outstr,
int *  status 

convert an input quoted string to an unquoted string by removing the leading and trailing quote character. Also, replace any pairs of single quote characters with just a single quote character (FITS used a pair of single quotes to represent a literal quote character within the string).

[in]instrnull terminated quoted input string
[out]outstrnull terminated output string without quotes
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2x ( const char *  cval,
char *  dtype,
long *  ival,
int *  lval,
char *  sval,
double *  dval,
int *  status 

high level routine to convert formatted character string to its intrinsic data type

[in]cvalformatted string representation of the value
[out]dtypedatatype code: C, L, F, I or X Only one of the 5 pointer value will be defined, depending on datatype
[out]ivalinteger value
[out]lvallogical value
[out]svalstring value
[out]dvaldouble value
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffc2xx ( const char *  cval,
char *  dtype,
int *  lval,
char *  sval,
double *  dval,
int *  status 

high level routine to convert formatted character string to its intrinsic data type

[in]cvalformatted string representation of the value
[out]dtypedatatype code: C, L, F, I or X Only one of the 5 pointer value will be defined, depending on datatype
[out]ivalinteger value
[out]lvallogical value
[out]svalstring value
[out]dvaldouble value
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffcalchist ( long  totalrows,
long  offset,
long  firstrow,
long  nrows,
int  ncols,
iteratorCol colpars,
void *  userPointer 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffcdel ( fitsfile fptr,
LONGLONG  naxis1,
LONGLONG  naxis2,
LONGLONG  nbytes,
LONGLONG  bytepos,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ffcdsp ( char *  tform,
char *  cform 

convert the FITS TDISPn display format into the equivalent C format suitable for use in a printf statement.

tformvalue of an ASCII table TFORMn keyword
cformequivalent format code in C language syntax

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ffcfmt ( char *  tform,
char *  cform 

convert the FITS format string for an ASCII Table extension column into the equivalent C format string that can be used in a printf statement, after the values have been read as a double.

tformvalue of an ASCII table TFORMn keyword
cformequivalent format code in C language syntax

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffchdu ( fitsfile fptr,
int *  status 

close the current HDU. If we have write access to the file, then:

  • write the END keyword and pad header with blanks if necessary
  • check the data fill values, and rewrite them if not correct
    [in]fptrFITS file pointer
    [in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffcins ( fitsfile fptr,
LONGLONG  naxis1,
LONGLONG  naxis2,
LONGLONG  nbytes,
LONGLONG  bytepos,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ffcprs ( void  )
int ffcvtn ( int  inputType,
void *  input,
char *  undef,
long  ntodo,
int  outputType,
void *  nulval,
void *  output,
int *  anynull,
int *  status 
int ffd2e ( double  dval,
int  decim,
char *  cval,
int *  status 

convert double value to a null-terminated exponential format string.

[in]dvalvalue to be converted to a string
[in]decimnumber of decimal places to display
[in]cvalcharacter string representation of the value
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffd2f ( double  dval,
int  decim,
char *  cval,
int *  status 

convert double value to a null-terminated F format string

[in]dvalvalue to be converted to a string
[in]decimnumber of decimal places to display
[in,out]cvalcharacter string representation of the value
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffdblk ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nblocks,
int *  status 

Delete the specified number of 2880-byte blocks from the end of the CHDU by shifting all following extensions up this number of blocks.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]nblocksnumber of 2880-byte blocks to delete
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffedit_columns ( fitsfile **  fptr,
char *  outfile,
char *  expr,
int *  status 

modify columns in a table and/or header keywords in the HDU

[in,out]fptrpointer to input table; on output it points to the new selected rows table
[in]outfilename for output file
[in]exprcolumn edit expression

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffffrw_work ( long  totalrows,
long  offset,
long  firstrow,
long  nrows,
int  nCols,
iteratorCol colData,
void *  userPtr 
int fffi1i1 ( unsigned char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  tnull,
unsigned char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi1i2 ( unsigned char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  tnull,
short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi1i4 ( unsigned char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  tnull,
long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi1i8 ( unsigned char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  tnull,
LONGLONG  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
LONGLONG output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi1int ( unsigned char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  tnull,
int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi1r4 ( unsigned char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  tnull,
float  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
float *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi1r8 ( unsigned char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  tnull,
double  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
double *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi1s1 ( unsigned char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  tnull,
signed char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
signed char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi1u2 ( unsigned char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  tnull,
unsigned short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi1u4 ( unsigned char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  tnull,
unsigned long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi1uint ( unsigned char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  tnull,
unsigned int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi2i1 ( short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  tnull,
unsigned char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi2i2 ( short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  tnull,
short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi2i4 ( short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  tnull,
long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi2i8 ( short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  tnull,
LONGLONG  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
LONGLONG output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi2int ( short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  tnull,
int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi2r4 ( short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  tnull,
float  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
float *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi2r8 ( short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  tnull,
double  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
double *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi2s1 ( short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  tnull,
signed char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
signed char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi2u2 ( short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  tnull,
unsigned short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi2u4 ( short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  tnull,
unsigned long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi2uint ( short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  tnull,
unsigned int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi4i1 ( INT32BIT input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
INT32BIT  tnull,
unsigned char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi4i2 ( INT32BIT input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
INT32BIT  tnull,
short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi4i4 ( INT32BIT input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
INT32BIT  tnull,
long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi4i8 ( INT32BIT input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
INT32BIT  tnull,
LONGLONG  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
LONGLONG output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi4int ( INT32BIT input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
INT32BIT  tnull,
int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi4r4 ( INT32BIT input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
INT32BIT  tnull,
float  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
float *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi4r8 ( INT32BIT input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
INT32BIT  tnull,
double  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
double *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi4s1 ( INT32BIT input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
INT32BIT  tnull,
signed char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
signed char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi4u2 ( INT32BIT input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
INT32BIT  tnull,
unsigned short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi4u4 ( INT32BIT input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
INT32BIT  tnull,
unsigned long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi4uint ( INT32BIT input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
INT32BIT  tnull,
unsigned int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi8i1 ( LONGLONG input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  tnull,
unsigned char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi8i2 ( LONGLONG input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  tnull,
short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi8i4 ( LONGLONG input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  tnull,
long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi8i8 ( LONGLONG input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  tnull,
LONGLONG  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
LONGLONG output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi8int ( LONGLONG input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  tnull,
int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi8r4 ( LONGLONG input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  tnull,
float  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
float *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi8r8 ( LONGLONG input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  tnull,
double  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
double *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi8s1 ( LONGLONG input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  tnull,
signed char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
signed char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi8u2 ( LONGLONG input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  tnull,
unsigned short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi8u4 ( LONGLONG input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  tnull,
unsigned long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffi8uint ( LONGLONG input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  tnull,
unsigned int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffflushx ( FITSfile fptr)

