EPoS Contribution

Starformation in NGC 6334 with Herschel datas

Jeremy Tige
LAM, Marseille, France
I present first Herschel PACS and SPIRE results for the NGC 6334 complex in the far-infrared regime at wavel- negths of 70, 160, 250, 350 and 500 μm. The Herschel analysis is complemented with sub-millimetric SIMBA/SEST 1.2mm observation. We use the source extraction algorithm ’getsources’ to extract compact sources and measure their fluxes. The spectral energy distribution is then fitted to determine the physical parameters of the sources including temperature and masse. I focus on the sample of massive dense cores (M > 180 Msol) which are expected to be the most probable sites for the formation of massive stars, and discuss the statistical properties of the extracted sources as well as searching for association with signpots of star formation. A short-list of relevant IR-quiet massive dense cores is extracted and will be targets for an ALMA proposal to explore the fragmentation and the chemistry of these massive dense cores.
Russeil, LAM, France