EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
Conditions of CH3OH gas around a massive YSO

Andrea Giannetti
MPIfR, Bonn, DE
Hot cores are a preferred laboratory to study the physical conditions of complex molecules, which emerge in the warm dusty environment surrounding young massive stars. In this contribution, we provide a first detailed study of the CH3OH gas conditions at different radii from the hot core in the star-forming region G23.01-0.41. Our available observations target thermal methanol lines from parsec scales, down to a few 1000 AU, and maser lines as near as a few 100 AU, from the hot core center. CH3OH is a good tracer of physical conditions, and the resolution of our observations allows to trace the temperature profile and column density of the CH3OH gas close to the heating source. Because CH3OH molecules are formed on grain surfaces and evaporated in the gas phase above a given temperature, it is possible to directly infer this temperature in an interstellar environment, and to measure the extent of the region which exceeds this temperature threshold around the central object. The combination of both, the extent of the emitting area and the CH3OH abundance for temperatures in excess of the evaporation threshold, will be compared with the most recent models of hot-core chemical evolution, in order to investigate the warm-up timescale and the evolutionary stage of G23.01-0.41. The potential of these properties to be used as general evolutionary indicators will be discussed.
Caption: Portion of the spectra towards G23.01-0.41 obtained for the indicated spatial scales (from radii of 65000 AU to 2000 AU, according to colour code).
A. Sanna, MPIfR, DE
L. Moscadelli, OAA, IT
R. Cesaroni, OAA, IT
Q. Zhang, CfA, US
Suggested Session: Chemistry