low level routine to flush internal file buffers to the file.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr4i1 ( float *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr4i2 ( float *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr4i4 ( float *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr4i8 ( float *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
LONGLONG output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr4int ( float *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr4r4 ( float *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
float  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
float *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr4r8 ( float *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
double  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
double *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr4s1 ( float *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
signed char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
signed char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr4u2 ( float *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr4u4 ( float *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr4uint ( float *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr8i1 ( double *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr8i2 ( double *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr8i4 ( double *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr8i8 ( double *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
LONGLONG  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
LONGLONG output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr8int ( double *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr8r4 ( double *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
float  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
float *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr8r8 ( double *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
double  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
double *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr8s1 ( double *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
signed char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
signed char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr8u2 ( double *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr8u4 ( double *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffr8uint ( double *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
unsigned int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffstri1 ( char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
long  twidth,
double  power,
int  nullcheck,
char *  snull,
unsigned char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffstri2 ( char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
long  twidth,
double  power,
int  nullcheck,
char *  snull,
short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffstri4 ( char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
long  twidth,
double  power,
int  nullcheck,
char *  snull,
long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffstri8 ( char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
long  twidth,
double  power,
int  nullcheck,
char *  snull,
LONGLONG  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
LONGLONG output,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffstrint ( char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
long  twidth,
double  power,
int  nullcheck,
char *  snull,
int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffstrr4 ( char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
long  twidth,
double  power,
int  nullcheck,
char *  snull,
float  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
float *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffstrr8 ( char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
long  twidth,
double  power,
int  nullcheck,
char *  snull,
double  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
double *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffstrs1 ( char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
long  twidth,
double  power,
int  nullcheck,
char *  snull,
signed char  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
signed char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffstru2 ( char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
long  twidth,
double  power,
int  nullcheck,
char *  snull,
unsigned short  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned short *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffstru4 ( char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
long  twidth,
double  power,
int  nullcheck,
char *  snull,
unsigned long  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned long *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fffstruint ( char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
long  twidth,
double  power,
int  nullcheck,
char *  snull,
unsigned int  nullval,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynull,
unsigned int *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgbyt ( fitsfile fptr,
LONGLONG  nbytes,
void *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgbytoff ( fitsfile fptr,
long  gsize,
long  ngroups,
long  offset,
void *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgclb ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
long  elemincre,
int  nultyp,
unsigned char  nulval,
unsigned char *  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgcld ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
long  elemincre,
int  nultyp,
double  nulval,
double *  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgcle ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
long  elemincre,
int  nultyp,
float  nulval,
float *  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgcli ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
long  elemincre,
int  nultyp,
short  nulval,
short *  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgclj ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
long  elemincre,
int  nultyp,
long  nulval,
long *  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgcljj ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
long  elemincre,
int  nultyp,
LONGLONG  nulval,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgclk ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
long  elemincre,
int  nultyp,
int  nulval,
int *  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgcll ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
int  nultyp,
char  nulval,
char *  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgcls ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
int  nultyp,
char *  nulval,
char **  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgcls2 ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
int  nultyp,
char *  nulval,
char **  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgclsb ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
long  elemincre,
int  nultyp,
signed char  nulval,
signed char *  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgclui ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
long  elemincre,
int  nultyp,
unsigned short  nulval,
unsigned short *  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgcluj ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
long  elemincre,
int  nultyp,
unsigned long  nulval,
unsigned long *  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgcluk ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
long  elemincre,
int  nultyp,
unsigned int  nulval,
unsigned int *  array,
char *  nularray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgcnt ( fitsfile fptr,
char *  value,
char *  comm,
int *  status 

Attempt to read the next keyword, returning the string value if it is a continuation of the previous string keyword value. This uses the HEASARC convention for continuing long string values over multiple keywords. Each continued string is terminated with a backslash character, and the continuation follows on the next keyword which must have the name CONTINUE without an equal sign in column 9 of the card. If the next card is not a continuation, then the returned value string will be null.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[out]valuecontinued string value
[out]commcontinued comment string
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgcprll ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
int  writemode,
double *  scale,
double *  zero,
char *  tform,
long *  twidth,
int *  tcode,
int *  maxelem,
LONGLONG startpos,
LONGLONG elemnum,
long *  incre,
LONGLONG repeat,
LONGLONG rowlen,
int *  hdutype,
char *  snull,
int *  status 

Get Column PaRameters, and test starting row and element numbers for validity. This is a workhorse routine that is call by nearly every other routine that reads or writes to FITS files.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]colnumcolumn number (1 = 1st column of table)
[in]firstrowfirst row (1 = 1st row of table)
[in]firstelemfirst element within vector (1 = 1st)
[in]nelemnumber of elements to read or write
[in]writemode= 1 if writing data, = 0 if reading data If = 2, then writing data, but don't modify the returned values of repeat and incre. If = -1, then reading data in reverse direction.
[out]scaleFITS scaling factor (TSCALn keyword value)
[out]zeroFITS scaling zero pt (TZEROn keyword value)
[out]tformASCII column format: value of TFORMn keyword
[out]twidthwidth of ASCII column (characters)
[out]tcodecolumn datatype code: I*4=41, R*4=42, etc
[out]maxelemmax number of elements that fit in buffer
[out]startposoffset in file to starting row & column
[out]elemnumstarting element number ( 0 = 1st element)
[out]increbyte offset between elements within a row
[out]repeatnumber of elements in a row (vector column)
[out]rowlenlength of a row, in bytes
[out]hdutypeHDU type: 0, 1, 2 = primary, table, bintable
[out]tnullnull value for integer columns
[out]snullnull value for ASCII table columns
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgext ( fitsfile fptr,
int  hdunum,
int *  exttype,
int *  status 

