EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
The role of non-ideal MHD turbulence in the early phases of circumstellar disk evolution: Dynamic determination of the ionization fraction

Mario Flock
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
We present the first 3D non-ideal MHD simulations with a self consistent dynamic evolution of the ionization fraction of the gas as result of an intelligently reduced chemical network. We include X-ray ionization from the star as well as Cosmic ray ionization which in combination with the local gas density and temperature feeds our chemical network to determine the magnetic resistivity feeding back into the MHD simulations. In our simulations we show that the "earlier" the disks are (more massive) the more pronounced the extent of "the dead-zone" becomes.
Caption: The turbulent dust transport into the dead-zone. We put a micro-sized dust tracer in the inner active region of the disk and followed its path into the dead-zone. The figure present a 3D Volume plot of a zoom into the dead zone (4.5 - 8 AU). White blue indicate the concentration of the dust particles. The finger like structures indicate vertical streams into the dead zone.
N. Turner, JPL, USA
N.S. Dzyurkevich, MPIA, Germany
H. Klahr, MPIA, Germany
Key publication

Suggested Session: Early Phases of Disks