EPoS Contribution
GGD27 MM1: is it an Archetype of an Accretion Disk around a Massive YSO?

Nacho Anez
ICE, Barcelona, ES
The massive star forming region GGD27(IRAS 18162-2048) is located at a distance of 1.7 kpc. It shows the spectacular and highly collimated radio jet known, HH 80-81-80N, with is powered by a massive (early B-type) protostar. We have found for first time evidences of the presence of an accretion disk surrounding the massive protostar, through (sub)millimetre high-angular resolution interferometric observations. HH80-81 represents a unique case showing that high-mass protostar form through an accretion disk.
We modeled accretion disk around massive protostar GGD27 MM1 using the irradiated Alpha-acretion disk models with dust settling. In this model the temperature and density structure is calculated self-consistently and the main heating sources are stellar irradiation and viscous dissipation.
By comparing the models with high angular resolution observation at 1.1 mm with ALMA we find a very massive disk, what could mean that relationship between stellar and disk mass is different in massive stars. We found significant substructure in the disk. Here, we compare these substructures with the ones found in low mass disks.
Caption: Disk ALMA image and residual map.
M. Osorio, IAC, ES
J.M. Girart, CSIC-IEEC, ES
G. Busquet, CSIC-IEEC, ES
Suggested Session: Protostellar disks