EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
"Coreshine" - the New Window to Explore Dust Growth in Cores

Jürgen Steinacker
LERMA, Observatoire de Paris, France

In this contribution, I will summarize the current activities and results exploring the newly detected coreshine.
Based on our detailed 3D radiative transfer investigation of the MIR emission seen from the inner parts of L183, we show that coreshine is MIR interstellar radiation scattered by grown dust grains in the dense parts of molecular cloud cores. We present arguments why PAH emission can be excluded as an alternative explanation for the coreshine. The radiative transfer modeling has the clear result that grain growth is required to explain the coreshine effect. In this way, the coreshine opens up a new window to study the evolution of grains in the dense core environment. The new evidence is compared to indirect evidence of larger grains derived from NIR/MIR extinction and millimeter observations.
In several projects we have investigated the implication of dust growth in low- and high-mass cores ranging from the frequency of coreshine occurrence to the change in the seed population of planet formation.
L. Pagani, LERMA, OdP, France
A. Bacmann, LAOG Grenoble, France
S. Guieu, SSC, USA
C. Ormel, MPIA, Germany
Th. Henning, MPIA, Germany
A. Stutz, MPIA, Germany
Key publication

Suggested Session: Cores and Collapse, Massive Stars, Molecular Clouds