Get Extension. Move to the specified extension and initialize the HDU structure.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]hdunumno. of HDU to move get (0 based)
[out]exttypetype of extension, 0, 1, or 2
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgi1b ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nelem,
long  incre,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgi2b ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nelem,
long  incre,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgi4b ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nelem,
long  incre,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgi8b ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nelem,
long  incre,
long *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgnky ( fitsfile fptr,
char *  card,
int *  status 

read the next keyword from the header - used internally by cfitsio

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[out]cardcard string
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgphd ( fitsfile fptr,
int  maxdim,
int *  simple,
int *  bitpix,
int *  naxis,
LONGLONG  naxes[],
long *  pcount,
long *  gcount,
int *  extend,
double *  bscale,
double *  bzero,
int *  nspace,
int *  status 

Get the Primary HeaDer parameters. Check that the keywords conform to the FITS standard and return the parameters which determine the size and structure of the primary array or IMAGE extension.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]maxdimmaximum no. of dimensions to read;
[out]simpledoes file conform to FITS standard? 1/0
[out]bitpixnumber of bits per data value pixel
[out]naxisnumber of axes in the data array
[out]naxeslength of each data axis
[out]pcountnumber of group parameters (usually 0)
[out]gcountnumber of random groups (usually 1 or 0)
[out]extendmay FITS file haave extensions?
[out]bscalearray pixel linear scaling factor
[out]bzeroarray pixel linear scaling zero point
[out]blankvalue used to represent undefined pixels
[out]nspacenumber of blank keywords prior to END
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgr4b ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nelem,
long  incre,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgr8b ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nelem,
long  incre,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgtbc ( fitsfile fptr,
LONGLONG totalwidth,
int *  status 

calculate the starting byte offset of each column of a binary table. Use the values of the datatype code and repeat counts in the column structure. Return the total length of a row, in bytes.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[out]totalwidthtotal width of a table row
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgtbp ( fitsfile fptr,
char *  name,
char *  value,
int *  status 

Get TaBle Parameter. The input keyword name begins with the letter T. Test if the keyword is one of the table column definition keywords of an ASCII or binary table. If so, decode it and update the value in the structure.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]namename of the keyword
[in]valuevalue string of the keyword
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgtkn ( fitsfile fptr,
int  numkey,
char *  name,
long *  value,
int *  status 

test that keyword number NUMKEY has the expected name and get the integer value of the keyword. Return an error if the keyword name does not match the input name, or if the value of the keyword is not a positive integer.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]numkeynumber of the keyword to read
[in]nameexpected name of the keyword
[out]valueinteger value of the keyword
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgtknjj ( fitsfile fptr,
int  numkey,
char *  name,
int *  status 

test that keyword number NUMKEY has the expected name and get the integer value of the keyword. Return an error if the keyword name does not match the input name, or if the value of the keyword is not a positive integer.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]numkeynumber of the keyword to read
[in]nameexpected name of the keyword
[out]valueinteger value of the keyword
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffgttb ( fitsfile fptr,
LONGLONG rowlen,
LONGLONG pcount,
long *  tfields,
int *  status 

Get and Test TaBle; Test that this is a legal ASCII or binary table and get some keyword values. We assume that the calling routine has already tested the 1st keyword of the extension to ensure that this is really a table extension.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[out]rowlenlength of a table row, in bytes
[out]nrowsnumber of rows in the table
[out]pcountvalue of PCOUNT keyword
[out]tfieldsnumber of fields in the table
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi1fi1 ( unsigned char *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi1fi2 ( unsigned char *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi1fi4 ( unsigned char *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi1fi8 ( unsigned char *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
LONGLONG buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi1fr4 ( unsigned char *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi1fr8 ( unsigned char *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi1fstr ( unsigned char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
char *  cform,
long  twidth,
char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi2c ( LONGLONG  ival,
char *  cval,
int *  status 

convert value to a null-terminated formatted string.

[in]ivalvalue to be converted to a string
[in,out]cvalcharacter string representation of the value
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi2fi1 ( short *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi2fi2 ( short *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi2fi4 ( short *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi2fi8 ( short *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
LONGLONG buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi2fr4 ( short *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi2fr8 ( short *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi2fstr ( short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
char *  cform,
long  twidth,
char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi4fi1 ( long *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi4fi2 ( long *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi4fi4 ( long *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi4fr4 ( long *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi4fr8 ( long *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi4fstr ( long *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
char *  cform,
long  twidth,
char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi8fi1 ( LONGLONG array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi8fi2 ( LONGLONG array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi8fi4 ( LONGLONG array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi8fi8 ( LONGLONG array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
LONGLONG buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi8fr4 ( LONGLONG array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi8fr8 ( LONGLONG array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffi8fstr ( LONGLONG input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
char *  cform,
long  twidth,
char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffiblk ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nblock,
int  headdata,
int *  status 

insert 2880-byte blocks at the end of the current header or data unit

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]nblockno. of blocks to insert
[in]headdatainsert where? 0=header, 1=data -1=beginning of file
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffintfi1 ( int *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffintfi2 ( int *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffintfi4 ( int *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffintfi8 ( int *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
LONGLONG buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffintfr4 ( int *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffintfr8 ( int *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffintfstr ( int *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
char *  cform,
long  twidth,
char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffiprs ( fitsfile fptr,
int  compressed,
char *  expr,
int  maxdim,
int *  datatype,
long *  nelem,
int *  naxis,
long *  naxes,
int *  status 
int ffkshf ( fitsfile fptr,
int  firstcol,
int  tfields,
int  nshift,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffl2c ( int  lval,
char *  cval,
int *  status 

convert logical value to a null-terminated formatted string. If the input value == 0, then the output character is the letter F, else the output character is the letter T. The output string is null terminated.

