EPoS Contribution
Painting better pictures of early massive SF in the aftermath of Herschel
Hendrik Linz MPIA, Heidelberg, DE | |
While in 2006, the Herschel mission was still in its planning stage, 10 years later we are still harvesting the fruits that this satellite has given us in the meantime. At MPIA, we have followed a strategy to scrutinise a pre-selected sample of very young high-mass star-forming clumps (IRDCs and ISOSS-sources) in great detail within our Herschel programme "EPOS". While the population of Herschel point sources embedded in these regions has been addressed earlier , we discuss here the morphological FIR fine-structure of the regions and their relation to the gas properties. We will present individual follow-up studies with both single-dish telescopes and interferometers. The IRAM 30-m, APEX and MOPRA studies highlight the chemical complexity of the regions and put a simple IRDC vs HMPO divide into question. Especially the interferometer studies reveal the complex dynamics within the more filamentary clumps on linear scales < 10,000 AU. Several (partly merging) velocity components can often be distinguished already with our NOEMA studies. For one grand-design IRDC filament we managed to secure 3-mm mosaicking data with ALMA over an extent of > 7 pc, which reveals a mazy composition of sub-filaments in dense-gas tracers like N2H+ that is not obvious in the IRDC's mid- and far-IR continuum appearance. Putting all our results together, we discuss to what extent this multi-facetted phenomenology can also be retrieved from current models of early (higher-mass) star formation. | |
Collaborators: H. Beuther, MPIA, DE S. Ragan, U Leeds, GB O. Krause, MPIA, DE Th. Henning, MPIA, DE T. Vasyunina, SAP, DE |
Key publication
Suggested Session: Massive Star Formation |