EPoS Contribution

Jets from Massive Protostars

Peter Hofner
New Mexico Tech, Socorro, USA
Outflow phenomena are ubiquituously observed toward the known candidate sample of massive protostars, generally using molecules like CO, SO, HCO+ as well as a number of maser species like H2O or CH3OH. The angular resolution of these studies is generally between one arcminute and several arcseconds, and as a result the small scale structure of the flow near the massive protostars remains unknown. We have carried out a deep continuum survey in the 6 and 1.3 cm bands with the EVLA to search for the driving sources of flows from massive protostars. Our survey has a typical image rms noise level of about 5 micro-Jansky, which is more than an order of magnitude more sensitive than most previous continuum observations toward massive protostars. As a result we detect a large number of previously unknown sources. In this contribution we will report on this survey, and present images of a number of new thermal and non-thermal jets from massive protostars. We will discuss detection rates of jets as functions of environment and evolutionary phase. The data also allow to constrain the energetics of the flows, as well as the collimation mechanisms, in particular in relation to accretion disks around these objects. Many of these objects are detected by the SPITZER IRAC and MIPS bands, allowing an investigation of their IR properties.