[in]lvalvalue to be converted to a string
[in,out]cvalcharacter string representation of the value
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffldrc ( fitsfile fptr,
long  record,
int  err_mode,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fflongfi8 ( long *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
LONGLONG buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffmkey ( fitsfile fptr,
const char *  card,
int *  status 

replace the previously read card (i.e. starting 80 bytes before the (fptr->Fptr)->nextkey position) with the contents of the input card.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]cardstring value
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffoptplt ( fitsfile fptr,
const char *  tempname,
int *  status 

open template file and use it to create new file

[out]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]tempnamename of template file
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffourl ( char *  url,
char *  urltype,
char *  outfile,
char *  tpltfile,
char *  compspec,
int *  status 

parse the output URL into its basic components.

[in]urlfull input URL
[out]urltypeurl type
[out]outfilebase file name
[out]tpltfiletemplate file name, if any
[out]compspeccompression specification, if any

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffparsecompspec ( fitsfile fptr,
char *  compspec,
int *  status 

Parse the image compression specification that was give in square brackets following the output FITS file name, as in these examples:

myfile.fits[compress] - default Rice compression, row by row myfile.fits[compress TYPE] - the first letter of TYPE defines the compression algorithm: R = Rice G = GZIP H = HCOMPRESS HS = HCOMPRESS (with smoothing) B - BZIP2 P = PLIO

myfile.fits[compress TYPE 100,100] - the numbers give the dimensions of the compression tiles. Default is NAXIS1, 1, 1, ...

other optional parameters may be specified following a semi-colon

myfile.fits[compress; q 8.0] q specifies the floating point mufile.fits[compress TYPE; q -.0002] quantization level; myfile.fits[compress TYPE 100,100; q 10, s 25] s specifies the HCOMPRESS integer scaling parameter

The compression parameters are saved in the fptr->Fptr structure for use when writing FITS images.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]compspecimage compression specification
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffpbyt ( fitsfile fptr,
LONGLONG  nbytes,
void *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffpbytoff ( fitsfile fptr,
long  gsize,
long  ngroups,
long  offset,
void *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffpcluc ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
LONGLONG  firstrow,
LONGLONG  firstelem,
LONGLONG  nelem,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffpdfl ( fitsfile fptr,
int *  status 

Write the Data Unit Fill values if they are not already correct. The fill values are used to fill out the last 2880 byte block of the HDU. Fill the data unit with zeros or blanks depending on the type of HDU from the end of the data to the end of the current FITS 2880 byte block

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffpi1b ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nelem,
long  incre,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffpi2b ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nelem,
long  incre,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffpi4b ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nelem,
long  incre,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffpi8b ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nelem,
long  incre,
long *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffpinit ( fitsfile fptr,
int *  status 

initialize the parameters defining the structure of the primary array or an Image extension

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffpr4b ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nelem,
long  incre,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffpr8b ( fitsfile fptr,
long  nelem,
long  incre,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffpxsz ( int  datatype)

return the number of bytes per pixel associated with the datatype

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr2e ( float  fval,
int  decim,
char *  cval,
int *  status 

convert float value to a null-terminated exponential format string

[in]fvalvalue to be converted to a string
[in]decimnumber of decimal places to display
[in,out]cvalcharacter string representation of the value
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr2f ( float  fval,
int  decim,
char *  cval,
int *  status 

convert float value to a null-terminated F format string

[in]fvalvalue to be converted to a string
[in]decimnumber of decimal places to display
[in,out]cvalcharacter string representation of the value
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr4fi1 ( float *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr4fi2 ( float *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr4fi4 ( float *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr4fi8 ( float *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
LONGLONG buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr4fr4 ( float *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr4fr8 ( float *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr4fstr ( float *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
char *  cform,
long  twidth,
char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr8fi1 ( double *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr8fi2 ( double *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr8fi4 ( double *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr8fi8 ( double *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
LONGLONG buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr8fr4 ( double *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr8fr8 ( double *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffr8fstr ( double *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
char *  cform,
long  twidth,
char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffread ( FITSfile fptr,
long  nbytes,
void *  buffer,
int *  status 

low level routine to read bytes from a file.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]nbytesnumber of bytes to read
[out]bufferbuffer to read into
[out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffrhdu ( fitsfile fptr,
int *  hdutype,
int *  status 

read the required keywords of the CHDU and initialize the corresponding structure elements that describe the format of the HDU

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[out]hdutypetype of HDU
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffs1fi1 ( signed char *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffs1fi2 ( signed char *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffs1fi4 ( signed char *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffs1fi8 ( signed char *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
LONGLONG buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffs1fr4 ( signed char *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffs1fr8 ( signed char *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffs1fstr ( signed char *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
char *  cform,
long  twidth,
char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffs2c ( const char *  instr,
char *  outstr,
int *  status 

convert an input string to a quoted string. Leading spaces are significant. FITS string keyword values must be at least 8 chars long so pad out string with spaces if necessary. Example: km/s ==> 'km/s ' Single quote characters in the input string will be replace by two single quote characters. e.g., o'brian ==> 'o''brian'

[in]instrnull terminated input string
[in,out]outstrnull terminated quoted output string
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffseek ( FITSfile fptr,
LONGLONG  position 

low level routine to seek to a position in a file.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]positionbyte position to seek to

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffselect_table ( fitsfile **  fptr,
char *  outfile,
char *  expr,
int *  status 
[in,out]fptrpointer to input table; on output it points to the new selected rows table
[in]outfilename for output file
[in]exprBoolean expression

