EPoS Contribution

Large scale modeling of the ISM and the origin of stellar masses

Troels Haugboelle
Centre for Star and Planet Formation, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
The formation of stars is a complex process involving the interplay of gravity, magnetic fields and turbulence in the interstellar medium. To pursue an unbiased investigation of star formation, where molecular clouds and prestellar cores are not affected by artificial initial and boundary conditions, large-scale models of the ISM are necessary. We use MHD models of the ISM with adaptive mesh refinement and exquisite dynamic resolution down to ~50 AU in the densest gas, allowing us to resolve the dynamical range of the problem, while simultaneously using box sizes of up to ~100 pc. The stars are described by a robust and scalable sink particle implementation, and we can follow the creation and accretion history of thousands of stars. With current runs we already find IMFs in good agreement with observations. To understand the origin of stellar masses I use tracer particles, allowing me to trace the detailed history of the mass accreting onto stars. I will present results that shed light on the question of where the mass comes from and quantitatively test theoretical models of accretion, on a statistically significant sample of stars.
AA. Nordlund, Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark
P. Padoan, ICREA & ICC, Spain