EPoS Contribution

Confronting theory with observation: The case of NGC6334I

Anika Schmiedeke
I Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany
High-mass stars play a key role in shaping the interstellar medium due to their strong UV radiation fields and stellar winds. They form deeply embedded in dense molecular gas, which is heated up and ionized by the strong radiation field of the early-type stars. The high temperatures lead to the evaporation of gas mantles around the dust grains, exhibiting the rich chemistry. Being able to observe so many different molecules towards these regions allows us to constrain physical parameters (i.e temperature, density, mass), the kinematics of these regions and, through chemical abundance distributions, the thermal history. This is vital to test and calibrate physical and chemical models of star formation. The data quality of present day instruments, and modern theoretical frameworks of star formation allow and actually demand that this comparison is done in 3-d. I'll focus on the Cologne work concerning the data modeling and will show detailed results of NGC6334I, a luminous and relatively nearby (d=1.7kpc) region containing several sub-concentrations of massive star formation at various evolutionary stages (c.f. Hunter et al. 2006). We model the dust continuum and line radiation using RADMC-3D and LIME, calculating the dust temperature self-consistently. At present, we focus on the line emission of dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3), a complex organic molecule that is ubiquitous in massive star forming region, and formaldehyde (H2CO), a tracer of the inner and outer part of hot cores and a probe of the kinematic temperature as well as the spatial density. We are currently working on including chemical network calculations in order to constrain more of the many free parameters self-consistently, and plan to use density and velocity structures predicted by star formation modeling as structure templates.
P. Schilke, PH1 Köln, Germany
R. Choudhury, PH1 Köln, Germany
A. Zernickel, PH1 Köln, Germany
R. Rolffs, MPIfR, Germany