EPoS Contribution
Jets and Outflows of Massive Protostars

Anders Koelligan
IAAT, Tuebingen, DE
We model the long-term evolution of magnetized, massive prestellar cores from their initial gravitational collapse, through the formation of circumstellar disks, the launching of fast collimated jets and wide angle winds, to the final cloud dispersal and outflow broadening. Our simulations resolve a high dynamic range in space and time and enable us to analyze the physical mechanisms of the jet launching process in detail, investigate feedback properties of the outflow and distinguish various effects leading to outflow broadening.
In a comprehensive convergence study of spatial resolution and sink cell size, we investigate time-dependent jet launching mechanisms, disk evolution and feedback properties. Thus, we derive converged physical results and their corresponding resolution criteria. We compare our results with established analytical models for stationary jets and with recent observations.
Caption: Density distribution, velocity structure and magnetic field configuration of the center of a massive prestellar core during the accretion phase. Both, the fast magneto-centrifugal jet component as well as the slower wide-angle magnetic pressure driven outflow are analyzed. The disk structure is stabilized primarily centrifugally up to a few hundred AU and the envelope's material falling down on the disk can still be accreted due to magnetic braking in the equatorial plane and other viscous effects.
R. Kuiper, IAAT, DE
A. Sanna, MPIfR, DE
N. Kee, IAAT, DE
Suggested Session: Magnetic fields