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Multifluid magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in molecular clouds

Turlough Downes
Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
It is well accepted that non-ideal MHD effects have an important role to play in the dynamics of molecular clouds. They influence both the gravitational collapse of these clouds, and the turbulence occurring within them. We present and discuss the results of recently performed simulations of 4-fluid, driven MHD turbulence with parameters chosen to match observed molecular clouds. In particular, the power spectra of multifluid MHD turbulence are compared with those of ideal MHD, and the probability density functions of the mass density for the charged and neutral species are considered. The model of Li \& Houde (2008) is discussed in the context of these results. A simulated ``ambipolar lengthscale'' is calculated based on their model and compared with the actual ambipolar lengthscale in the simulations.
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