EPoS Contribution
The CARMA-Orion Survey

Shuo Kong
Yale, New Haven, US
The Orion A cloud is the nearest giant molecular cloud with massive star formation. It provides an archetype for multiple physical processes of star formation across the mass spectrum. A variety of types of star formation features, including cores, filaments, bipolar outflows, shells, bubbles, and photo-eroded pillars, can be studied jointly and in details. Here we present the initial results of the CARMA-Orion survey. The survey includes degree-size mosaics of the Orion A cloud in CO(1-0), 13CO(1-0), and C18O(1-0). The mosaics cover a number of famous regions, including the integral-shape filament, the Orion KL region, the Orion Bar, L1641-N, L1641-C, etc. We combine the single- dish data from Nobeyama 45m and the interferometer data from CARMA in the uv plane, producing an unprecedented view of the molecular gas distribution in the Orion A cloud. Initial analysis of the data cubes provides evidence of complex and interesting structures in the cloud. The implications for star formation processes are profound and follow-up scientific studies by the CARMA-Orion team are now underway.
Caption: Peak intensity map for 12CO(1-0). The map is in main beam temperature Tmb. The map is produced from the combined cube from CARMA data and Nobeyama 45m data.
The CARMA-Orion Team
Suggested Session: Molecular clouds