The Early Phase of Star Formation
The MPIA conference series at Ringberg Castle, Germany
EPoS 2008 Posters

No. Name Contribution
1 Robi Banerjee Molecular Cloud Formation out of the magnetized ISM
2 Wolf Dapp New tests of the role of magnetic fields in star forming regions
3 Sami Dib From Cores to Stars: The role of Gravity
4 James Di Francesco Wide-field H2D+ Observations of Starless Cores
5 Melissa Enoch Characterizing the structure and evolution of deeply embedded protostars with mid-IR to millimeter observations
6 Cassandra Fallscheer Early evolution of massive protostellar objects and the search for disks
7 Rachel Friesen Clustered Low Mass Star Formation in the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud
8 Martin Hennemann Young massive cores in the ISOSS 170 um sample
9 Masaaki Hiramatsu AzTEC/ASTE Wide-Field Imaging of Southern Star Forming Regions at Lambda = 1.1 mm
10 Vera Hoffmeister Triggered star formation in M17
11 Takashi Hosokawa Evolution of massive protostars growing under high accretion rates
12 Doug Johnstone Current Star Formation in the Perseus and Ophiuchus Molecular Clouds
13 Jens Kauffmann Star Formation of L1448 in 3D: Does only Gravity matter?
14 Pamela Klaassen Infall, Rotation and Outflow in Four Massive Star Forming Regions
15 Marco Lombardi The three-dimensional structure of giant molecular clouds: current status and prospects with GAIA
16 Anaelle Maury The impact of protostellar feedback on clustered star formation
17 Frederique Motte HOBYS: The Herschel imaging survey of OB Young Stellar objects
18 Markus Nielbock A brief history of the large accretion disc in M 17
19 Dieter Nürnberger High Mass Star Formation to the Extremes: NGC 3603 at High Angular Resolution from Infrared to Millimeter Wavelengths
20 Kazi Rygl Early phases of massive star formation in high extinction clouds
21 Takeshi Sakai A Survey of Molecular Lines toward Massive Clumps Associated with Infrared Dark Clouds
22 Frederic Schuller The APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL)
23 Dmitry Semenov Chemical evolution of protoplanetary disks: the role of surface chemistry and non-thermal mechanisms
24 Dmitry Semenov Chemical and line radiative transfer modeling of protoplanetary disks in the ALMA era
25 Dimitris Stamatelos Brown dwarf formation by fragmentation of early-phase massive discs
26 Thomas Troland Statistically significant observations of magnetic field strengths in molecular clouds
27 Tatiana Vasyunina Millimeter mapping and MIR extinction maps for southern IRDCs
28 Anthony Whitworth Star formation triggered by expanding HII regions
29 Dmitry Wiebe Toward truly initial conditions for chemistry in starless cores
30 Harold Yorke Evolution of Accreting Protostars
31 Hans Zinnecker The Multiplicity of Massive Stars
The EPoS way: Large group, small room, remote location. Consider all aspects. Short talks, intense discussions.