EPoS Contribution
Non-Ideal MHD in Star Formation and the Treatment of the Hall Effect in Numerical Codes

Pierre Marchand
OUTAP, Osaka, JP
Non-ideal MHD heavily influences the dynamics of a dense core's collapse by redistributing the magnetic flux. Recent studies show that the Hall effect plays a significant role in the redistribution of the angular momentum, leading to a weakened or strengthened rotation and the apparition of counter-rotating envelopes. We discuss these points and the numerical treatment of the Hall effect.
Caption: Azimutal velocity in a collapsing core (slice x=0), 200 years after the formation of the first Larson core. The simulation includes the Hall effect and the cloud is not initially rotating. (Marchand et al. 2018, to be submitted)
B. Commercon, CRAL, FR
G. Chabrier, CRAL, FR
K. Tomida, OUTAP, JP
Key publication

Suggested Session: Magnetic fields