EPoS Contribution
The Effects of Feedback on the Formation of High Mass Stars

Richard Klein
University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The formation of massive stars remains one of the most significant unsolved problems in astrophysics, with implications for the formation of the elements and the structure and evolution of galaxies. In this talk I shall discuss the results of extensive 3D simulations that we have made with our 3-D self-gravitational magneto-radiation-hydrodynamics adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) code ORION that address the early and late stages of high mass star formation and how the results of feedback effects from radiation and protostellar outflows at early times play a crucial role in the subsequent formation of high mass stars from the collapse of molecular cloud cores. I shall discuss key mechanisms that allow the formation of high mass stars to break the Eddington radiation barrier and present new results on the role of the interaction of outflows and radiation in the formation of high mass stars. I shall discuss our detailed predictions for line spectra of the cores and massive accretion disks formed in our simulations for next-generation radio and submillimeter telescopes such as EVLA and ALMA. These results will provide observational tests of our simulations of massive star formation.