EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
The carbon budget and formation signatures of molecular clouds

Henrik Beuther
MPIA, Heidelberg, DE
The interstellar medium (ISM) is mainly comprised of ionized, neutral atomic and molecular gas. One of the most important constituents of these phases is carbon in its ionized/neutral/molecular form (C+, C0 and CO). However, until recently a coherent analysis of the different phases at adequate resolution (Jeans length ~0.2pc) is lacking. We therefore conducted at study of the spectral lines of C+ at 1.9THz, C0 (at 492GHz), and CO(2-1) with Herschel/SOFIA, APEX and the IRAM 30m at high spatial resolution (11''-13'') for several infrared dark clouds (IRDCs). With the combined data of the different carbon phases we can address: (a) How do the rela tive abundances change with evolutionary stage? (b) Are the different phases mainly excited by internal or external radiation sources? (c) How important are the phase changes for the carbon cooling budget of the ISM? (d) Can we identify cloud formation signatures (e.g., turbulent flows)?
S. Ragan, MPIA, Germany
H. Linz, MPIA, Germany
Th. Henning, MPIA, Germany
M. Nielbock, MPIA, Germany
O. Krause, MPIA, Germany
V. Ossenkopf, UKoeln, Germany
J. Stutzki, UKoeln, Germany
P. Schilke, UKoeln, Germany
S. Glover, UHeidelberg, Germany
R. Guesten, MPIfR, Germany
Suggested Session: Filaments