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffshft ( fitsfile fptr,
LONGLONG  firstbyte,
LONGLONG  nbytes,
LONGLONG  nshift,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ffswap2 ( short *  values,
long  nvalues 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ffswap4 ( INT32BIT values,
long  nvalues 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ffswap8 ( double *  values,
long  nvalues 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fftkyn ( fitsfile fptr,
int  numkey,
char *  name,
char *  value,
int *  status 

test that keyword number NUMKEY has the expected name and the expected value string.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]numkeynumber of the keyword to read
[in]nameexpected name of the keyword
[in]valueexpected value of the keyword
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fftrun ( fitsfile fptr,
LONGLONG  filesize,
int *  status 

low level routine to truncate a file to a new smaller size.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]filesizesize to truncate the file
[out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu2fi1 ( unsigned short *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu2fi2 ( unsigned short *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu2fi4 ( unsigned short *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu2fi8 ( unsigned short *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
LONGLONG buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu2fr4 ( unsigned short *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu2fr8 ( unsigned short *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu2fstr ( unsigned short *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
char *  cform,
long  twidth,
char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu4fi1 ( unsigned long *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu4fi2 ( unsigned long *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu4fi4 ( unsigned long *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu4fi8 ( unsigned long *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
LONGLONG buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu4fr4 ( unsigned long *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu4fr8 ( unsigned long *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffu4fstr ( unsigned long *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
char *  cform,
long  twidth,
char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffuintfi1 ( unsigned int *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
unsigned char *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffuintfi2 ( unsigned int *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
short *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffuintfi4 ( unsigned int *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
INT32BIT buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffuintfi8 ( unsigned int *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
LONGLONG buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffuintfr4 ( unsigned int *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
float *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffuintfr8 ( unsigned int *  array,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
double *  buffer,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffuintfstr ( unsigned int *  input,
long  ntodo,
double  scale,
double  zero,
char *  cform,
long  twidth,
char *  output,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffuptf ( fitsfile fptr,
int *  status 

Update the value of the TFORM keywords for the variable length array columns to make sure they all have the form 1Px(len) or Px(len) where 'len' is the maximum length of the vector in the table (e.g., '1PE(400)')

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffwend ( fitsfile fptr,
int *  status 

write the END card and following fill (space chars) in the current header

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffwhbf ( fitsfile fptr,
int *  nbuff 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffwrite ( FITSfile fptr,
long  nbytes,
void *  buffer,
int *  status 

low level routine to write bytes to a file.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]nbytesnumber of bytes to write
[in]bufferbuffer to write
[out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ffwritehisto ( long  totaln,
long  offset,
long  firstn,
long  nvalues,
int  narrays,
iteratorCol imagepars,
void *  userPointer 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ffxmsg ( int  action,
char *  errmsg 

general routine to get, put, or clear the error message stack. Use a static array rather than allocating memory as needed for the error messages because it is likely to be more efficient and simpler to implement.

Action Code: DelAll 1 delete all messages on the error stack DelMark 2 delete messages back to and including the 1st marker DelNewest 3 delete the newest message from the stack GetMesg 4 pop and return oldest message, ignoring marks PutMesg 5 add a new message to the stack PutMark 6 add a marker to the stack

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_checkfile ( char *  urltype,
char *  infile,
char *  outfile 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_close ( int  driverhandle)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_compress_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  hdl 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_create ( char *  filename,
int *  driverhandle 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_flush ( int  driverhandle)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_getoptions ( int *  options)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_getversion ( int *  version)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_init ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_is_compressed ( char *  filename)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  driverhandle 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_openfile ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
FILE **  diskfile 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_read ( int  driverhandle,
void *  buffer,
long  nbytes 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_remove ( char *  filename)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_seek ( int  driverhandle,
LONGLONG  offset 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_setoptions ( int  options)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_shutdown ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_size ( int  driverhandle,
LONGLONG filesize 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_truncate ( int  driverhandle,
LONGLONG  filesize 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int file_write ( int  driverhandle,
void *  buffer,
long  nbytes 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_already_open ( fitsfile **  fptr,
char *  url,
char *  urltype,
char *  infile,
char *  extspec,
char *  rowfilter,
char *  binspec,
char *  colspec,
int  mode,
int *  isopen,
int *  status 

Check if the file to be opened is already open. If so, then attach to it.

the input strings must not exceed the standard lengths of FLEN_FILENAME, MAX_PREFIX_LEN, etc.

   this function was changed so that for files of access method FILE://
   the file paths are compared using standard URL syntax and absolute
   paths (as opposed to relative paths). This eliminates some instances
   where a file is already opened but it is not realized because it
   was opened with another file path. For instance, if the CWD is
   /a/b/c and I open /a/b/c/foo.fits then open ./foo.fits the previous
   version of this function would not have reconized that the two files
   were the same. This version does recognize that the two files are
   the same.
[in,out]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]mode0 = open readonly; 1 = read/write
[out]isopen1 = file is already open
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_clear_Fptr ( FITSfile Fptr,
int *  status 

clear the Fptr address from the Fptr Table

[out]FptrFITS file pointer
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_get_col_minmax ( fitsfile fptr,
int  colnum,
float *  datamin,
float *  datamax,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_init_randoms ( void  )

initialize an array of random numbers

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_is_this_a_copy ( char *  urltype)

specialized routine that returns 1 if the file is known to be a temporary copy of the originally opened file. Otherwise it returns 0.

[in]urltypetype of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_quantize_double ( long  row,
double  fdata[],
long  nx,
long  ny,
int  nullcheck,
double  in_null_value,
float  quantize_level,
int  dither_method,
int  idata[],
double *  bscale,
double *  bzero,
int *  iminval,
int *  imaxval 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_quantize_float ( long  row,
float  fdata[],
long  nx,
long  ny,
int  nullcheck,
float  in_null_value,
float  quantize_level,
int  dither_method,
int  idata[],
double *  bscale,
double *  bzero,
int *  iminval,
int *  imaxval 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_rcomp ( int  a[],
int  nx,
unsigned char *  c,
int  clen,
int  nblock 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_rcomp_byte ( signed char  a[],
int  nx,
unsigned char *  c,
int  clen,
int  nblock 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_rcomp_short ( short  a[],
int  nx,
unsigned char *  c,
int  clen,
int  nblock 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_rdecomp ( unsigned char *  c,
int  clen,
unsigned int  array[],
int  nx,
int  nblock 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_rdecomp_byte ( unsigned char *  c,
int  clen,
unsigned char  array[],
int  nx,
int  nblock 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_rdecomp_short ( unsigned char *  c,
int  clen,
unsigned short  array[],
int  nx,
int  nblock 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_read_compressed_img ( fitsfile fptr,
int  datatype,
LONGLONG infpixel,
LONGLONG inlpixel,
long *  ininc,
int  nullcheck,
void *  nullval,
void *  array,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Read a section of a compressed image; Note: lpixel may be larger than the size of the uncompressed image. Only the pixels within the image will be returned.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]datatypedatatype of the array to be returned
[in]infpixel'bottom left corner' of the subsection
[in]inlpixel'top right corner' of the subsection
[in]inincincrement to be applied in each dimension
[in]nullcheck0 for no null checking 1: set undefined pixels = nullval 2: set nullarray=1 for undefined pixels
[in]nullvalvalue for undefined pixels
[out]arrayarray of values that are returned
[out]nullarrayarray of flags = 1 if nullcheck = 2
[out]anynulset to 1 if any values are null; else 0
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_read_compressed_img_plane ( fitsfile fptr,
int  datatype,
int  bytesperpixel,
long  nplane,
LONGLONG firstcoord,
LONGLONG lastcoord,
long *  inc,
long *  naxes,
int  nullcheck,
void *  nullval,
void *  array,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynul,
long *  nread,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_read_compressed_pixels ( fitsfile fptr,
int  datatype,
LONGLONG  fpixel,
LONGLONG  npixel,
int  nullcheck,
void *  nullval,
void *  array,
char *  nullarray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

