EPoS Contribution

Molecular Outflow as an Entrainment Phenomenon

Guang-Xing Li
MPIfR, Bonn, Germany
We propose a wind-driven turbulent model for outflow from protostars. We consider the interaction between the wind from the central protostar and the turbulent envelope, and the outflow is the turbulent entrainment layer that is developed between the wind and the envelope. The turbulence of the interstellar medium plays important role in our model by shaping the outflow cavity and by aiding the mass-growth of the outflow. Our model show promising morphology and kinematic structure. It can explain the de-collimation of outflow with time and is physically consistent in the sense that the dynamical effect of supersonic turbulence, which have been neglected in the wind-driven shell model, is taken into account. Further observational tests are discussed.
Caption: NO
Friedrich Wyrowski
Keping Qiu
Karl Menten