EPoS Contribution

Disk kinematics in the high-mass star forming regions W3(H2O) and W3(OH)

Aida Ahmadi
MPIA, Heidelberg, DE
A large sample of high-mass star-forming regions has been observed at mm wavelength as part of the CORE large program at NOEMA, aiming to answer fundamental questions regarding fragmentation and disk formation during high-mass star formation. With a high spatial resolution of around 0.3", we are able to differentiate between non-Keplerian structures and potential inner Keplerian accretion disks. Furthermore, with a broad range of observed molecules, we are able to disentangle different disk/core contributions. I will present preliminary results on our investigation of W3(H2O) and W3(OH) complexes with a focus on the innermost fragmentation of these regions and their disk kinematics.
H. Beuther, MPIA, DE
J. Mottram, MPIA, DE
and the CORE team
Key publication

Suggested Session: Massive Star Formation