Read a consecutive set of pixels from a compressed image. This routine interpretes the n-dimensional image as a long one-dimensional array. This is actually a rather inconvenient way to read compressed images in general, and could be rather inefficient if the requested pixels to be read are located in many different image compression tiles.

The general strategy used here is to read the requested pixels in blocks that correspond to rectangular image sections.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_register_driver ( char *  prefix,
int(*)(void)  init,
int(*)(void)  shutdown,
int(*)(int option)  setoptions,
int(*)(int *options)  getoptions,
int(*)(int *version)  getversion,
int(*)(char *urltype, char *infile, char *outfile)  checkfile,
int(*)(char *filename, int rwmode, int *driverhandle)  open,
int(*)(char *filename, int *driverhandle)  create,
int(*)(int driverhandle, LONGLONG filesize)  truncate,
int(*)(int driverhandle)  close,
int(*)(char *filename)  fremove,
int(*)(int driverhandle, LONGLONG *sizex)  size,
int(*)(int driverhandle)  flush,
int(*)(int driverhandle, LONGLONG offset)  seek,
int(*)(int driverhandle, void *buffer, long nbytes)  read,
int(*)(int driverhandle, void *buffer, long nbytes)  write 

register all the functions needed to support an I/O driver

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_store_Fptr ( FITSfile Fptr,
int *  status 

store the new Fptr address for future use by fits_already_open

[out]FptrFITS file pointer
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_translate_pixkeyword ( char *  inrec,
char *  outrec,
char *  patterns[][2],
int  npat,
int  naxis,
int *  colnum,
int *  pat_num,
int *  i,
int *  j,
int *  n,
int *  m,
int *  l,
int *  status 

Translate a keyword name to a new name, based on a set of patterns. The user passes an array of patterns to be matched. Input pattern number i is pattern[i][0], and output pattern number i is pattern[i][1]. Keywords are matched against the input patterns. If a match is found then the keyword is re-written according to the output pattern.

Order is important. The first match is accepted. The fastest match will be made when templates with the same first character are grouped together.

Several characters have special meanings:

 i,j - single digits, preserved in output template
 n, m - column number of one or more digits, preserved in output template
 k - generic number of one or more digits, preserved in output template
 a - coordinate designator, preserved in output template
 # - number of one or more digits
 ? - any character
   - only allowed in first character position, to match all
     keywords; only useful as last pattern in the list

i, j, n, and m are returned by the routine.

For example, the input pattern "iCTYPn" will match "1CTYP5" (if n_value is 5); the output pattern "CTYPEi" will be re-written as "CTYPE1". Notice that "i" is preserved.

The following output patterns are special

Special output pattern characters:

"-" - do not copy a keyword that matches the corresponding input pattern

"+" - copy the input unchanged

The inrec string could be just the 8-char keyword name, or the entire 80-char header record. Characters 9 = 80 in the input string simply get appended to the translated keyword name.

If n_range = 0, then only keywords with 'n' equal to n_value will be considered as a pattern match. If n_range = +1, then all values of 'n' greater than or equal to n_value will be a match, and if -1, then values of 'n' less than or equal to n_value will match.

[in]inrecinput string
[out]outrecoutput converted string, or a null string if input does not match any of the patterns
[in]patternspointer to input / output string
[in]npatnumber of templates passed
[in]naxisnumber of columns to be binned
[in]colnumnumbers of the columns to be binned
[out]pat_nummatched pattern number (0 based) or
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_unset_compression_param ( fitsfile fptr,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_unset_compression_request ( fitsfile fptr,
int *  status 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_write_compressed_img ( fitsfile fptr,
int  datatype,
long *  infpixel,
long *  inlpixel,
int  nullcheck,
void *  array,
void *  nullval,
int *  status 

Write a section of a compressed image.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]datatypedatatype of the array to be written
[in]infpixel'bottom left corner' of the subsection
[in]inlpixel'top right corner' of the subsection
[in]intnullcheck 0 for no null checking 1: pixels that are = nullval will be written with the FITS null pixel value (floating point arrays only)
[in]arrayarray of values to be written
[in]nullvalundefined pixel value
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_write_compressed_img_plane ( fitsfile fptr,
int  datatype,
int  bytesperpixel,
long  nplane,
long *  firstcoord,
long *  lastcoord,
long *  naxes,
int  nullcheck,
void *  array,
void *  nullval,
long *  nread,
int *  status 

in general we have to write the first partial row of the image, followed by the middle complete rows, followed by the last partial row of the image. If the first or last rows are complete, then write them at the same time as all the middle rows.

[in]fptrFITS file
[in]datatypedatatype of the array to be written
[in]bytesperpixelnumber of bytes per pixel in array
[in]nplanewhich plane of the cube to write
[in]firstcoordof first pixel to write
[in]lastcoordof last pixel to write
[in]naxesof each image dimension
[in]nullcheck0 for no null checking 1: pixels that are = nullval will be written with the FITS null pixel value (floating point arrays only)
[in]arrayarray of values that are written
[in]nullvalvalue for undefined pixels
[out]nreadtotal number of pixels written
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fits_write_compressed_pixels ( fitsfile fptr,
int  datatype,
LONGLONG  fpixel,
LONGLONG  npixel,
int  nullcheck,
void *  array,
void *  nullval,
int *  status 

Write a consecutive set of pixels to a compressed image. This routine interpretes the n-dimensional image as a long one-dimensional array. This is actually a rather inconvenient way to write compressed images in general, and could be rather inefficient if the requested pixels to be written are located in many different image compression tiles.

