EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
A new grid of model spectral energy distributions for young stellar objects

Thomas Robitaille
MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany
In 2006, we made available a grid of model spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for young stellar objects that has since been used by the community to model thousands of sources in nearby and more distant star forming regions in the Milky-Way and Magellanic clouds. The models were at the time optimized to model near-infrared and Spitzer observations, but a number of limitations make them less than ideal to model Herschel and longer wavelength observations. In this talk I will present a new and much larger grid of model SEDs that addresses many issues with the original model grid, such as parameter space coverage, and is well suited to model long-wavelength observations. The new models were computed with HYPERION, a new radiative transfer code (Robitaille, 2011). I will discuss the design of the model grid, initial modeling results, and I will discuss some of the open issues in applying these kinds of models to long-wavelength data.
B. Whitney, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Key publication