EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
Star Formation in Galactic Clouds and Filaments

Rowan Smith
JBCA Manchester, Manchester, UK
In this contribution I will present new simulations exploring the morphology and likely star formation in filamentary molecular clouds from spiral galaxy simulations with AREPO. The clouds are resolved down to sub-parsec scales in the original simulation meaning both galactic-scale forces and star formation is resolved in the same simulation. The simulations include supernovae feedback, self-gravity, time dependent chemistry and sinks particles to represent sites of star formation.
Firstly, I will examine the filamentary clouds lengths and widths, density pdfs, and turbulent properties. Do these agree with what we see in observations and in previous molecular cloud simulations that neglected the galactic context? Next I will investigate the morphology of filaments formed within the clouds and where sink particles form within them. Finally I will take a step back and look at how common high mass regions (about 1000 solar masses in a parsec cubed volume) are in the galactic cloud sample, and the implications that this has for how rare massive star formation is in the disc of our galaxy.
Caption: A face-on view of molecular gas in the vicinity of a spiral arm in a high resolution region of a spiral galaxy simulated with AREPO. Many filamentary clouds are formed in the simulation making this a diverse dataset to study the effect of galactic environment upon star formation.
T. Peasley, U Manchester, UK
R. Tress, U Heidelberg, DE
M. Sormani, U Heidelberg, DE
R. Klessen, U Heidelberg, DE
S. Glover, U Heidelberg, DE
P. Clark, Cardiff U, DE
C. Zucker, CfA, US
A. Goodman, CFA, US
M. MacLow, AMNH, US
Key publication

Suggested Session: Galactic-scale star formation