The general strategy used here is to write the requested pixels in blocks that correspond to rectangular image sections.

[in]fptrFITS file pointer
[in]datatypedatatype of the array to be written
[in]fpixel'first pixel to write
[in]npixelnumber of pixels to write
[in]nullcheck0 for no null checking 1: pixels that are = nullval will be written with the FITS null pixel value (floating point arrays only)
[in]arrayarray of values to write
[in]nullvalvalue used to represent undefined pixels
[in,out]statuserror status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int fitsio_init_lock ( void  )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ftp_checkfile ( char *  urltype,
char *  infile,
char *  outfile 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ftp_compress_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  driverhandle 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ftp_file_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  driverhandle 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ftp_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  driverhandle 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int http_checkfile ( char *  urltype,
char *  infile,
char *  outfile 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int http_compress_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  driverhandle 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int http_file_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  driverhandle 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int http_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  driverhandle 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ieevpd ( double *  inarray,
double *  outarray,
long *  nvals 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ieevpr ( float *  inarray,
float *  outarray,
long *  nvals 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ieevud ( double *  inarray,
double *  outarray,
long *  nvals 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ieevur ( float *  inarray,
float *  outarray,
long *  nvals 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_calc_max_elem ( int  comptype,
int  nx,
int  zbitpix,
int  blocksize 

This function returns the maximum number of bytes in a compressed image line.

[in]nxmaximum number of pixels in a tile
[in]blocksizeis only relevant for RICE compression

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_compress_image ( fitsfile infptr,
fitsfile outfptr,
int *  status 

This routine does the following:

  • reads an image one tile at a time
  • if it is a float or double image, then it tries to quantize the pixels into scaled integers.
  • it then compressess the integer pixels, or if the it was not possible to quantize the floating point pixels, then it losslessly compresses them with gzip

writes the compressed byte stream to the output FITS file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_compress_tile ( fitsfile outfptr,
long  row,
int  datatype,
void *  tiledata,
long  tilelen,
long  tilenx,
long  tileny,
int  nullcheck,
void *  nullflagval,
int *  status 

This is the main compression routine.

This routine does the following to the input tile of pixels:

  • if it is a float or double image, then it quantizes the pixels
  • compresses the integer pixel values
  • writes the compressed byte stream to the FITS file.

If the tile cannot be quantized than the raw float or double values are losslessly compressed with gzip and then written to the output table.

This input array may be modified by this routine. If the array is of type TINT or TFLOAT, and the compression type is HCOMPRESS, then it must have been allocated to be twice as large (8 bytes per pixel) to provide scratch space.

Note that this routine does not fully support the implicit datatype conversion that is supported when writing to normal FITS images. The datatype of the input array must have the same datatype (either signed or unsigned) as the output (compressed) FITS image in some cases.

rowtile number = row in the binary table that holds the compressed data

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_copy_comp2img ( fitsfile infptr,
fitsfile outfptr,
int  norec,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_copy_img2comp ( fitsfile infptr,
fitsfile outfptr,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_copy_imheader ( fitsfile infptr,
fitsfile outfptr,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_copy_overlap ( char *  tile,
int  pixlen,
int  ndim,
long *  tfpixel,
long *  tlpixel,
char *  bnullarray,
char *  image,
long *  fpixel,
long *  lpixel,
long *  ininc,
int  nullcheck,
char *  nullarray,
int *  status 

copy the intersecting pixels from a decompressed tile to the output image. Both the tile and the image must have the same number of dimensions.

[in]tilemulti dimensional array of tile pixels
[in]pixlennumber of bytes in each tile or image pixel
[in]ndimnumber of dimension in the tile and image
[in]tfpixelfirst pixel number in each dim. of the tile
[in]tlpixellast pixel number in each dim. of the tile
[in]bnullarrayarray of null flags; used if nullcheck = 2
[out]imagemulti dimensional output image
[in]fpixelfirst pixel number in each dim. of the image
[in]lpixellast pixel number in each dim. of the image
[in]inincincrement to be applied in each image dimen.
[in]nullcheck0, 1: do nothing; 2: set nullarray for nulls

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_copy_prime2img ( fitsfile infptr,
fitsfile outfptr,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_decompress_img ( fitsfile infptr,
fitsfile outfptr,
int  datatype,
int *  status 
int imcomp_decompress_tile ( fitsfile infptr,
int  nrow,
int  tilelen,
int  datatype,
int  nullcheck,
void *  nulval,
void *  buffer,
char *  bnullarray,
int *  anynul,
int *  status 

This routine decompresses one tile of the image

[in]nrowrow of table to read and uncompress
[in]tilelennumber of pixels in the tile
[in]datatypedatatype to be returned in 'buffer'
[in]nullcheck0 for no null checking
[in]nulvalvalue to be used for undefined pixels
[out]bufferbuffer for returned decompressed values
[out]bnullarraybuffer for returned null flags
[out]anynulany null values returned?

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_get_compressed_image_par ( fitsfile infptr,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_init_table ( fitsfile outfptr,
int  bitpix,
int  naxis,
long *  naxes,
int  writebitpix,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_merge_overlap ( char *  tile,
int  pixlen,
int  ndim,
long *  tfpixel,
long *  tlpixel,
char *  bnullarray,
char *  image,
long *  fpixel,
long *  lpixel,
int  nullcheck,
int *  status 

Similar to imcomp_copy_overlap, except it copies the overlapping pixels from the 'image' to the 'tile'.

