EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
Radio recombination line observations in the GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey

Michael Rugel
MPIfR, Bonn, DE
One of the key questions in star formation is the effect of stellar feedback on the interstellar medium and the interplay between atomic, molecular and ionized gas. To better characterize the ionized gas in HII regions in the first quadrant of the Milky Way, the GLOSTAR survey observed C-band radio recombination line (RRL) emission with the VLA at ~30" resolution, together with the continuum between 4-8 GHz, as well as molecular line tracers such as Methanol and Formaldehyde. By stacking 6 RRLs we reach a sensitivity of 3 mJy/beam at 5 km/s resolution. These observations are complemented with RRL observations with the Effelsberg 100m telescope, providing short-spacing information for the VLA observations, and tracing ionized gas both from extended star forming regions, as well as from the surroundings of compact HII regions. These observations allow us to determine the physical properties of ionized gas in an unbiased, sensitivity-limited way, and provide a unique high-resolution sample to determine the velocities, broadening mechanisms and electron temperatures of HII regions. I will present a survey overview, as well as early results on the kinematic and physical properties of the ionized gas, also in comparison to molecular gas as traced by archival CO emission surveys.
A. Brunthaler, MPIfR, DE
Y. Gong, MPIfR, DE
F. Wyrowski, MPIfR, DE
H. Beuther, MPIA, DE
K. Menten, MPIfR, DE
and the GLOSTAR collaboration
Suggested Session: High-Mass Star Formation