FG 1 - 4 Wednesday 15 May 2024 16:00 - 17:10 |
FG1 |
Cosmic Rays in Star Forming Regions
Convenors: Giovanni Sabatini, Brandt Gaches Moderator: Jürgen Steinacker | |
16:00-16:10 | Brandt Gaches | Introduction |
16:10-16:18 | Giovanni Sabatini | First ALMA Maps of Cosmic-Rays Ionization Rate in High-mass Star-forming Regions |
16:18-16:26 | Yao-Lun Yang | Ice Processing in Embedded Protostars (related poster) |
16:26-16:34 | Jaime Pineda | Large area Cosmic Ionization Rate maps: A new window to constrain the physics properties in star-forming regions |
16:34-17:10 | Discussion |
FG2 |
Multiple systems formation and their stellar masses
Convenors: Benjamin Thomasson, Shanghuo Li Moderator: Henrik Beuther | |
16:00-16:20 | Benjamin Thomasson | Introduction & Analytical model of hierarchical fragmentation within molecular clouds: towards a new perspective? |
16:20-16:35 | Shanghuo Li | High-order multiplicity formation in high-mass stellar protocluster |
16:35-17:10 | Discussion |
FG3 |
Beyond Flat Maps: Exploring the ISM in 3D Space and Velocity
Convenors: Godrian Edenhofer, Cameren Swiggum Moderators: Convenors | |
16:00-16:15 | Gordian Edenhofer | Introduction & Interstellar dust in 3D at parsec-scale resolution out to 1.25 kiloparsecs in distance |
16:15-16:25 | Cameren Swiggum | Unveiling the majority origins of young stellar clusters in the local Milky Way and their role in shaping interstellar structure |
16:25-16:35 | Josefa Elisabeth Großschedl | Star Forming Complexes in 3D space and time - how to trace cloud motion |
16:35-17:10 | Discussion |
FG4 |
Magnetic Criticality and Regulation of Molecular Clouds
Convenors: Hua-bai Li Moderator: Shanghuo Li | |
16:00-16:20 | Hua-bai Li | Introduction & A Unified Explanation of Zeeman Measurements and Polarized Thermal Dust Emission |
16:20-16:35 | Maite Beltran | Self-similarity of the magnetic field in G31.41+0.31 from core to circumstellar scales |
16:35-17:10 | Discussion |
FG 5 - 7 Wednesday 15 May 2024 17:20 - 18:30 |
FG5 |
Resolving accretion-ejection processes at scales of 100 au
Convenors: Alberto Sanna, Luca Moscadelli Moderator: Henrik Beuther | |
17:20-17:33 | Alberto Sanna | Introduction & Gas infall via accretion disk - late findings |
17:33-17:40 | Luca Moscadelli | The 3D velocity and magnetic fields of a MHD disk-wind around a forming star |
17:40-17:47 | Rolf Kuiper | High-resolution simulations of disks and magnetic outflows around forming massive stars |
17:47-17:54 | Katharine Johnston | Resolving the disk-jet accretion connection for forming massive stars |
17:54-18:30 | Discussion |
FG6 |
What collapses? Understanding the onset of star formation
Convenors: Sanghyuk Moon Moderator: Jürgen Steinacker | |
17:20-17:30 | Sanghyuk Moon | Introduction & When and How Do Prestellar Cores Collapse? Critical Conditions and Collapse Dynamics from Analytic Modeling and Numerical Simulations |
17:30-17:38 | Alva Kinman | The Core Mass Function in the Galactic Center |
17:38-17:46 | Hua-bai Li | B-n relation, virial parameter and collapse |
17:46-17:54 | Alice Nucara | Probing Star-Formation Mechanisms in Massive Star-Forming Regions: Bridging Observations and Simulations through the Rosetta Stone Project |
17:54-18:30 | Discussion |
FG7 |
Do Current and Upcoming Observatories serve the Star Formation Community well?
Convenor: Jens Kauffmann Moderator: Hendrik Linz | |
17:20-17:25 | Jens Kauffmann | Introduction |
17:25-17:30 | Brandt Gaches | |
17:30-17:35 | Rebecca Houghton | |
17:35-17:40 | Núria Miret Roi | |
17:40-17:45 | Jinshi Sai | |
17:45-18:30 | Discussion |