[out]tilemulti dimensional array of tile pixels
[in]pixlennumber of bytes in each tile or image pixel
[in]ndimnumber of dimension in the tile and image
[in]tfpixelfirst pixel number in each dim. of the tile
[in]tlpixellast pixel number in each dim. of the tile
[in]bnullarrayarray of null flags; used if nullcheck = 2
[in]imagemulti dimensional output image
[in]fpixelfirst pixel number in each dim. of the image
[in]lpixellast pixel number in each dim. of the image
[in]nullcheck0, 1: do nothing; 2: set nullarray for nulls

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_nulldoubles ( double *  fdata,
long  tilelen,
int *  idata,
int  nullcheck,
double  nullflagval,
int  nullval,
int *  status 

do null value substitution of the float array. If array value = nullflagval, then set the output value to FLOATNULLVALUE. Otherwise, inverse scale the integer value.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_nullfloats ( float *  fdata,
long  tilelen,
int *  idata,
int  nullcheck,
float  nullflagval,
int  nullval,
int *  status 

do null value substitution of the float array. If array value = nullflagval, then set the output value to FLOATNULLVALUE.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Convert input double tile array in place to byte ints for *If convert or byte ints and do null value substitution *Note that the calling routine must have allocated the input array big enough *to be able to do this *int imcomp_nullscale ( int *  idata,
long  tilelen,
int  nullflagval,
int  nullval,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int *  status 

do null value substitution AND scaling of the integer array. If array value = nullflagval, then set the value to nullval. Otherwise, inverse scale the integer value.

int imcomp_nullscaledoubles ( double *  fdata,
long  tilelen,
int *  idata,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
double  nullflagval,
int  nullval,
int *  status 

do null value substitution of the float array. If array value = nullflagval, then set the output value to FLOATNULLVALUE. Otherwise, inverse scale the integer value.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_nullscalefloats ( float *  fdata,
long  tilelen,
int *  idata,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int  nullcheck,
float  nullflagval,
int  nullval,
int *  status 

do null value substitution of the float array. If array value = nullflagval, then set the output value to FLOATNULLVALUE. Otherwise, inverse scale the integer value.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int imcomp_nullvalues ( int *  idata,
long  tilelen,
int  nullflagval,
int  nullval,
int *  status 

do null value substitution. If array value = nullflagval, then set the value to nullval.

int imcomp_scalevalues ( int *  idata,
long  tilelen,
double  scale,
double  zero,
int *  status 

do inverse scaling the integer values.

int imcomp_test_overlap ( int  ndim,
long *  tfpixel,
long *  tlpixel,
long *  fpixel,
long *  lpixel,
long *  ininc,
int *  status 

test if there are any intersecting pixels between this tile and the section of the image defined by fixel, lpixel, ininc.

[in]ndimnumber of dimension in the tile and image
[in]tfpixelfirst pixel number in each dim. of the tile
[in]tlpixellast pixel number in each dim. of the tile
[in]fpixelfirst pixel number in each dim. of the image
[in]lpixellast pixel number in each dim. of the image
[in]inincincrement to be applied in each image dimen.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int iraf2mem ( char *  filename,
char **  buffptr,
size_t *  buffsize,
size_t *  filesize,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_close_comp ( int  handle)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_close_free ( int  handle)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_close_keep ( int  handle)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_compress_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  hdl 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_compress_openrw ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  hdl 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_compress_stdin_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  hdl 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_create ( char *  filename,
int *  handle 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_create_comp ( char *  filename,
int *  handle 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_createmem ( size_t  memsize,
int *  handle 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_getoptions ( int *  options)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_getversion ( int *  version)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_init ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_iraf_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  hdl 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_openmem ( void **  buffptr,
size_t *  buffsize,
size_t  deltasize,
void *(*)(void *p, size_t newsize)  memrealloc,
int *  handle 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_rawfile_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  hdl 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_read ( int  hdl,
void *  buffer,
long  nbytes 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_seek ( int  handle,
LONGLONG  offset 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_setoptions ( int  options)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_shutdown ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_size ( int  handle,
LONGLONG filesize 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_truncate ( int  handle,
LONGLONG  filesize 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_uncompress2mem ( char *  filename,
FILE *  diskfile,
int  hdl 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int mem_write ( int  hdl,
void *  buffer,
long  nbytes 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int parse_data ( long  totalrows,
long  offset,
long  firstrow,
long  nrows,
int  nCols,
iteratorCol colData,
void *  userPtr 
int pl_l2pi ( short *  ll_src,
int  xs,
int *  px_dst,
int  npix 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int pl_p2li ( int *  pxsrc,
int  xs,
short *  lldst,
int  npix 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_close ( int  driverhandle)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_create ( char *  filename,
int *  driverhandle 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_flush ( int  driverhandle)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_getoptions ( int *  options)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_getversion ( int *  version)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_init ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  driverhandle 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_read ( int  driverhandle,
void *  buffer,
long  nbytes 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_seek ( int  driverhandle,
LONGLONG  offset 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_setoptions ( int  options)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_shutdown ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_size ( int  handle,
LONGLONG filesize 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int root_write ( int  driverhandle,
void *  buffer,
long  nbytes 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stdin2file ( int  hd)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stdin2mem ( int  hd)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stdin_checkfile ( char *  urltype,
char *  infile,
char *  outfile 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stdin_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  handle 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stdout_close ( int  handle)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stream_close ( int  driverhandle)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stream_create ( char *  filename,
int *  driverhandle 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stream_flush ( int  driverhandle)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stream_open ( char *  filename,
int  rwmode,
int *  driverhandle 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stream_read ( int  driverhandle,
void *  buffer,
long  nbytes 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stream_seek ( int  driverhandle,
LONGLONG  offset 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stream_size ( int  driverhandle,
LONGLONG filesize 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int stream_write ( int  driverhandle,
void *  buffer,
long  nbytes 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int uncompress2file ( char *  filename,
FILE *  indiskfile,
FILE *  outdiskfile,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int uncompress2mem ( char *  filename,
FILE *  diskfile,
char **  buffptr,
size_t *  buffsize,
void *(*)(void *p, size_t newsize)  mem_realloc,
size_t *  filesize,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int uncompress2mem_from_mem ( char *  inmemptr,
size_t  inmemsize,
char **  buffptr,
size_t *  buffsize,
void *(*)(void *p, size_t newsize)  mem_realloc,
size_t *  filesize,
int *  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int uncompress_hkdata ( fitsfile fptr,
long  ntimes,
double *  times,
int *  status 
int urltype2driver ( char *  urltype,
int *  driver 

compare input URL with list of known drivers, returning the matching driver numberL.

Here is the caller graph for this function: