The MPIA conference series at Ringberg Castle
EPoS 2012 Objectives
Most astrophysicists might agree that for the later phases of star formation the basic parts of a paradigm have been worked out. However, opinions differ among the astrophysicists if this stage has been reached for the early phase of low-mass star formation as well as for the entire high-mass star formation process. The EPoS 2012 meeting aims to identify and assemble pieces of such an early-phase paradigm. As established in the earlier meetings, substantial time will be devoted to discussions after the presentations, at the end of each day, in the poster sessions, and in focus groups. Both early formation of stars from the low- to the high-mass regime are considered. Individual astrophysical topics of interest are: triggered star formation, clustered star formation, cores, chemistry, collapse, fragmentation, jets, competitive accretion, giant molecular clouds, binarity, magnetic fields, initial mass function, turbulence, X-rays, and early phases of disks.
The EPoS way: Large group, small room, remote location. Consider all aspects. Short talks, intense discussions.