EPoS Contribution
Discovery of a Warped Infalling Disk around an O-type YSO

Alberto Sanna
MPIfR, Bonn, DE
I will present the first direct imaging of an accretion disk revealed with ALMA around an O-type young stellar object. The disk appears warped and, by comparing the observed and modeled pv-plots (including full radiation transfer) along the disk plane, I will show there is a significant infalling motion towards the central star. I will finally present new ALMA dust polarization observations which unveil the magnetic field morphology across the warped disk.
A. Caratti o Garatti, DIAS, IR
R. Cesaroni, INAF, IT
C. Goddi, Leiden Obs., NL
A. Koelligan, Tuebingen U, DE
R. Kuiper, Tuebingen U, DE
K. Menten, MPIfR, DE
L. Moscadelli, INAF, IT
T. Pillai, UMAS, US
Q. Zhang, CfA, US
Suggested Session: Protostellar disks