EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
The Early History of Disks, Outflows, and Binary Stars

Ralph E. Pudritz
Origins Institute, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
We present 3D simulations of the early stages of collapse (first 100,000 yrs) of an overdense, star-forming cores. In purely hydrodynamic collapses, we find that gravitationaly instabilities prevent an ordered early disk from forming, but observe strong accretion flow onto the central region by a series of bar modes. Magnetic fields, we find, suppress these instabilities allowing early disks to form. Our computations also allow us to follow the effect of ambipolar diffusion. Our simulations have surprising consequences for the early formation of disks, their density and temperature structures, the mechanism of early outflow, flash heating of grains by ambipolar diffusion, and the origin of binary stars by disk fragmentation.
Dennis Duffin, McMaster University, Canada
Key publication

Suggested Session: Cores and Collapse, Early Phases of Disks, Magnetic Fields